Wii Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (Cavia, On-Rails)

Nintendo Power Code Veronica Tidbits:

Boss battle with the Tyrant aboard the cargo plane. Interestingly, it sounds like it plays out fairly similarly to the encounter in CODE: Veronica, even down to having to use an exploding crate to shove the Tyrant out of the back of the plane. This is handled by a quick time event in DSC, and, much like in the original, you have to do a certain amount of damage to the monster before the crate will knock it out of the plane. If you haven't done enough damage, then it will stop the crate and shove it back.

It seems Claire never runs into Wesker while on Rockfort Island as she did in CVX. The article stated that when Claire and Steve are escaping the island in the plane, you see Wesker standing in the shadows, watching them fly away. Now, she still may have bumped into him prior to this point, but judging from the way the article described this scene, it sounds like they won't actually meet in person, at least not during the Rockfort Island portion. Perhaps this is one of the changes that had to be made as a result of Steve being there with Claire?

Strangely, Capcom confirmed to NP that Chris will make an appearance during the CV scenario, but they would not confirm that he would be playable. This may simply be due to the fact that NP played this demo a good while before TGS.

Nintendo Power Operation Javier Tidbits:

Regarding the decision to set the new scenario in South America, Kawata said that they wanted to set it in a place the series has never been to before, and they wanted a more exotic locale where they could come up with "interesting names" for characters. Also, they had developed a brand new lighting engine for DSC and wanted to show it off in a daylight setting to contrast the relatively dark RE2 and CV scenarios.

He also made an interesting note about Javier's relationship with a certain character. (Manuela? Krauser?)
Strangely, Capcom confirmed to NP that Chris will make an appearance during the CV scenario, but they would not confirm that he would be playable. This may simply be due to the fact that NP played this demo a good while before TGS.

Hmm weird...basicamente joga-se o CD2 de CV (Dreamcast) com o Chris! Weird :confused:
Hmm weird...basicamente joga-se o CD2 de CV (Dreamcast) com o Chris! Weird :confused:

Estranho realmente.. tendo em conta que o Chris ainda tem um pape importante nessa fase do Code Veronica, sem contar com alguns eventos chave que foram bastante elucidativos para compreendermos a história do jogo.
Estranho realmente.. tendo em conta que o Chris ainda tem um pape importante nessa fase do Code Veronica, sem contar com alguns eventos chave que foram bastante elucidativos para compreendermos a história do jogo.

Sim não tem muita lógica. Nunca joguei ao Code Verónica X, será que nessa versão tiraram o Chris?:confused:

Bom esta noticia até tem haver um pouco com o trabalho por detrás do novo Resident Evil para a wii (Dark Chronicles).

Generally, Japanese stock market index Nikkei doesn’t bring too much in terms of major gaming announcements, but today it brings two. First, we learned of a new DSi model, and now a report from the index tells that Capcom is going to bring their high-end engine, MT Framework, over to Wii. The engine has powered such games as Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2, and it looks as though the company is interested in using the move to not only increase production efficiency, but to include Wii versions of more of their multiplatform games.
As of now, there is no news on what games would be using the engine on Wii, but if you had to speculate, where would your predictions lay?
Fonte: http://www.nintendoeverything.com/

Yeah \o/

EDIT: Também ficam ai para explorar, o novo rumor, de uma nova DSi com monitor maior, for the same price ^^
Edição Especial Japonesa:

Priced at ¥8,390, the collectors edition includes a soundtrack CD featuring orchestral arrangements of classic series songs, a DVD featuring promotional movies and other footage, and a reversible jacket.

Too pricey for you? Capcom also has a bonus item on the way for all Darkside Chronicles buyers. The first print of the game will include a booklet titled Darkside Report. This details the characters and other aspects of the game.



Provavelmente, sem hipótese de aparecer cá por estas bandas :(