[Wii/DS] Novidades Nintendo

Épá, isto de novidade tem pouco mas acho que não valia a pena uma novo tópico...
Hoje apareceu isto:

Provavelmente Fake mas não custa nada sonhar! :D
Acabo por não acreditar pois a Crytek deve querer levar o Crysis a um nível gráfico nunca antes visto e não deve estar para "massacrá-lo" para o pôr na Wii...
Mas, como já disse, não custa nada sonhar...:)
Isso apareceu no 1up Show e já foi explicado pelos próprios como um engano:

It is going up a bit later than usual due to a tiny mistake we made with one of the title cards. It isn't a big deal, but we have to re-render everything and that takes AN AGE.

Não há razões para não sonhar no entanto...

Entrevista com a Crytek para a Game Informer de Setembro de 2006:

GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii?

I love the Wii (laughs). When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change. We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.

GI: Crytek is known to have made stunningly beautiful games, and while you can sort of experience them on lesser hardware, if you have the quad-SLI setup, and three gigs of RAM and a super fast processor it’s going to look incredible. With looking at what the Wii has under the hood, does that discourage you as a developer?

No, not at all, because I think we can make great visuals by different means. Look at the PS2. Some PS2 games still look fabulous. And there are games that are just stylized perfectly. You can achieve anything with every hardware. I think it’s a matter of artistic direction, how you use the limitations. That ultimately is the experience you want to give. The experiences in Crysis drives the art direction. The experience of the frozen environments, the experience of interactivity, then we decide how we want it to come across visually. What do we need to do, how far do we need to go? With the Nintendo Wii the approach will be similar. We have this great controller, we have the limited power of the console, How we can make a confined space or large outdoor level, whatever, how can we make the best out of the controller that’s giving the experience that we want to give? Completely fluid interactivity – how can we do that? I think it would be a completely different approach, and it deserves to be as well. So, if it our decision to make Crysis for Wii, if and I don’t want to be quoted saying we’ll do it. But if – if we would do it, it would have to be a completely optimal version, but it would be great. (laughs)
Fonte: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200608/N06.0830.2058.31148.htm

Se eles vão fazer algo para a Wii ou não... não sei, mas é possivel.
Rumores para a E3 2007: (11 de Julho)
Rumour: Nintendo Announcing Mario Kart Wii, New Hardware At E3?

Adorable Frenchmen Jeux France have run what they reckon is a "credible" rumour. Well, rumours, because there's a few, and they all involve Nintendo. Seems at this year's E3 we'll not only get firm release dates for Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy, we'll also get a "grosse révélation au niveau Hardware" [big hardware news] as well as a look at Mario Kart for the Wii.

The release dates, we expect those, and the big hardware news could be anything, so we'll leave that well alone. But the Mario Kart thing? Feels right to me. We're about due some more Mario Kart, particularly since it's one of the last big Nintendo franchises we're yet to see anything of on the Wii.

Oh, and kids, remember, these are rumours. Take your salt.
Fonte: http://kotaku.com/gaming/remember,-...-mario-kart-wii-new-hardware-at-e3-265035.php
É o hardware novo é possivel que seja um novo gameboy/DS. O DS já não vai para novo.
~2 anos e 6 meses, e a julgar pelo suporte que está a receber e as unidades que vende... ainda tem tudo que durar.

A Nintendo tinha planos para o Gameboy Evo antes da DS (a DS foi um projecto paralelo, o "terceiro pilar")... Mas neste momento um Gameboy Evo não faz sentido; embora provavelmente o desenvolvimento de hardware portátil mais potente continue no R&D da Nintendo; ainda à uns meses com o CPU da Wii escapou qualquer coisa do género.

Hardware novo preferia esperar; uma Wii Media Center/leitor de DVD vídeo, add-on para as Wii's simples, disco rígido externo oficial ou suporte a discos externos não oficiais... e um headset bluetooth para certos jogos. (O online do Battalion Wars 2 só teria a ganhar com isso)
Não seria muito estranho se fosse algo com compatibilidade com o DS, mas de qualquer modo nunca sairia daqui a menos de 1 ano.

Eu não acho que faça muito sentido uma "Wii Media Center Edition" já que isso podia perfeitamente ser feito através de "chanels". Mas o marketing tem dessas coisas. Um headset bluetooth também podia ser utilizado usando os standards e hardware existentes, mas novamente o marketing tem dessas coisas, mas seria fixe. E a mesma coisa para um disco externo.
Acho que ia prejudicar as vendas usar uma coisa não standard. Acho que só ajuda às vendas da consola. A minha ideia será qualquer coisa para encaixar no Wiimote.
Cada vez que oiço rumores de alterações na Wii, até tremo... Espero que todas as mudanças (por e.x. se vierem a incluir a leitura de DVD/media center) sejam retroactivas com as "antigas" consolas. O que eu quero dizer é que não quero que a Nintendo lance uma Wii "V2.0" e que o pessoal que já a tem fique com vontade de comprar uma nova Wii...

Acho que não faz muito sentido... Quanto a acessórios e novas mudanças no software, venham novidades!
Wii-k in Review 6/8 #1

-> http://wii.ign.com/articles/795/795160p1.html

BBA- Solid game, challenges are fun, good drinking game, wish it had true online but Wiiconnect works very well, wish it had more challenges though.

Scarface- not a lot of gestures, lot of IR stuff, good GTA type game, just overall impressed- "really cool", good writing.

RE4- GC visuals, superior version of RE4, not quite perfect- one quirk in the controls- can't look up and down with the Wiimote- up down left right movement done by analog stick- feels odd- feels like a light gun game. Dramatic speed difference in shooting compared to GC version because of the controls. Some off the waggle controls aren't needed- wagging the knife is unnecessary. But overall its the best version. Best looking realistic looking game on Wii

The Bigs- Uses pretty decent Wii waggle, pretty cool bat tracking, exclusive coming up on the Wii version.

Madden- hands on next week.

Ghost squad- Very much the arcade game with added multiplayer support. Disappointed that its running in 4:3. Easy cash in- fun game, but not a ton added to the Wii version. Bitching about developers not putting in progressive scan and 16:9.

Nintendo changes- Further semi-confirmation of the 3 marketing execs leaving. Speculates that Nintendo is shifting their focus- trying to be more aggressive within the industry. You can tell Matt isn't happy.

DQ:Swords- They played it. It's fun and cool. Mostly just swords stuff. Very simple. Can upgrade and combine weapons. Leave the towns and enter paths, then you are on set paths but can sometimes choose what way. Basically completely on rails. Old school- random battles. Sword swiping is cool, there is some strategy to it. Not incredibly deep. Game might be longer than you think- at least 10 hours, maybe 15 plus. No loading when enemies come. Visuals aren't quite as good as we thought, but good bloom and little effects, and main character animations are good. Nothing more to it than what you think, but thinks people will like it. Thinks it will sell well, especially in Japan. Doesn't think it will be released in the U.S anytime soon.

Mercury Meltdown- Fun game, good Wiimote functionality. Will get a solid score. A little shallow, but puzzles will keep you busy.

Explanation of Wii debugger software

New RPG's- some new RPG's on the way. Hinting at sequal to RPG that came out same time as Baten Katos..Matt- "I might as well just tell you. Bozon- keep faith in Crystal Chronicles. It's going to be good.#

NHL EA- No news. Probably not coming until next year if it comes.

3 EA sports games to talk about- FIFA is one of them. 2 others- not sure if they've been announced.

RE4- No GC controller support

For next year- Thinks Wii Sports 2, Wii Health, Pikmin, and sure there are other surprises.

Re: Hardware announcements- haven't heard anything, but thinks its likely to have a hard drive and headset announced soon- just logically thinking, no inside info.

FF:CC- Think multiplayer will be downplayed, single player focused likely.

Great multiplayer games- for Wii BBA is a good multiplayer game, Strikers- Bozon psyched,Battalion Wars will be a great multi player game.

Re: big developers switching over. Suspects SC 4 to 360/PS3. Big test is Manhunt- if it does well, will show that adult games sell well.

End of show nugget- "Cool stuff we could tell you about, but then we'd get killed. " Some announcements to make with 3rd parties, but nothing major. Thinks they're going to get stuff before E3.

Sorry if I missed anything guys
Fonte: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=162140

Sequela de RPG que saiu na altura do Baten Kaitos (1)? Fujam... é o FF X-3! :p

Suikoden, Shin Megami Tensei e outros são candidatos, provavelmente. Mas não faço ideia.
Última edição:
NInja Gaiden coming to wii????

Whilst Tecmo is currently working on three Nintendo DS projects, one being Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, plus Project Rygar for Wii, news of a possible Wii Ninja Gaiden is the cherry on top!

It has been revealed that Team Ninja is seriously considering bringing such a project to Nintendo's innovative, and immensely popular, Wii console. Speaking at a recent Ninja Gaiden press event in London, Producer and Director, Yosuke Hayashi spoke about the possibility:

"We would make something for the Wii if we came up with something unique that would only work on the Wii. There are several groups within Team Ninja. The PS3 group, the Xbox 360 group, and there are Wii fans in Team Ninja."

So will it happen? With the original NES game appearing on the Virtual Console and an edition already building up a lot of interest on the DS, the answer is 'yes, it is highly likely', especially given these comments.

Expect more details soon...

fonte: http://www.cubed3.com/news/7811/1/Ninja_Gaiden_Coming_to_Wii
Wii-k in Review 6/16

- Pre E3 events happened this week. Good things on the way for E3

- Project H.A.M.M.E.R. rumor still a rumor. Casamassina says that another company working on a more traditional title to make it more mainstream

- Harry Potter overall very good. Few minor control and cutscene quirks

- Wii-k in review crew pushing for people to buy Zack and Wiki. High praise for the game. It may be the most difficult title on the Wii so far. They are asking Capcom to make downloadable levels

- The Bigs is fun but has issues. A little bit of lag, and sometimes the Wiimote is over-sensitive

- Matt talks about Halo DS and says “nay sayers are about to be owned next week or so”.

- More info soon on titles we know of and brand new titles. New titles looking great, Matt hopes to unveil something next week

- If you like Godfather you will like Scarface
Fonte: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=163917; http://wii.ign.com/articles/797/797077p1.html
- Project H.A.M.M.E.R. rumor still a rumor. Casamassina says that another company working on a more traditional title to make it more mainstream
espero mesmo que seja só um rumor... se project H.A.M.M.E.R. for cancelado para abrir caminho a mais jogos casuais será muito mau.

- Wii-k in review crew pushing for people to buy Zack and Wiki. High praise for the game. It may be the most difficult title on the Wii so far. They are asking Capcom to make downloadable levels
bem vou ter de comprar. Quero mesmo que comecem a fazer downloadable content para finalmente começar isto mesmo a funcionar, mas se tivermos de pagar por esses extras todos é estupido. Desde quando é que se tem de pagar para ter mais uns mapas e itens em jogos? no UT1 e UT04 nunca se teve de pagar parater os bonus packs...

- Matt talks about Halo DS and says “nay sayers are about to be owned next week or so”.
Será video daquele suposto Halo DS que havia por aí, ou um anuncio oficial? não seria a primeira vez que um jogo Da microsoft aparecesse numa portatil da nintendo. seria muito bom, mas eu não estou lá muito interessado.
espero mesmo que seja só um rumor... se project H.A.M.M.E.R. for cancelado para abrir caminho a mais jogos casuais será muito mau.
Mesmo que seja cancelado... pode ser por outras razões (por exemplo, se o jogo não estivesse grande coisa); mas essa do IGN simplesmente não faz sentido.
bem vou ter de comprar. Quero mesmo que comecem a fazer downloadable content para finalmente começar isto mesmo a funcionar, mas se tivermos de pagar por esses extras todos é estupido. Desde quando é que se tem de pagar para ter mais uns mapas e itens em jogos? no UT1 e UT04 nunca se teve de pagar parater os bonus packs...
Sim, só faz sentido se forem de borla, mas a Capcom sabe isso.

Mas duvido; a Capcom já disse que quer tornar o Zack and Wiki num franchise (e fazer sequelas) fazer mais missões que poderiam sair num jogo novo era uma perda de tempo para eles.
Será video daquele suposto Halo DS que havia por aí, ou um anuncio oficial? não seria a primeira vez que um jogo Da microsoft aparecesse numa portatil da nintendo. seria muito bom, mas eu não estou lá muito interessado.
Tenho muitas duvidas, em inicio de vida da DS ainda vá lá que não vá... mas agora? Não me cheira.
Este ano não está aberto a visitantes, por isso só se fossemos em nome da Techzonept :p

Vai haver uma "repetição" da exposição, mais ou menos um mês depois onde quem quiser entra (mediante o pagamento de bilhete); para basicamente ver o que a imprensa viu e noticiou +/- um mês antes.
Diversos sites da mídia internacional liberaram hoje em suas páginas a lista de futuros lançamentos oficial da Nintendo européia, contendo informações sobre as datas nas quais diversos jogos de DS e Wii serão disponibilizados nas lojas de todo o continente de origem da divisão da Nintendo.

Confira uma transcrição da lista logo abaixo, com informações detalhadas:

  • 21/06 Mario Party 8 (Nintendo)
  • 21/06 The Sims 2: Pets (Electronic Arts)
  • 28/06 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Electronic Arts)
  • 29/06 Driver: Parallel Lines (Ubisoft)
  • 29/06 Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Capcom)
  • 29/06 Transformers: The Game (Activision)
  • 06/07 Disney's Chicken Little: Ace in Action (Buena Vista Games)
  • 06/07 Scarface: The World is Yours (Vivendi Games)
  • 13/07 Manhunt 2 (Rockstar)
  • 20/07 Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo)
  • 27/07 Surf's Up (Ubisoft)
  • 10/08 Disney's Meet the Robinsons (Disney)
  • 16/08 Madden NFL 08 (Electronic Arts)
  • 24/08 Shrek the Third (Activision)
  • 31/08 Cosmic Family (Ubisoft)
  • XX/08 Code Lyoko (Neko)
  • 06/09 My Sims (Electronic Arts)
  • 29/09 World Championship Poker: Featuring Howard Lederer "All In" (505 GameStreet)
  • XX/09 Alien Syndrome (Sega)
  • 05/10 High School Musical (Disney)
  • 02/11 Princess (Disney)
  • 3º/4º Trimestre - Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (Rising Star Games)
  • 4º Trimestre - NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Sega)
  • 4º Trimestre - The Golden Compass (Sega)
  • 1º Trimestre de 2008 - Ghost Squad (Sega)
:arrow:Fonte: http://www.wii-brasil.com/?sub=noticias&id=6381&PHPSESSID=f2a6bbbab78e54f3d25eba9d72ee6768
onde está o super paper mario?
E o Metroid Prime 3, o Mario Galaxy e o Super Smash Bros...

Não estão lá intencionalmente, mas era bom que estivessem.

O Boogie tb n tá listado e foi recentemente confirmado para 31 de Agosto para a Europa, o trauma center também já tem data confirmada para o verão... lista bastante incompleta.