Wii Wiiware/Jogos para download

Só podem estar a gozar comigo. A Wii tem um catálogo de jogos retro bem melhor que o XBLA....
Tudo bem que não é tecnicamente o mesmo serviço (VC/Wiiware) mas convenhamos que está na porta ao lado...

Talvez se formos ver a fonte da notícia da Gameover a coisa dê para interpretar de outra forma. É que se há coisa de que o Wii tem é um catálogo enorme de jogos retro.
Só vendo esse quote o problema (como seria de esperar) é dinheiro

E é natural que se prefira sempre o que dá mais
Última edição:
Mais comentários positivos:

Michael Thornton Wyman (Big Splash Games): We are signed up as a Wii developer and are really excited about the platform. I think that Nintendo, through their history in video games, have been really, really excellent at the same qualities that make good casual games good. What I mean by that is their rules are really straightforward. They have always had a “pick up and play” quality to them with this layered complexity and real depth. At the same time, your typical Nintendo game is not something you have to read a manual for or spend a whole lot of time and energy figuring out what the rules or the mechanics of the game require you to do. In that sense, they’ve been doing “casual games” for their entire history, and I think that’s their strong suit and their forte. I think that Playstation 3 and Xbox Live Arcade are great platforms, but I’m expecting that, in this market, Nintendo’s going to take the day. But that’s just my personal opinion.
Fonte: http://www.azcentral.com/members/Blog/Blog4Play/19543
consta que os devs preferem o Wiiware ao XBLA o único senão que vejo nisto é o espaço de memória da Wii... eu sei que ainda é muito mas tirando os SD não sei como se há-de fazer com o serviço mas eles já têm a jogada toda planeada espero.
consta que os devs preferem o Wiiware ao XBLA o único senão que vejo nisto é o espaço de memória da Wii... eu sei que ainda é muito mas tirando os SD não sei como se há-de fazer com o serviço mas eles já têm a jogada toda planeada espero.
no espaço do "disco" da wii tens para ai 512MB dos quais 350MB são utilizados para saves, channels e jogos vc/wiiware.
isso então dá no maximo de 7 jogos se tiverem o mesmo limite de tamanho como no xbox live arcade. e claro podes sempre passa-los para sd e guarda-los aí ou apagar e voltar a fazer download mais tarde
Última edição:
News: Wii Shop Channel Update

If you open the Shop Channel today... you're prompted to go to your Wii settings to download an update!
Have you used the Shop Channel on or since March 20th yet? If you haven't you are likely unaware that it needs updating. To do this simply go to your Wii's settings menu and select the option to check for new updates to your system.
Those of us in Europe may be a little unsure as to what this update does, as when re-entering the Shop Channel afterwards, nothing appears changed. However, Wii owners in the States also got prompted to update their Shop Channels today and were told this was "needed in order to access WiiWare games launching later this spring."
European gamers were not given this message but it would be safe to assume our update was for the same reason, so a launch date for the WiiWare system in Europe may be just round the corner... and hopefully a date for Brawl too, fingers crossed!

Update: the update has been tested on freeloaded Wii's and there are no apparent issues. Good news for all you importers!
Update 2: NoE have just sent out messages to Wii's that have their WiiConnect24 turned on, the message is similar to message US Wii owners got on their shop channels.
Dear Customer,
Nintendo would like to inform you that an updated version of the Wii Shop Channel is available.
This update features support for the WiiWare download service planned for May 2008.

There two things worth noting with this message. First it refers to WiiWare as "WiiWare" and not "Wii Software" which is what the service was to be called in Europe. Could this mean NoE have had a change of heart and decided to use the more identifiable name of "WiiWare"; even though "Wii Software" is still what appears in the Shop Channel menu even after updating? Hopefully so. We're going to be calling it WiiWare whatever :
Secondly and more importantly the message gives Europe a tentative release window of May 2008, remember the US will see WiiWare launch on May 12th so the gap between US and European launches sounds like it won't be too long.
Stay tuned to N-Europe for a more concrete release date for WiiWare in Europe and who knows maybe even Smash Bros. Brawl!
Mesma fonte de cima.:cool:
Mas ha um segundo update ja fiz o de 20 de março que era por causa do wiiware e enviaram me a mensagem hoje a dizer ha mais algum?