Multiplataforma Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Edition

***** com umas promos interessantes:
Para quem estiver interessado deixo aqui as melhores Toyboxes do Ano, podem procurar por elas dentro do jogo ou no site para as jogarem.

Ora bem, hora de colocar as últimas notícias cá. Espero que o fórum não receba um email dos advogados da Disney.

O Playlet Marvel Battlegrounds sai a 15 de Março, mais dia menos dia.


O preço do costume, ou apenas menos 5€, e apenas trás uma figura. Este só vem para aqui quando estiver com um bom desconto porque isto é mesmo preguiça deles.

Figuras que que já "conheciam" mas que de finalmente há imagens em condições.


O Black Panther está do caneco, mesmo bem feito.

Uns power disks da praxe.




Acabou-se a exclusividade com a Sony para esta figura. (:smiliel: Sony)

E uma boa surpresa.


Para terminar, as figuras e power disks relativas ao filme Zootopia/Zootropolis saem em Março.


E acabaram os seis meses de exclusividade por isso finalmente vai sair esta figura já em Fevereiro. (:smiliel: Sony)

Última edição:
Ora bem, hora de colocar as últimas notícias cá. Espero que o fórum não receba um email dos advogados da Disney.

O Playlet Marvel Battlegrounds sai a 15 de Março, mais dia menos dia.


O preço do costume, ou apenas menos 5€, e apenas trás uma figura. Este só vem para aqui quando estiver com um bom desconto porque isto é mesmo preguiça deles.

Figuras que que já "conheciam" mas que de finalmente há imagens em condições.


O Black Panther está do caneco, mesmo bem feito.

Uns power disks da praxe.




Acabou-se a exclusividade com a Sony para esta figura. (:smiliel: Sony)

E uma boa surpresa.


Para terminar, as figuras e power disks relativas ao filme Zootopia/Zootropolis saem em Março.


E acabaram os seis meses de exclusividade por isso finalmente vai sair esta figura já em Fevereiro. (:smiliel: Sony)

Última edição:
Ora bem, hora de colocar as últimas notícias cá. Espero que o fórum não receba um email dos advogados da Disney.

O Playlet Marvel Battlegrounds sai a 15 de Março, mais dia menos dia.


O preço do costume, ou apenas menos 5€, e apenas trás uma figura. Este só vem para aqui quando estiver com um bom desconto porque isto é mesmo preguiça deles.

Figuras que que já "conheciam" mas que de finalmente há imagens em condições.


O Black Panther está do caneco, mesmo bem feito.

Uns power disks da praxe.




Acabou-se a exclusividade com a Sony para esta figura. (:smiliel: Sony)

E uma boa surpresa.


Para terminar, as figuras e power disks relativas ao filme Zootopia/Zootropolis saem em Março.


E acabaram os seis meses de exclusividade por isso finalmente vai sair esta figura já em Fevereiro. (:smiliel: Sony)

Última edição:

Precisava de um esclarecimento. O meu filho tem o starter pack do Disney Infinitive para a PS3. Ele agora queria o do Star Wars e se eu percebi bem, não preciso da base nem do software, pois o que ele já tem serve, não é? Só irá precisar dos bonecos e dos discos do Star Wars?

A base dá, o software depende se for o starter pack 1 ou 2 não dá, é preciso comprar o jogo disney infinity 3.0 (pode ser o online)

Obrigado Rimagool. O software que tenho apenas diz Disney Infinity (não sei se é 1 ou 2, onde vejo isso?) mas foi antes do aparecimento do Star Wars por isso devo precisar então de comprar o software.

Hoje foi o primeiro Disney Infinity Next, uma apresentação/evento que segue o mesmo formato dos Nintendo Direct. Vão passar a fazer alguns de vez em quando para mostrarem o que vai acontecer no próximos meses com o jogo.

Podem ver o de hoje aqui:

Foi anunciado que a versão 3.0 vai continuar este ano, por isso não vai haver 4.0 tão cedo.

Um artigo que explica tudo isto muito bem:
Disney Infinity designers explain why we don’t need 4.0 and … a possible Michael Jackson figure

Big changes are coming to Disney Infinity.

Previously, a new version of the (according to the market research group NPD, most popular) “toys to life” game would come out every year. Those would support new playsets and characters, but they wouldn’t work with older editions of Disney Infinity. Now, future figures and playsets will all work with Disney Infinity 3.0, the edition that came out last year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, mobile, and Apple TV. This is a huge shakeup in the toys-to-life category (which also includes games like Skylanders and Lego Dimensions), which has emerged as one of the most popular gaming trends in the last few years.

Basically, Disney isn’t releasing an Infinity 4.0 in 2016.

Instead, Disney plans on four new playsets for Infinity, and you won’t have to buy a new version to play them. They’ll work with Disney Infinity 3.0 (was long as you have an Internet connection, since you’ll need to download that new content). Disney is also airing regular digital broadcasts, called Disney Infinity Next, that will discuss new content.

GamesBeat talked with Disney Infinity vice president of production John Vignocchi and studio founder John Blackburn about the new content coming to Disney Infinity, the surprising secret behind the best-selling figures, and the obscure characters they’ve discussed adding to the game.

GamesBeat: Do you have specific details on what the new playsets will be?

Vignocchi: Nothing beyond that one will be Pixar, one will be Disney Animation, one will be Star Wars, and one will be Marvel.

GamesBeat: I think I can connect some dots on what those might be.

Vignocchi: Yeah, maybe. But what’s interesting is there’s a lot of — depending on how close you’ve been following Infinity, that could mean a lot of different things. Last year, coming out Toybox Summit, our Toybox artists chose Peter Pan as a new character that’s coming.

Disney Infinity Next, although not in this first episode, will be revealing that character, showing his in-game moves, and showing what the figure will look like. We’re supporting Disney, as opposed to Disney Animation specifically, with lots of new content. But no confirmation on what that content is.

GamesBeat: Is there a release date for any of this yet?

Vignocchi: Our first big playset that’s going to be dropping will be the one in support of Marvel this year, which will be Marvel Battlegrounds. That will release on March 15, prior to the release of Captain America: Civil War. This playset is actually a — we call it a brawler. It’s like a fighting game, four players simultaneous. We’ve never done that, four player simultaneous local co-op, inside of Disney Infinity. This is something new. We’ve certainly never integrated a fighting game into Disney Infinity. That’s also totally new.

All the characters from Marvel 2.0, all 28 of those, will be compatible with 3.0. Plus, on March 15, we’ll be dropping Ant-Man, Vision, and Black Panther as three new characters that will be added to the Marvel roster. At the end of the Battlegrounds section we’ll drop an Easter egg. There are more Marvel characters and content coming this year. Those characters and content will be compatible with Marvel Battlegrounds.

GamesBeat: This is separate from the other four new playsets you’re talking about, right?

Vignocchi: No, this is one of the four. Our vision here is that this year, whether you’re a fan of Marvel, Disney, Pixar, or Star Wars, there’s something new for you inside of the Disney Infinity platform.

GamesBeat: You’re talking about supporting the new properties. Are we going to see figures representing any older, more classic movies or properties?

Above: Baloo looking good in Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney
Vignocchi: You definitely will. There’s obviously the Peter Pan figure, which we’ll get into in a future version of Disney Infinity Next. But inside this particular inaugural episode we’re doing, toward the end we’ll reveal that in support of Jon Favreau’s new live action version of The Jungle Book, prior to the release of the film, we’ll be releasing a classic animated version of Baloo. That will be compatible with Disney Infinity 3.0 and our Toybox mode. We’ll go into the development of that character, show some of his special moves, just some of the overall thoughts the development team had behind bringing this classic animated character to Disney Infinity.

If you’ve been involved in our community or know everything that’s happening around it, you know that we have huge fans of classic Disney animation. Going with this particular strategy of celebrating the release of the film, but kind of hyping it with a classic animated character, was the right strategy to appease our fans. And at the same time we’re able to draft off this great new film coming out.

GamesBeat: There’s a lot of synergy within the company with these, coming out to support new releases. Who is the ultimate decider on what characters become figures and playsets and so on?

Vignocchi: It’s a combination of people. It’s a combination of the properties, the stakeholders, characters and content that they’re excited about and want to put out there and support in different ways. It’s reactions to things that fans are asking for. On behalf of the product development team, it’s what characters are the most fun to play in the game. It’s a mix of all that. There’s probably 10 of us that sit in a room and argue about every three months over what new characters are coming.

The joke now is that I’ve wanted Darkwing Duck for so long. “I’d rather see Darkwing Duck than that character!” One day I’ll get him. The team is what makes a decision about what characters are added, but certainly we take input from our partners in theatrical and TV animation and parks and resorts. Across the entire company, everyone comes together.

It’s been a lot different. Now we take way more meetings with people coming to us saying, we’re working on a new film and we’d love these new characters to be in Disney Infinity. Before, we’d go to the different property holders and ask as politely as we could if we could integrate their properties into Disney Infinity. It’s become a thing.

GamesBeat: You’ve talked about these main properties. A lot of them are movie-based. We’ve seen some park-based stuff, like building Spaceship Earth, but can we expect more content directly from the theme parks?

Blackburn: We’ve worked a lot of with the team at the parks to figure out what the best way to do that would be. We’ve had some set pieces from the Toybox. We’ve talked about which characters might make the most sense. The real thought, just right now, is that yes, we’re always looking for opportunities there. As far as what we’re talking about today, we’re not announcing any of that stuff. But we’re working with those guys on some stuff for the future.

GamesBeat: I want a Figment figure.

Above: Figment is a mascot from Epcot.

Image Credit: Disney.
Blackburn: That’s the one that comes up the most frequently when we talk about characters from the parks that people really identify with.

Vignocchi: Hat-Box Ghost!

GamesBeat: Get Orange Bird in there, we can have all sorts of fun.

Blackburn: The cool one is, he’s been carrying the torch for Captain EO [a 3D film shown in the theme parks starring Michael Jackson] for a long time.

Above: Captain EO is like the most ’80s thing ever.

Image Credit: Disney
GamesBeat: Oh, my god.

Blackburn: That one’s a challenge for all the approvals. A lot of times, when we’re working on these things, the stakeholders have rights as to whether or not we can do things and we need to make sure we’re happy with what we do. It happens that Captain EO is the most complicated one that we’ll ever run into.

Vignocchi: I’m working on it! It’s like, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, [Francis Ford] Coppola, and then the Jackson estate. We’ll make it there one day.

GamesBeat: I could geek out about very specific characters and figures — I have a feeling a lot of people must do that to you guys. Maybe you get a little tired of, “This character needs to be a figure!”

Blackburn: It’s not tiring at all. I think the one thing that may or may not come across, depending on how much stuff you’ve watched, is that the team here are fans. There’s particularly — in any given franchise, whether it’s Marvel or Disney or whatever, we have super fans here. We generally hear from them first. In the same way that he really gets behind that Disney Afternoon [an old block of cartoons like Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck] lineup for Disney, there are other people carrying the torch for Marvel and some of the comic books that haven’t necessarily come back around as films.

Or on the Star Wars stuff, when we found out we first got that, we have a guy here whose office — he has every old action figure up on his walls. There’s definitely a lot of love for all those things. When people come and talk to us, if you get the right person when you’re talking to someone on the team, you might find someone who knows every bit as much as you do about the more obscure stuff.

GamesBeat: Going back to the new content, this is stuff that wasn’t on the disc or however you’d describe it. Are you going to need an online connection to download all of this?

Blackburn: Yeah. They’re going to come as title updates. It’ll come down when you turn on your system. It’ll automatically download it. If you haven’t been connected and you get one of these toys, we’ll ask you to hook up to the internet to be able to play it?

GamesBeat: Is that a concern anymore? Or do most of your players nowadays have a connection of some kind?

Blackburn: Most players do have an internet connection. If you think about how games have changed over the course of the last decade, to where — back in the day games were pretty much finished. They didn’t have bugs. You didn’t expect title updates. Now it’s a pretty standard thing to expect. Games are so large that it’s almost become an expectation in the industry, I think. But in general, we did think about it a lot on Infinity 1.0, because we had the Wii and the Wii didn’t really have storage to be able to do this. It wasn’t as connected as the platforms today.

GamesBeat: This is new ground, a bit, in the toys to life category. It’s something people have maybe always wanted, to skip paying $60 for a new version every year. That’s been a criticism or a request for a while now. Why is this the year it’s finally happening?

Blackburn: There are multiple reasons, but I think the biggest one that’s easy to understand is, we have all the major improvements to the software and big gameplay mechanics for the engine — those were all put in as we added Marvel and then the Lucas properties over the course of the years.

Each one of those, we were adding so much stuff, both in the Toybox and the gameplay engine. We felt like it all warranted new releases. Now what we’re doing is leveraging a lot of those things and focusing primarily on the new content that’s going to be coming, as opposed to these huge new gameplay mechanics.

GamesBeat: Are you able to look at sales data on specific figures? Does that play a role in deciding what new figures you’ll create going forward?

Blackburn: Absolutely. We always look to see the popularity on these. That allows us to — I look at it from two perspectives. Sales figures tell us how correctly we guessed what the audience really wants. Looking at that, we’ve definitely — we lay out a portfolio of characters at the beginning of the year and say, it’s probably going to be something that looks like this. We refine that list as it gets closer to needing to go into manufacturing on the toys.

But I’d say in any given conversation around which character it’s going to be, you can look at the criteria as — hHow popular is that character? That’s always going to be brought to the table. Is something new happening? Will there be excitement around that franchise? And then the third one is, how well does that character work with our gameplay mechanics? Then we bring sales up after those three things have been talked through.

GamesBeat: Do you know offhand which figures have sold the best? Has there been any particular runaway?

Blackburn: We’ve got an ongoing joke here. It’s green dudes. Mike Wazowski was the best-selling on Infinity 1, Hulk on Infinity 2, and now Yoda on Infinity 3.

GamesBeat: That’s great. Now I gotta know who’s green and coming in this next batch,

Blackburn: That’s what we’re doing. We’re skewing everything green. It’s going to be awesome. [Laughs]

GamesBeat: Is there going to be another fan vote to pick a character, like with Peter Pan?

Blackburn: We loved that. It’s a great way to interact with the community, giving them a voice. We had a lot of fun doing it. They took the vote very seriously. So absolutely.

GamesBeat: Do you worry that the barrier for entry for Disney Infinity is too expensive.

Blackburn: I feel like the toys to life genre sometimes catches a bit of bad rap. There’s all this stuff to buy and it’s so expensive. I come to this from the flip side of, we can build a game that’s much larger and has a lot more options for people to play with than any other game we’d be able to do this way. I feel like there’s a great value on the toys to life space, particularly in Infinity, where we have all the different content, and user-generated content you can download for free. We’re not really expecting people to run out and buy everything we create.

We’re saying, look, we have such a broad range of things that people potentially like — Something like Jack Skellington. You’d never be able to purchase a game for him, but you can go get that character. There hasn’t been anything happening with him lately, but he’s there and he’s represented in Disney Infinity in a cool way. I look at it from that value angle. I’m hoping that we can get some people to look at this and say, hey, if you were trying to buy this whole thing it would be expensive, but if you go in and buy the things you like and the things that resonate with you, there’s real value here. There’s a greater chance that there’s going to be something directly that you like.

Also, the amount of properties and franchises represented in the Toybox and all the user-generated content is really large. It provides a bunch of free content over the course of time.

Above: Zootopia figures are coming to Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney

GamesBeat: In all these editions we’ve seen improvements to things like combat and driving. Will we still see improvements like that introduced this year?

Blackburn: Absolutely. As we look at this — there will be a time when there’s going to be big new upgrades we want to do, and we’ll want to drop those in a large new release. But right now we felt like the content that was coming out in 2016 really lent itself toward us doing some upgrades to current systems, like the combat system we’ve put into Marvel Battlegrounds. It wasn’t a new system, but we tweaked all the moves to work for a brawler-style gameplay mechanic, as opposed to a brand new combat system like all the juggling and stuff we did last year.

I do think that there will be those things in the future. We’re still eyeing what targets those will be. But for right now, in the content we release this next year, we felt like we could leverage the stuff we already put in the engine.

GamesBeat: I think I know what your playsets are. You have Rogue One for Star Wars, Moana for Disney, and Finding Dory for Pixar. I can connect those dots.

Blackburn: [laughs] I cannot confirm or deny that. But we look forward to announcing those things later in the year. And when I say “those things,” I mean what we’re supporting. There are also the characters coming out, so to say that it’s definitely a playset or not is premature.


Mais alguns:

Bucking a trend that had new editions of the game hit every year, Disney today announced that Disney Infinity 4.0 won't be released in 2016. Instead, the company will continue to support and grow out its current game, Disney Infinity 3.0, which was released last summer.

The good news is that it means there's no need this year to buy a new starter disc, which typically sold for $65 with a hub and new figures, or spend $30 for the game alone.

The bad news is that it means there won't be any major overhaul to the game's core systems, hub world or Toy Box mode.

Instead, Disney is riding on the framework of Disney Infinity 3.0, using it to support at least four more playsets and a stream of new figures.

"For all existing fans, this is great news to them," said John Vignocchi, vice president of production at Disney Interactive. "For people on the fence about buying into the game, we're giving them a chance to take another look.

"We've always positioned Disney Infinity as a family gaming platform and brought some of the best developers to work on it, and we feel like we have achieved a level of quality with 3.0 that is indicative of the Disney brand."

That said, news today that Disney won't be investing in another major update to Disney Infinity this year does come on the heels of the company's earnings report earlier this month that showed the game isn't selling as well as expected.

"At Games," according to the financial report, "growth was due to higher licensing revenue from the success of Star Wars: Battlefront, partially offset by lower Disney Infinity results. The decrease from Disney Infinity was due to higher inventory reserves and lower unit sales volume."

When I asked Vignocchi if the two were connected, he said they weren't, and maintained that Disney is still deeply invested in its Disney Infinity games.

"We are number one in this category," he said. Disney's earnings report "did not have an influence on whether to put out [Disney Infinity 4.0] this year.

"The company has been completely behind Disney Infinity. If you look at all of the creative content coming out this year, you can see they are still proud and still 100 percent behind us."

Recent promotions within the company do seem like they could work well for Disney Infinity.

James Pitaro, the new co-chairman of Disney's consumer products division, is also the president of Disney Interactive.

"He's been a big supporter of Disney Infinity over the years," Vignocchi said of Pitaro. "Jimmy's appointment as chairman is significant because it shows our company’s commitment to the merging of physical and digital content together."

The biggest evidence that Disney is still behind its series of open-world exploration and creation games is the flow of content the company announced during today's video event.

The 15-minute video laid out plans for four new playsets, each delivering unique gameplay to Disney Infinity 3.0 and a number of new characters.

"Disney Infinity will support all of the major events and theatrical releases at Walt Disney in 2016," Vignocchi told Polygon. "This year we will release four new playsets, each introducing unique gameplay for the platform. Each of the playsets will represent new content from our core properties."

Those properties, he said, are Disney, Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars.

The first playset is the one we already know about. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset, which hits March 15, brings with it four-player rumbles using any of the previously released or yet-to-be-released Marvel characters.

Vignocchi likened the game to Capcom Dreamcast classic Power Stone, and said it would include destructible environments, a light story and level transitions.

The March release of a Marvel playset leaves Disney, Pixar and Star Wars for the remaining three playsets, though Vignocchi declined to talk about them.

The new characters kicked off today with Judy and Nick figures from Zootopia. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset will include Captain America figure in a Civil War-inspired costume. Disney will also be releasing Ant-Man, Vision and Black Panther in Civil War costumes on March 15, along with Spider-Man in his black suit. Black suit Spider-Man was previously available only as part of a starter pack.

Finally, March 15 will see the release of Baloo, tied to the Jon Favreau remake of The Jungle Book.

"With all of the content we are releasing this year, this will be the largest Disney Infinity release to date," Vignocchi said.

While Disney Infinity 3.0's core game mechanics won't change, that doesn't mean there won't be additions to the game outside of the playsets and toys.

"There will be elements added inside the hub throughout the year," Vignocchi said. "We will be running a bunch of Toy Box TV content to support the releases."

He said the team will also be designing playable games and levels that can be accessed through the hub's Toy Box mode.

What won't be changing is the face of the hub. The design of that central world, like the game's mechanics, won't be getting any sort of upgrade while Disney Infinity remains at 3.0.

"The hub is designed very specifically as an onboarding mechanism to help players fully understand the breadth of content inside of Disney Infinity," Vignocchi said. "Doing any changes to that would change the overall flow of the hub."

All of today's news was announced during something called Disney Infinity Next, a video that is designed to not just lay out the future of Disney Infinity, but also to give viewers some insight into the process of making Disney's games, movies and other content.

"There will be more episodes coming this year," he said. "We haven't determined the cadence yet; it needs to line up with retail and releases."

And there seems to always be more news to share for a game that stretches across so many different properties.

I asked Vignocchi about the strange absence of Star Wars: The Force Awakensfan favorite BB-8 from the current roster of Disney Infinity's Star Wars figures.

Is there a BB-8 figure in our future?

"We are absolutely investigating BB-8," he said. "It's a challenge because BB-8 is a totally different sort of character than we've done before; he's not a vehicle, not a biped or even a [quadruped]. We're looking at what we can do for that particular character. We will release it when it makes sense, if we're going to."

Darkwing Duck, a long-held personal favorite of Vignocchi's, is also still not in development as a figure. At least not yet.

Disney Infinity continues to poll fans for their favorites, and Darkwing Duck is high on the list, though that doesn't necessarily mean he's coming to the game as a figure.

Finally, I asked Vignocchi about virtual and augmented reality.

With VR or AR headsets planned for many of the platforms on which Disney Infinity 3.0 is available, is the company looking at bringing the game to these different reality headsets?

"We are looking at the technology," he said. "Finding ways we can leverage technology to provide new and compelling experiences for our fans is a priority to us at Disney."


Rather than release a fourth core game in as many years, the Disney Infinity team is focusing on expanding version 3.0 in 2016, with fresh content coming from all corners of the Disney universe including Star Wars, Marvel, Zootopia and The Jungle Book.

The new approach, detailed today in a Disney Infinity Next online presentation, makes a whole lot of sense. The series is based on the creative engine core developer Avalanche Software originally developed for the Toy Story 3 video game’s Toy Box mode. Along with allowing players to create their own worlds and games, the idea was to use the flexible technology to deliver fresh experiences across a broad range of properties.

Since the 2013 release of the original Disney Infinity, new developers have been brought on board to tweak things like combat and racing physics, facilitating the need for Disney Infinity 2.0 in 2014 and 3.0 in 2016.

Now it looks like the Infinity team is enough with what they’ve got to let it ride. New adventure and game packs released in 2016 will test the limits of the game engine’s ability to deliver more than just the same Star Wars level twice.

The first test kicks off on March 15 with the release of Marvel Battlegrounds, which pits all of Infinity’s Marvel Comics characters against each other in a brawler that’s one part Super Smash Bros., one part Power Stone.

You may notice some new characters joining the fray in that shot. Ant-Man, Black Panther and Vision are joining the Marvel Infinity lineup, with the formerly Vita-exclusive black suited Spider-Man getting a solo release as well.

In a pre-briefing last week producer John Vignocchi would not confirm nor deny that Squirrel Girl was on the way, but did say that more characters are coming in 2016.

Before we get to March 15 however, we’ve got to get past Zootopia. The new animated movie debuts this weekend, and a pair of new figures are hitting stores to celebrate.

I have these two figures already (I’m a bit of a bunny fan), and they fit in with the rest of the line quite nicely, thanks to the Disney Infinity toy designers’ dark wizardry.

If all goes well I’ll be seeing the movie on Friday, probably alone. I might cry a little.

Speaking of crying, there’s a new live-action Jungle Book movie on the way. Instead of crafting figures based on whatever that ends up being (though I wouldn’t rule it out), the Infinity folks listened to fans hungry for more classic characters and created this:

Now that’s what an animated bear is supposed to look like.

Fans can look forward to a ton of new stuff as the year continues. Not worrying about putting together a new boxed game has freed up the team to create new content, and they’re really fond of saying “If it’s happening at The Walt Disney Company, it’s happening inside Disney Infinity.”

Except Deadpool.


As if movies weren’t enough of a superhero battleground, Disney Infinity is expanding its wars on the video-game front with more Marvel, Disney, Pixarand Star Wars characters.

For the first year since its launch in 2013, the toys-to-life gaming platform is not releasing a specific starter pack — like last summer’s Star Wars-themed one — and instead focusing on releasing updates and supporting all Disney’s major events and theatrical releases with new character figures and play sets.

“If it’s happening at Disney, it’s going to be happening in Disney Infinity,” says John Vignocchi, vice president of production for Disney Infinity. The development strategy was changed for 2016 “in order to meet community feedback we’ve had as well as market demand.”

New play sets for the four major Infinity franchises — Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars — will be released this year that are compatible with last year’s Disney Infinity3.0 game, making it “the largest collection of content ever released inside of a Disney video game,” Vignocchi adds. “This thing will be massive.”

YouTube channel today that will act as a way for Disney to talk directly to fans, retail partners and more, Vignocchi says. “The intention is to give a peek behind the magic and get to know some of the people behind Infinity.”


Também foram "confirmados" que irão haver este ano um playset com o tema do filme Moana, outro do Finding Dory e por fim mais um sobre Star Wars (Rebels ou Rogue One). Além de figuras alusivas ao filme Alice Through the Looking Glass e outras figuras Marvel.

Última edição:

Hoje foi o primeiro Disney Infinity Next, uma apresentação/evento que segue o mesmo formato dos Nintendo Direct. Vão passar a fazer alguns de vez em quando para mostrarem o que vai acontecer no próximos meses com o jogo.

Podem ver o de hoje aqui:

Foi anunciado que a versão 3.0 vai continuar este ano, por isso não vai haver 4.0 tão cedo.

Um artigo que explica tudo isto muito bem:
Disney Infinity designers explain why we don’t need 4.0 and … a possible Michael Jackson figure

Big changes are coming to Disney Infinity.

Previously, a new version of the (according to the market research group NPD, most popular) “toys to life” game would come out every year. Those would support new playsets and characters, but they wouldn’t work with older editions of Disney Infinity. Now, future figures and playsets will all work with Disney Infinity 3.0, the edition that came out last year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, mobile, and Apple TV. This is a huge shakeup in the toys-to-life category (which also includes games like Skylanders and Lego Dimensions), which has emerged as one of the most popular gaming trends in the last few years.

Basically, Disney isn’t releasing an Infinity 4.0 in 2016.

Instead, Disney plans on four new playsets for Infinity, and you won’t have to buy a new version to play them. They’ll work with Disney Infinity 3.0 (was long as you have an Internet connection, since you’ll need to download that new content). Disney is also airing regular digital broadcasts, called Disney Infinity Next, that will discuss new content.

GamesBeat talked with Disney Infinity vice president of production John Vignocchi and studio founder John Blackburn about the new content coming to Disney Infinity, the surprising secret behind the best-selling figures, and the obscure characters they’ve discussed adding to the game.

GamesBeat: Do you have specific details on what the new playsets will be?

Vignocchi: Nothing beyond that one will be Pixar, one will be Disney Animation, one will be Star Wars, and one will be Marvel.

GamesBeat: I think I can connect some dots on what those might be.

Vignocchi: Yeah, maybe. But what’s interesting is there’s a lot of — depending on how close you’ve been following Infinity, that could mean a lot of different things. Last year, coming out Toybox Summit, our Toybox artists chose Peter Pan as a new character that’s coming.

Disney Infinity Next, although not in this first episode, will be revealing that character, showing his in-game moves, and showing what the figure will look like. We’re supporting Disney, as opposed to Disney Animation specifically, with lots of new content. But no confirmation on what that content is.

GamesBeat: Is there a release date for any of this yet?

Vignocchi: Our first big playset that’s going to be dropping will be the one in support of Marvel this year, which will be Marvel Battlegrounds. That will release on March 15, prior to the release of Captain America: Civil War. This playset is actually a — we call it a brawler. It’s like a fighting game, four players simultaneous. We’ve never done that, four player simultaneous local co-op, inside of Disney Infinity. This is something new. We’ve certainly never integrated a fighting game into Disney Infinity. That’s also totally new.

All the characters from Marvel 2.0, all 28 of those, will be compatible with 3.0. Plus, on March 15, we’ll be dropping Ant-Man, Vision, and Black Panther as three new characters that will be added to the Marvel roster. At the end of the Battlegrounds section we’ll drop an Easter egg. There are more Marvel characters and content coming this year. Those characters and content will be compatible with Marvel Battlegrounds.

GamesBeat: This is separate from the other four new playsets you’re talking about, right?

Vignocchi: No, this is one of the four. Our vision here is that this year, whether you’re a fan of Marvel, Disney, Pixar, or Star Wars, there’s something new for you inside of the Disney Infinity platform.

GamesBeat: You’re talking about supporting the new properties. Are we going to see figures representing any older, more classic movies or properties?

Above: Baloo looking good in Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney
Vignocchi: You definitely will. There’s obviously the Peter Pan figure, which we’ll get into in a future version of Disney Infinity Next. But inside this particular inaugural episode we’re doing, toward the end we’ll reveal that in support of Jon Favreau’s new live action version of The Jungle Book, prior to the release of the film, we’ll be releasing a classic animated version of Baloo. That will be compatible with Disney Infinity 3.0 and our Toybox mode. We’ll go into the development of that character, show some of his special moves, just some of the overall thoughts the development team had behind bringing this classic animated character to Disney Infinity.

If you’ve been involved in our community or know everything that’s happening around it, you know that we have huge fans of classic Disney animation. Going with this particular strategy of celebrating the release of the film, but kind of hyping it with a classic animated character, was the right strategy to appease our fans. And at the same time we’re able to draft off this great new film coming out.

GamesBeat: There’s a lot of synergy within the company with these, coming out to support new releases. Who is the ultimate decider on what characters become figures and playsets and so on?

Vignocchi: It’s a combination of people. It’s a combination of the properties, the stakeholders, characters and content that they’re excited about and want to put out there and support in different ways. It’s reactions to things that fans are asking for. On behalf of the product development team, it’s what characters are the most fun to play in the game. It’s a mix of all that. There’s probably 10 of us that sit in a room and argue about every three months over what new characters are coming.

The joke now is that I’ve wanted Darkwing Duck for so long. “I’d rather see Darkwing Duck than that character!” One day I’ll get him. The team is what makes a decision about what characters are added, but certainly we take input from our partners in theatrical and TV animation and parks and resorts. Across the entire company, everyone comes together.

It’s been a lot different. Now we take way more meetings with people coming to us saying, we’re working on a new film and we’d love these new characters to be in Disney Infinity. Before, we’d go to the different property holders and ask as politely as we could if we could integrate their properties into Disney Infinity. It’s become a thing.

GamesBeat: You’ve talked about these main properties. A lot of them are movie-based. We’ve seen some park-based stuff, like building Spaceship Earth, but can we expect more content directly from the theme parks?

Blackburn: We’ve worked a lot of with the team at the parks to figure out what the best way to do that would be. We’ve had some set pieces from the Toybox. We’ve talked about which characters might make the most sense. The real thought, just right now, is that yes, we’re always looking for opportunities there. As far as what we’re talking about today, we’re not announcing any of that stuff. But we’re working with those guys on some stuff for the future.

GamesBeat: I want a Figment figure.

Above: Figment is a mascot from Epcot.

Image Credit: Disney.
Blackburn: That’s the one that comes up the most frequently when we talk about characters from the parks that people really identify with.

Vignocchi: Hat-Box Ghost!

GamesBeat: Get Orange Bird in there, we can have all sorts of fun.

Blackburn: The cool one is, he’s been carrying the torch for Captain EO [a 3D film shown in the theme parks starring Michael Jackson] for a long time.

Above: Captain EO is like the most ’80s thing ever.

Image Credit: Disney
GamesBeat: Oh, my god.

Blackburn: That one’s a challenge for all the approvals. A lot of times, when we’re working on these things, the stakeholders have rights as to whether or not we can do things and we need to make sure we’re happy with what we do. It happens that Captain EO is the most complicated one that we’ll ever run into.

Vignocchi: I’m working on it! It’s like, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, [Francis Ford] Coppola, and then the Jackson estate. We’ll make it there one day.

GamesBeat: I could geek out about very specific characters and figures — I have a feeling a lot of people must do that to you guys. Maybe you get a little tired of, “This character needs to be a figure!”

Blackburn: It’s not tiring at all. I think the one thing that may or may not come across, depending on how much stuff you’ve watched, is that the team here are fans. There’s particularly — in any given franchise, whether it’s Marvel or Disney or whatever, we have super fans here. We generally hear from them first. In the same way that he really gets behind that Disney Afternoon [an old block of cartoons like Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck] lineup for Disney, there are other people carrying the torch for Marvel and some of the comic books that haven’t necessarily come back around as films.

Or on the Star Wars stuff, when we found out we first got that, we have a guy here whose office — he has every old action figure up on his walls. There’s definitely a lot of love for all those things. When people come and talk to us, if you get the right person when you’re talking to someone on the team, you might find someone who knows every bit as much as you do about the more obscure stuff.

GamesBeat: Going back to the new content, this is stuff that wasn’t on the disc or however you’d describe it. Are you going to need an online connection to download all of this?

Blackburn: Yeah. They’re going to come as title updates. It’ll come down when you turn on your system. It’ll automatically download it. If you haven’t been connected and you get one of these toys, we’ll ask you to hook up to the internet to be able to play it?

GamesBeat: Is that a concern anymore? Or do most of your players nowadays have a connection of some kind?

Blackburn: Most players do have an internet connection. If you think about how games have changed over the course of the last decade, to where — back in the day games were pretty much finished. They didn’t have bugs. You didn’t expect title updates. Now it’s a pretty standard thing to expect. Games are so large that it’s almost become an expectation in the industry, I think. But in general, we did think about it a lot on Infinity 1.0, because we had the Wii and the Wii didn’t really have storage to be able to do this. It wasn’t as connected as the platforms today.

GamesBeat: This is new ground, a bit, in the toys to life category. It’s something people have maybe always wanted, to skip paying $60 for a new version every year. That’s been a criticism or a request for a while now. Why is this the year it’s finally happening?

Blackburn: There are multiple reasons, but I think the biggest one that’s easy to understand is, we have all the major improvements to the software and big gameplay mechanics for the engine — those were all put in as we added Marvel and then the Lucas properties over the course of the years.

Each one of those, we were adding so much stuff, both in the Toybox and the gameplay engine. We felt like it all warranted new releases. Now what we’re doing is leveraging a lot of those things and focusing primarily on the new content that’s going to be coming, as opposed to these huge new gameplay mechanics.

GamesBeat: Are you able to look at sales data on specific figures? Does that play a role in deciding what new figures you’ll create going forward?

Blackburn: Absolutely. We always look to see the popularity on these. That allows us to — I look at it from two perspectives. Sales figures tell us how correctly we guessed what the audience really wants. Looking at that, we’ve definitely — we lay out a portfolio of characters at the beginning of the year and say, it’s probably going to be something that looks like this. We refine that list as it gets closer to needing to go into manufacturing on the toys.

But I’d say in any given conversation around which character it’s going to be, you can look at the criteria as — hHow popular is that character? That’s always going to be brought to the table. Is something new happening? Will there be excitement around that franchise? And then the third one is, how well does that character work with our gameplay mechanics? Then we bring sales up after those three things have been talked through.

GamesBeat: Do you know offhand which figures have sold the best? Has there been any particular runaway?

Blackburn: We’ve got an ongoing joke here. It’s green dudes. Mike Wazowski was the best-selling on Infinity 1, Hulk on Infinity 2, and now Yoda on Infinity 3.

GamesBeat: That’s great. Now I gotta know who’s green and coming in this next batch,

Blackburn: That’s what we’re doing. We’re skewing everything green. It’s going to be awesome. [Laughs]

GamesBeat: Is there going to be another fan vote to pick a character, like with Peter Pan?

Blackburn: We loved that. It’s a great way to interact with the community, giving them a voice. We had a lot of fun doing it. They took the vote very seriously. So absolutely.

GamesBeat: Do you worry that the barrier for entry for Disney Infinity is too expensive.

Blackburn: I feel like the toys to life genre sometimes catches a bit of bad rap. There’s all this stuff to buy and it’s so expensive. I come to this from the flip side of, we can build a game that’s much larger and has a lot more options for people to play with than any other game we’d be able to do this way. I feel like there’s a great value on the toys to life space, particularly in Infinity, where we have all the different content, and user-generated content you can download for free. We’re not really expecting people to run out and buy everything we create.

We’re saying, look, we have such a broad range of things that people potentially like — Something like Jack Skellington. You’d never be able to purchase a game for him, but you can go get that character. There hasn’t been anything happening with him lately, but he’s there and he’s represented in Disney Infinity in a cool way. I look at it from that value angle. I’m hoping that we can get some people to look at this and say, hey, if you were trying to buy this whole thing it would be expensive, but if you go in and buy the things you like and the things that resonate with you, there’s real value here. There’s a greater chance that there’s going to be something directly that you like.

Also, the amount of properties and franchises represented in the Toybox and all the user-generated content is really large. It provides a bunch of free content over the course of time.

Above: Zootopia figures are coming to Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney

GamesBeat: In all these editions we’ve seen improvements to things like combat and driving. Will we still see improvements like that introduced this year?

Blackburn: Absolutely. As we look at this — there will be a time when there’s going to be big new upgrades we want to do, and we’ll want to drop those in a large new release. But right now we felt like the content that was coming out in 2016 really lent itself toward us doing some upgrades to current systems, like the combat system we’ve put into Marvel Battlegrounds. It wasn’t a new system, but we tweaked all the moves to work for a brawler-style gameplay mechanic, as opposed to a brand new combat system like all the juggling and stuff we did last year.

I do think that there will be those things in the future. We’re still eyeing what targets those will be. But for right now, in the content we release this next year, we felt like we could leverage the stuff we already put in the engine.

GamesBeat: I think I know what your playsets are. You have Rogue One for Star Wars, Moana for Disney, and Finding Dory for Pixar. I can connect those dots.

Blackburn: [laughs] I cannot confirm or deny that. But we look forward to announcing those things later in the year. And when I say “those things,” I mean what we’re supporting. There are also the characters coming out, so to say that it’s definitely a playset or not is premature.


Mais alguns:

Bucking a trend that had new editions of the game hit every year, Disney today announced that Disney Infinity 4.0 won't be released in 2016. Instead, the company will continue to support and grow out its current game, Disney Infinity 3.0, which was released last summer.

The good news is that it means there's no need this year to buy a new starter disc, which typically sold for $65 with a hub and new figures, or spend $30 for the game alone.

The bad news is that it means there won't be any major overhaul to the game's core systems, hub world or Toy Box mode.

Instead, Disney is riding on the framework of Disney Infinity 3.0, using it to support at least four more playsets and a stream of new figures.

"For all existing fans, this is great news to them," said John Vignocchi, vice president of production at Disney Interactive. "For people on the fence about buying into the game, we're giving them a chance to take another look.

"We've always positioned Disney Infinity as a family gaming platform and brought some of the best developers to work on it, and we feel like we have achieved a level of quality with 3.0 that is indicative of the Disney brand."

That said, news today that Disney won't be investing in another major update to Disney Infinity this year does come on the heels of the company's earnings report earlier this month that showed the game isn't selling as well as expected.

"At Games," according to the financial report, "growth was due to higher licensing revenue from the success of Star Wars: Battlefront, partially offset by lower Disney Infinity results. The decrease from Disney Infinity was due to higher inventory reserves and lower unit sales volume."

When I asked Vignocchi if the two were connected, he said they weren't, and maintained that Disney is still deeply invested in its Disney Infinity games.

"We are number one in this category," he said. Disney's earnings report "did not have an influence on whether to put out [Disney Infinity 4.0] this year.

"The company has been completely behind Disney Infinity. If you look at all of the creative content coming out this year, you can see they are still proud and still 100 percent behind us."

Recent promotions within the company do seem like they could work well for Disney Infinity.

James Pitaro, the new co-chairman of Disney's consumer products division, is also the president of Disney Interactive.

"He's been a big supporter of Disney Infinity over the years," Vignocchi said of Pitaro. "Jimmy's appointment as chairman is significant because it shows our company’s commitment to the merging of physical and digital content together."

The biggest evidence that Disney is still behind its series of open-world exploration and creation games is the flow of content the company announced during today's video event.

The 15-minute video laid out plans for four new playsets, each delivering unique gameplay to Disney Infinity 3.0 and a number of new characters.

"Disney Infinity will support all of the major events and theatrical releases at Walt Disney in 2016," Vignocchi told Polygon. "This year we will release four new playsets, each introducing unique gameplay for the platform. Each of the playsets will represent new content from our core properties."

Those properties, he said, are Disney, Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars.

The first playset is the one we already know about. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset, which hits March 15, brings with it four-player rumbles using any of the previously released or yet-to-be-released Marvel characters.

Vignocchi likened the game to Capcom Dreamcast classic Power Stone, and said it would include destructible environments, a light story and level transitions.

The March release of a Marvel playset leaves Disney, Pixar and Star Wars for the remaining three playsets, though Vignocchi declined to talk about them.

The new characters kicked off today with Judy and Nick figures from Zootopia. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset will include Captain America figure in a Civil War-inspired costume. Disney will also be releasing Ant-Man, Vision and Black Panther in Civil War costumes on March 15, along with Spider-Man in his black suit. Black suit Spider-Man was previously available only as part of a starter pack.

Finally, March 15 will see the release of Baloo, tied to the Jon Favreau remake of The Jungle Book.

"With all of the content we are releasing this year, this will be the largest Disney Infinity release to date," Vignocchi said.

While Disney Infinity 3.0's core game mechanics won't change, that doesn't mean there won't be additions to the game outside of the playsets and toys.

"There will be elements added inside the hub throughout the year," Vignocchi said. "We will be running a bunch of Toy Box TV content to support the releases."

He said the team will also be designing playable games and levels that can be accessed through the hub's Toy Box mode.

What won't be changing is the face of the hub. The design of that central world, like the game's mechanics, won't be getting any sort of upgrade while Disney Infinity remains at 3.0.

"The hub is designed very specifically as an onboarding mechanism to help players fully understand the breadth of content inside of Disney Infinity," Vignocchi said. "Doing any changes to that would change the overall flow of the hub."

All of today's news was announced during something called Disney Infinity Next, a video that is designed to not just lay out the future of Disney Infinity, but also to give viewers some insight into the process of making Disney's games, movies and other content.

"There will be more episodes coming this year," he said. "We haven't determined the cadence yet; it needs to line up with retail and releases."

And there seems to always be more news to share for a game that stretches across so many different properties.

I asked Vignocchi about the strange absence of Star Wars: The Force Awakensfan favorite BB-8 from the current roster of Disney Infinity's Star Wars figures.

Is there a BB-8 figure in our future?

"We are absolutely investigating BB-8," he said. "It's a challenge because BB-8 is a totally different sort of character than we've done before; he's not a vehicle, not a biped or even a [quadruped]. We're looking at what we can do for that particular character. We will release it when it makes sense, if we're going to."

Darkwing Duck, a long-held personal favorite of Vignocchi's, is also still not in development as a figure. At least not yet.

Disney Infinity continues to poll fans for their favorites, and Darkwing Duck is high on the list, though that doesn't necessarily mean he's coming to the game as a figure.

Finally, I asked Vignocchi about virtual and augmented reality.

With VR or AR headsets planned for many of the platforms on which Disney Infinity 3.0 is available, is the company looking at bringing the game to these different reality headsets?

"We are looking at the technology," he said. "Finding ways we can leverage technology to provide new and compelling experiences for our fans is a priority to us at Disney."


Rather than release a fourth core game in as many years, the Disney Infinity team is focusing on expanding version 3.0 in 2016, with fresh content coming from all corners of the Disney universe including Star Wars, Marvel, Zootopia and The Jungle Book.

The new approach, detailed today in a Disney Infinity Next online presentation, makes a whole lot of sense. The series is based on the creative engine core developer Avalanche Software originally developed for the Toy Story 3 video game’s Toy Box mode. Along with allowing players to create their own worlds and games, the idea was to use the flexible technology to deliver fresh experiences across a broad range of properties.

Since the 2013 release of the original Disney Infinity, new developers have been brought on board to tweak things like combat and racing physics, facilitating the need for Disney Infinity 2.0 in 2014 and 3.0 in 2016.

Now it looks like the Infinity team is enough with what they’ve got to let it ride. New adventure and game packs released in 2016 will test the limits of the game engine’s ability to deliver more than just the same Star Wars level twice.

The first test kicks off on March 15 with the release of Marvel Battlegrounds, which pits all of Infinity’s Marvel Comics characters against each other in a brawler that’s one part Super Smash Bros., one part Power Stone.

You may notice some new characters joining the fray in that shot. Ant-Man, Black Panther and Vision are joining the Marvel Infinity lineup, with the formerly Vita-exclusive black suited Spider-Man getting a solo release as well.

In a pre-briefing last week producer John Vignocchi would not confirm nor deny that Squirrel Girl was on the way, but did say that more characters are coming in 2016.

Before we get to March 15 however, we’ve got to get past Zootopia. The new animated movie debuts this weekend, and a pair of new figures are hitting stores to celebrate.

I have these two figures already (I’m a bit of a bunny fan), and they fit in with the rest of the line quite nicely, thanks to the Disney Infinity toy designers’ dark wizardry.

If all goes well I’ll be seeing the movie on Friday, probably alone. I might cry a little.

Speaking of crying, there’s a new live-action Jungle Book movie on the way. Instead of crafting figures based on whatever that ends up being (though I wouldn’t rule it out), the Infinity folks listened to fans hungry for more classic characters and created this:

Now that’s what an animated bear is supposed to look like.

Fans can look forward to a ton of new stuff as the year continues. Not worrying about putting together a new boxed game has freed up the team to create new content, and they’re really fond of saying “If it’s happening at The Walt Disney Company, it’s happening inside Disney Infinity.”

Except Deadpool.


As if movies weren’t enough of a superhero battleground, Disney Infinity is expanding its wars on the video-game front with more Marvel, Disney, Pixarand Star Wars characters.

For the first year since its launch in 2013, the toys-to-life gaming platform is not releasing a specific starter pack — like last summer’s Star Wars-themed one — and instead focusing on releasing updates and supporting all Disney’s major events and theatrical releases with new character figures and play sets.

“If it’s happening at Disney, it’s going to be happening in Disney Infinity,” says John Vignocchi, vice president of production for Disney Infinity. The development strategy was changed for 2016 “in order to meet community feedback we’ve had as well as market demand.”

New play sets for the four major Infinity franchises — Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars — will be released this year that are compatible with last year’s Disney Infinity3.0 game, making it “the largest collection of content ever released inside of a Disney video game,” Vignocchi adds. “This thing will be massive.”

YouTube channel today that will act as a way for Disney to talk directly to fans, retail partners and more, Vignocchi says. “The intention is to give a peek behind the magic and get to know some of the people behind Infinity.”


Também foram "confirmados" que irão haver este ano um playset com o tema do filme Moana, outro do Finding Dory e por fim mais um sobre Star Wars (Rebels ou Rogue One). Além de figuras alusivas ao filme Alice Through the Looking Glass e outras figuras Marvel.

Última edição:

Hoje foi o primeiro Disney Infinity Next, uma apresentação/evento que segue o mesmo formato dos Nintendo Direct. Vão passar a fazer alguns de vez em quando para mostrarem o que vai acontecer no próximos meses com o jogo.

Podem ver o de hoje aqui:

Foi anunciado que a versão 3.0 vai continuar este ano, por isso não vai haver 4.0 tão cedo.

Um artigo que explica tudo isto muito bem:
Disney Infinity designers explain why we don’t need 4.0 and … a possible Michael Jackson figure

Big changes are coming to Disney Infinity.

Previously, a new version of the (according to the market research group NPD, most popular) “toys to life” game would come out every year. Those would support new playsets and characters, but they wouldn’t work with older editions of Disney Infinity. Now, future figures and playsets will all work with Disney Infinity 3.0, the edition that came out last year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, mobile, and Apple TV. This is a huge shakeup in the toys-to-life category (which also includes games like Skylanders and Lego Dimensions), which has emerged as one of the most popular gaming trends in the last few years.

Basically, Disney isn’t releasing an Infinity 4.0 in 2016.

Instead, Disney plans on four new playsets for Infinity, and you won’t have to buy a new version to play them. They’ll work with Disney Infinity 3.0 (was long as you have an Internet connection, since you’ll need to download that new content). Disney is also airing regular digital broadcasts, called Disney Infinity Next, that will discuss new content.

GamesBeat talked with Disney Infinity vice president of production John Vignocchi and studio founder John Blackburn about the new content coming to Disney Infinity, the surprising secret behind the best-selling figures, and the obscure characters they’ve discussed adding to the game.

GamesBeat: Do you have specific details on what the new playsets will be?

Vignocchi: Nothing beyond that one will be Pixar, one will be Disney Animation, one will be Star Wars, and one will be Marvel.

GamesBeat: I think I can connect some dots on what those might be.

Vignocchi: Yeah, maybe. But what’s interesting is there’s a lot of — depending on how close you’ve been following Infinity, that could mean a lot of different things. Last year, coming out Toybox Summit, our Toybox artists chose Peter Pan as a new character that’s coming.

Disney Infinity Next, although not in this first episode, will be revealing that character, showing his in-game moves, and showing what the figure will look like. We’re supporting Disney, as opposed to Disney Animation specifically, with lots of new content. But no confirmation on what that content is.

GamesBeat: Is there a release date for any of this yet?

Vignocchi: Our first big playset that’s going to be dropping will be the one in support of Marvel this year, which will be Marvel Battlegrounds. That will release on March 15, prior to the release of Captain America: Civil War. This playset is actually a — we call it a brawler. It’s like a fighting game, four players simultaneous. We’ve never done that, four player simultaneous local co-op, inside of Disney Infinity. This is something new. We’ve certainly never integrated a fighting game into Disney Infinity. That’s also totally new.

All the characters from Marvel 2.0, all 28 of those, will be compatible with 3.0. Plus, on March 15, we’ll be dropping Ant-Man, Vision, and Black Panther as three new characters that will be added to the Marvel roster. At the end of the Battlegrounds section we’ll drop an Easter egg. There are more Marvel characters and content coming this year. Those characters and content will be compatible with Marvel Battlegrounds.

GamesBeat: This is separate from the other four new playsets you’re talking about, right?

Vignocchi: No, this is one of the four. Our vision here is that this year, whether you’re a fan of Marvel, Disney, Pixar, or Star Wars, there’s something new for you inside of the Disney Infinity platform.

GamesBeat: You’re talking about supporting the new properties. Are we going to see figures representing any older, more classic movies or properties?

Above: Baloo looking good in Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney
Vignocchi: You definitely will. There’s obviously the Peter Pan figure, which we’ll get into in a future version of Disney Infinity Next. But inside this particular inaugural episode we’re doing, toward the end we’ll reveal that in support of Jon Favreau’s new live action version of The Jungle Book, prior to the release of the film, we’ll be releasing a classic animated version of Baloo. That will be compatible with Disney Infinity 3.0 and our Toybox mode. We’ll go into the development of that character, show some of his special moves, just some of the overall thoughts the development team had behind bringing this classic animated character to Disney Infinity.

If you’ve been involved in our community or know everything that’s happening around it, you know that we have huge fans of classic Disney animation. Going with this particular strategy of celebrating the release of the film, but kind of hyping it with a classic animated character, was the right strategy to appease our fans. And at the same time we’re able to draft off this great new film coming out.

GamesBeat: There’s a lot of synergy within the company with these, coming out to support new releases. Who is the ultimate decider on what characters become figures and playsets and so on?

Vignocchi: It’s a combination of people. It’s a combination of the properties, the stakeholders, characters and content that they’re excited about and want to put out there and support in different ways. It’s reactions to things that fans are asking for. On behalf of the product development team, it’s what characters are the most fun to play in the game. It’s a mix of all that. There’s probably 10 of us that sit in a room and argue about every three months over what new characters are coming.

The joke now is that I’ve wanted Darkwing Duck for so long. “I’d rather see Darkwing Duck than that character!” One day I’ll get him. The team is what makes a decision about what characters are added, but certainly we take input from our partners in theatrical and TV animation and parks and resorts. Across the entire company, everyone comes together.

It’s been a lot different. Now we take way more meetings with people coming to us saying, we’re working on a new film and we’d love these new characters to be in Disney Infinity. Before, we’d go to the different property holders and ask as politely as we could if we could integrate their properties into Disney Infinity. It’s become a thing.

GamesBeat: You’ve talked about these main properties. A lot of them are movie-based. We’ve seen some park-based stuff, like building Spaceship Earth, but can we expect more content directly from the theme parks?

Blackburn: We’ve worked a lot of with the team at the parks to figure out what the best way to do that would be. We’ve had some set pieces from the Toybox. We’ve talked about which characters might make the most sense. The real thought, just right now, is that yes, we’re always looking for opportunities there. As far as what we’re talking about today, we’re not announcing any of that stuff. But we’re working with those guys on some stuff for the future.

GamesBeat: I want a Figment figure.

Above: Figment is a mascot from Epcot.

Image Credit: Disney.
Blackburn: That’s the one that comes up the most frequently when we talk about characters from the parks that people really identify with.

Vignocchi: Hat-Box Ghost!

GamesBeat: Get Orange Bird in there, we can have all sorts of fun.

Blackburn: The cool one is, he’s been carrying the torch for Captain EO [a 3D film shown in the theme parks starring Michael Jackson] for a long time.

Above: Captain EO is like the most ’80s thing ever.

Image Credit: Disney
GamesBeat: Oh, my god.

Blackburn: That one’s a challenge for all the approvals. A lot of times, when we’re working on these things, the stakeholders have rights as to whether or not we can do things and we need to make sure we’re happy with what we do. It happens that Captain EO is the most complicated one that we’ll ever run into.

Vignocchi: I’m working on it! It’s like, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, [Francis Ford] Coppola, and then the Jackson estate. We’ll make it there one day.

GamesBeat: I could geek out about very specific characters and figures — I have a feeling a lot of people must do that to you guys. Maybe you get a little tired of, “This character needs to be a figure!”

Blackburn: It’s not tiring at all. I think the one thing that may or may not come across, depending on how much stuff you’ve watched, is that the team here are fans. There’s particularly — in any given franchise, whether it’s Marvel or Disney or whatever, we have super fans here. We generally hear from them first. In the same way that he really gets behind that Disney Afternoon [an old block of cartoons like Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck] lineup for Disney, there are other people carrying the torch for Marvel and some of the comic books that haven’t necessarily come back around as films.

Or on the Star Wars stuff, when we found out we first got that, we have a guy here whose office — he has every old action figure up on his walls. There’s definitely a lot of love for all those things. When people come and talk to us, if you get the right person when you’re talking to someone on the team, you might find someone who knows every bit as much as you do about the more obscure stuff.

GamesBeat: Going back to the new content, this is stuff that wasn’t on the disc or however you’d describe it. Are you going to need an online connection to download all of this?

Blackburn: Yeah. They’re going to come as title updates. It’ll come down when you turn on your system. It’ll automatically download it. If you haven’t been connected and you get one of these toys, we’ll ask you to hook up to the internet to be able to play it?

GamesBeat: Is that a concern anymore? Or do most of your players nowadays have a connection of some kind?

Blackburn: Most players do have an internet connection. If you think about how games have changed over the course of the last decade, to where — back in the day games were pretty much finished. They didn’t have bugs. You didn’t expect title updates. Now it’s a pretty standard thing to expect. Games are so large that it’s almost become an expectation in the industry, I think. But in general, we did think about it a lot on Infinity 1.0, because we had the Wii and the Wii didn’t really have storage to be able to do this. It wasn’t as connected as the platforms today.

GamesBeat: This is new ground, a bit, in the toys to life category. It’s something people have maybe always wanted, to skip paying $60 for a new version every year. That’s been a criticism or a request for a while now. Why is this the year it’s finally happening?

Blackburn: There are multiple reasons, but I think the biggest one that’s easy to understand is, we have all the major improvements to the software and big gameplay mechanics for the engine — those were all put in as we added Marvel and then the Lucas properties over the course of the years.

Each one of those, we were adding so much stuff, both in the Toybox and the gameplay engine. We felt like it all warranted new releases. Now what we’re doing is leveraging a lot of those things and focusing primarily on the new content that’s going to be coming, as opposed to these huge new gameplay mechanics.

GamesBeat: Are you able to look at sales data on specific figures? Does that play a role in deciding what new figures you’ll create going forward?

Blackburn: Absolutely. We always look to see the popularity on these. That allows us to — I look at it from two perspectives. Sales figures tell us how correctly we guessed what the audience really wants. Looking at that, we’ve definitely — we lay out a portfolio of characters at the beginning of the year and say, it’s probably going to be something that looks like this. We refine that list as it gets closer to needing to go into manufacturing on the toys.

But I’d say in any given conversation around which character it’s going to be, you can look at the criteria as — hHow popular is that character? That’s always going to be brought to the table. Is something new happening? Will there be excitement around that franchise? And then the third one is, how well does that character work with our gameplay mechanics? Then we bring sales up after those three things have been talked through.

GamesBeat: Do you know offhand which figures have sold the best? Has there been any particular runaway?

Blackburn: We’ve got an ongoing joke here. It’s green dudes. Mike Wazowski was the best-selling on Infinity 1, Hulk on Infinity 2, and now Yoda on Infinity 3.

GamesBeat: That’s great. Now I gotta know who’s green and coming in this next batch,

Blackburn: That’s what we’re doing. We’re skewing everything green. It’s going to be awesome. [Laughs]

GamesBeat: Is there going to be another fan vote to pick a character, like with Peter Pan?

Blackburn: We loved that. It’s a great way to interact with the community, giving them a voice. We had a lot of fun doing it. They took the vote very seriously. So absolutely.

GamesBeat: Do you worry that the barrier for entry for Disney Infinity is too expensive.

Blackburn: I feel like the toys to life genre sometimes catches a bit of bad rap. There’s all this stuff to buy and it’s so expensive. I come to this from the flip side of, we can build a game that’s much larger and has a lot more options for people to play with than any other game we’d be able to do this way. I feel like there’s a great value on the toys to life space, particularly in Infinity, where we have all the different content, and user-generated content you can download for free. We’re not really expecting people to run out and buy everything we create.

We’re saying, look, we have such a broad range of things that people potentially like — Something like Jack Skellington. You’d never be able to purchase a game for him, but you can go get that character. There hasn’t been anything happening with him lately, but he’s there and he’s represented in Disney Infinity in a cool way. I look at it from that value angle. I’m hoping that we can get some people to look at this and say, hey, if you were trying to buy this whole thing it would be expensive, but if you go in and buy the things you like and the things that resonate with you, there’s real value here. There’s a greater chance that there’s going to be something directly that you like.

Also, the amount of properties and franchises represented in the Toybox and all the user-generated content is really large. It provides a bunch of free content over the course of time.

Above: Zootopia figures are coming to Disney Infinity.

Image Credit: Disney

GamesBeat: In all these editions we’ve seen improvements to things like combat and driving. Will we still see improvements like that introduced this year?

Blackburn: Absolutely. As we look at this — there will be a time when there’s going to be big new upgrades we want to do, and we’ll want to drop those in a large new release. But right now we felt like the content that was coming out in 2016 really lent itself toward us doing some upgrades to current systems, like the combat system we’ve put into Marvel Battlegrounds. It wasn’t a new system, but we tweaked all the moves to work for a brawler-style gameplay mechanic, as opposed to a brand new combat system like all the juggling and stuff we did last year.

I do think that there will be those things in the future. We’re still eyeing what targets those will be. But for right now, in the content we release this next year, we felt like we could leverage the stuff we already put in the engine.

GamesBeat: I think I know what your playsets are. You have Rogue One for Star Wars, Moana for Disney, and Finding Dory for Pixar. I can connect those dots.

Blackburn: [laughs] I cannot confirm or deny that. But we look forward to announcing those things later in the year. And when I say “those things,” I mean what we’re supporting. There are also the characters coming out, so to say that it’s definitely a playset or not is premature.


Mais alguns:

Bucking a trend that had new editions of the game hit every year, Disney today announced that Disney Infinity 4.0 won't be released in 2016. Instead, the company will continue to support and grow out its current game, Disney Infinity 3.0, which was released last summer.

The good news is that it means there's no need this year to buy a new starter disc, which typically sold for $65 with a hub and new figures, or spend $30 for the game alone.

The bad news is that it means there won't be any major overhaul to the game's core systems, hub world or Toy Box mode.

Instead, Disney is riding on the framework of Disney Infinity 3.0, using it to support at least four more playsets and a stream of new figures.

"For all existing fans, this is great news to them," said John Vignocchi, vice president of production at Disney Interactive. "For people on the fence about buying into the game, we're giving them a chance to take another look.

"We've always positioned Disney Infinity as a family gaming platform and brought some of the best developers to work on it, and we feel like we have achieved a level of quality with 3.0 that is indicative of the Disney brand."

That said, news today that Disney won't be investing in another major update to Disney Infinity this year does come on the heels of the company's earnings report earlier this month that showed the game isn't selling as well as expected.

"At Games," according to the financial report, "growth was due to higher licensing revenue from the success of Star Wars: Battlefront, partially offset by lower Disney Infinity results. The decrease from Disney Infinity was due to higher inventory reserves and lower unit sales volume."

When I asked Vignocchi if the two were connected, he said they weren't, and maintained that Disney is still deeply invested in its Disney Infinity games.

"We are number one in this category," he said. Disney's earnings report "did not have an influence on whether to put out [Disney Infinity 4.0] this year.

"The company has been completely behind Disney Infinity. If you look at all of the creative content coming out this year, you can see they are still proud and still 100 percent behind us."

Recent promotions within the company do seem like they could work well for Disney Infinity.

James Pitaro, the new co-chairman of Disney's consumer products division, is also the president of Disney Interactive.

"He's been a big supporter of Disney Infinity over the years," Vignocchi said of Pitaro. "Jimmy's appointment as chairman is significant because it shows our company’s commitment to the merging of physical and digital content together."

The biggest evidence that Disney is still behind its series of open-world exploration and creation games is the flow of content the company announced during today's video event.

The 15-minute video laid out plans for four new playsets, each delivering unique gameplay to Disney Infinity 3.0 and a number of new characters.

"Disney Infinity will support all of the major events and theatrical releases at Walt Disney in 2016," Vignocchi told Polygon. "This year we will release four new playsets, each introducing unique gameplay for the platform. Each of the playsets will represent new content from our core properties."

Those properties, he said, are Disney, Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars.

The first playset is the one we already know about. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset, which hits March 15, brings with it four-player rumbles using any of the previously released or yet-to-be-released Marvel characters.

Vignocchi likened the game to Capcom Dreamcast classic Power Stone, and said it would include destructible environments, a light story and level transitions.

The March release of a Marvel playset leaves Disney, Pixar and Star Wars for the remaining three playsets, though Vignocchi declined to talk about them.

The new characters kicked off today with Judy and Nick figures from Zootopia. The Marvel Battlegrounds playset will include Captain America figure in a Civil War-inspired costume. Disney will also be releasing Ant-Man, Vision and Black Panther in Civil War costumes on March 15, along with Spider-Man in his black suit. Black suit Spider-Man was previously available only as part of a starter pack.

Finally, March 15 will see the release of Baloo, tied to the Jon Favreau remake of The Jungle Book.

"With all of the content we are releasing this year, this will be the largest Disney Infinity release to date," Vignocchi said.

While Disney Infinity 3.0's core game mechanics won't change, that doesn't mean there won't be additions to the game outside of the playsets and toys.

"There will be elements added inside the hub throughout the year," Vignocchi said. "We will be running a bunch of Toy Box TV content to support the releases."

He said the team will also be designing playable games and levels that can be accessed through the hub's Toy Box mode.

What won't be changing is the face of the hub. The design of that central world, like the game's mechanics, won't be getting any sort of upgrade while Disney Infinity remains at 3.0.

"The hub is designed very specifically as an onboarding mechanism to help players fully understand the breadth of content inside of Disney Infinity," Vignocchi said. "Doing any changes to that would change the overall flow of the hub."

All of today's news was announced during something called Disney Infinity Next, a video that is designed to not just lay out the future of Disney Infinity, but also to give viewers some insight into the process of making Disney's games, movies and other content.

"There will be more episodes coming this year," he said. "We haven't determined the cadence yet; it needs to line up with retail and releases."

And there seems to always be more news to share for a game that stretches across so many different properties.

I asked Vignocchi about the strange absence of Star Wars: The Force Awakensfan favorite BB-8 from the current roster of Disney Infinity's Star Wars figures.

Is there a BB-8 figure in our future?

"We are absolutely investigating BB-8," he said. "It's a challenge because BB-8 is a totally different sort of character than we've done before; he's not a vehicle, not a biped or even a [quadruped]. We're looking at what we can do for that particular character. We will release it when it makes sense, if we're going to."

Darkwing Duck, a long-held personal favorite of Vignocchi's, is also still not in development as a figure. At least not yet.

Disney Infinity continues to poll fans for their favorites, and Darkwing Duck is high on the list, though that doesn't necessarily mean he's coming to the game as a figure.

Finally, I asked Vignocchi about virtual and augmented reality.

With VR or AR headsets planned for many of the platforms on which Disney Infinity 3.0 is available, is the company looking at bringing the game to these different reality headsets?

"We are looking at the technology," he said. "Finding ways we can leverage technology to provide new and compelling experiences for our fans is a priority to us at Disney."


Rather than release a fourth core game in as many years, the Disney Infinity team is focusing on expanding version 3.0 in 2016, with fresh content coming from all corners of the Disney universe including Star Wars, Marvel, Zootopia and The Jungle Book.

The new approach, detailed today in a Disney Infinity Next online presentation, makes a whole lot of sense. The series is based on the creative engine core developer Avalanche Software originally developed for the Toy Story 3 video game’s Toy Box mode. Along with allowing players to create their own worlds and games, the idea was to use the flexible technology to deliver fresh experiences across a broad range of properties.

Since the 2013 release of the original Disney Infinity, new developers have been brought on board to tweak things like combat and racing physics, facilitating the need for Disney Infinity 2.0 in 2014 and 3.0 in 2016.

Now it looks like the Infinity team is enough with what they’ve got to let it ride. New adventure and game packs released in 2016 will test the limits of the game engine’s ability to deliver more than just the same Star Wars level twice.

The first test kicks off on March 15 with the release of Marvel Battlegrounds, which pits all of Infinity’s Marvel Comics characters against each other in a brawler that’s one part Super Smash Bros., one part Power Stone.

You may notice some new characters joining the fray in that shot. Ant-Man, Black Panther and Vision are joining the Marvel Infinity lineup, with the formerly Vita-exclusive black suited Spider-Man getting a solo release as well.

In a pre-briefing last week producer John Vignocchi would not confirm nor deny that Squirrel Girl was on the way, but did say that more characters are coming in 2016.

Before we get to March 15 however, we’ve got to get past Zootopia. The new animated movie debuts this weekend, and a pair of new figures are hitting stores to celebrate.

I have these two figures already (I’m a bit of a bunny fan), and they fit in with the rest of the line quite nicely, thanks to the Disney Infinity toy designers’ dark wizardry.

If all goes well I’ll be seeing the movie on Friday, probably alone. I might cry a little.

Speaking of crying, there’s a new live-action Jungle Book movie on the way. Instead of crafting figures based on whatever that ends up being (though I wouldn’t rule it out), the Infinity folks listened to fans hungry for more classic characters and created this:

Now that’s what an animated bear is supposed to look like.

Fans can look forward to a ton of new stuff as the year continues. Not worrying about putting together a new boxed game has freed up the team to create new content, and they’re really fond of saying “If it’s happening at The Walt Disney Company, it’s happening inside Disney Infinity.”

Except Deadpool.


As if movies weren’t enough of a superhero battleground, Disney Infinity is expanding its wars on the video-game front with more Marvel, Disney, Pixarand Star Wars characters.

For the first year since its launch in 2013, the toys-to-life gaming platform is not releasing a specific starter pack — like last summer’s Star Wars-themed one — and instead focusing on releasing updates and supporting all Disney’s major events and theatrical releases with new character figures and play sets.

“If it’s happening at Disney, it’s going to be happening in Disney Infinity,” says John Vignocchi, vice president of production for Disney Infinity. The development strategy was changed for 2016 “in order to meet community feedback we’ve had as well as market demand.”

New play sets for the four major Infinity franchises — Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars — will be released this year that are compatible with last year’s Disney Infinity3.0 game, making it “the largest collection of content ever released inside of a Disney video game,” Vignocchi adds. “This thing will be massive.”

YouTube channel today that will act as a way for Disney to talk directly to fans, retail partners and more, Vignocchi says. “The intention is to give a peek behind the magic and get to know some of the people behind Infinity.”


Também foram "confirmados" que irão haver este ano um playset com o tema do filme Moana, outro do Finding Dory e por fim mais um sobre Star Wars (Rebels ou Rogue One). Além de figuras alusivas ao filme Alice Through the Looking Glass e outras figuras Marvel.

Última edição:
Os bonecos Marvel e Star Wars, tenho plena noção que mais cedo ou mais tarde vou ter que os comprar...

Nem quero saber do jogo, pois é mesmo algo que não é apelativo, mas as figuras são fantásticas.

With Black Panther coming to Disney Infinity 3.0's Marvel Battlegrounds, Marvel Comics whipped up a special variant cover to the upcoming Black Panther #1 that shows T'Challa in all of his pixelated glory. This is Marvel's first cover to feature the Disney Infinity version of a character.

We have your exclusive first look at the cover,:

Releasing in April, Black Panther's new ongoing comic series is being written by Ta-Nehisi Coates with art by Brian Stelfreeze.

Black Panther will also be making his big screen debut in May's Captain America: Civil War.


Última edição:

With Black Panther coming to Disney Infinity 3.0's Marvel Battlegrounds, Marvel Comics whipped up a special variant cover to the upcoming Black Panther #1 that shows T'Challa in all of his pixelated glory. This is Marvel's first cover to feature the Disney Infinity version of a character.

We have your exclusive first look at the cover,:

Releasing in April, Black Panther's new ongoing comic series is being written by Ta-Nehisi Coates with art by Brian Stelfreeze.

Black Panther will also be making his big screen debut in May's Captain America: Civil War.


Última edição: