[Wii] Developer Support Thread

então a square desiste da nintendo por ser tão caro fazer jogos para a N64, mas quando a adorada PS3 é mais cara e complicada para fazer jogos não desistam dela...
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então a square desiste da nintendo por ser tão caro fazer jogos para a N64, mas quando a adorada PS3 é mais cara e complicada para fazer jogos não desistam dela...
Bom, independentemente de favorecimentos/dualidade de critérios e afins... Acho que a Square tem uma atenuante aí; com o FF7 na N64 pisgaram-se digamos, "a tempo", com a PS3... já estavam atados ao barrote; e uma vez que esses projectos não são viáveis, como são, na wii, pouco trabalho se resgatava dos assets e engines que criaram pelo que remédio têm eles senão ir em frente. Em suma... foi o timing que foi diferente. Podemos argumentar que não é justo e eles já deviam ter saltado o barco, sim... Mas se a Square tiver algum juizo também não gosta de estar a enfiar dinheiro num fosso.

Facto é que não vão abandonar a PS3; e duvido muito que algum dia lhe dêm Chocobo's Dungeons e Spin-off's first person de Dragon Quest; por bons que sejam como stand-alone games; mas o ponto fulcral é... é experimentalismo, não system sellers do core-franchise que obdece às regras mais rigidas (e em troca é da mainquest/numerado whatever). O que não é mau; mas não é bom o suficiente; é segunda escolha e a capitalizar no facto de poderem correr mais riscos nela; mas isso também era verdade na PSone, e facto é que teve ambos, e isto com a Wii não se pode manter durante uma geração inteira.

O que já não encaixa muito bem é o suporte "forte e feio" no que toca a system sellers da Square-Enix na Wii... nem vê-lo; oportunidades este ano não faltaram, inclusive podiam ter anunciado um Kingdom Hearts na Wii, mas optaram por usar essa equipa para fazer um Kingdom Hearts na PSP (claro que pode nunca ter sido ponderado desta forma, mas olhando para os resultados é uma equipa sem duvida capaz); e a Tri-Ace, equipa do Valkyrie Profile... (optima a puxar sistemas) está a fazer o infinite undiscovery via moneyhats para a X360 (que nem é uma consola prioritária!) e o Star Ocean 4 para a PS3; Wii? nada. E claro o Last Remnant, para a PS3 e X360. E claro, o MMORPG next-gen, que pela natureza online da Wii até se compreende que não esteja nos planos.

E com isto a Square-enix tem empancadas as equipas do FFX e a dos KH's na PS3 (o que quase soa a treino para mais a seguir, dada a especialização "exclusiva"), a Tri-Ace na X360/PS3. A Wii? a Wii tem duas equipas, o Production Studio 2 (equipa do FF9) a fazer o FFCC:CB (que promete) e o FFCC:TLKatPL e... a equipa do Chocobo Dungeon? (Para o DQ:Swords usou-se a Genius Sonority, da Nintendo, feita de ex-elementos notáveis das equipas de Dragon Quest); what next? fazer outsource para a Brownie Brown da Nintendo? (ex-equipa dos Secret of Mana) ou a Monolith da Nintendo? (Chrono Cross, Xenogears); Level-5? (quando acabarem o DQIX na NDS) ou mais outsources de Dragon Quest junto da Artepiazza?

Eles falam de outsources para a X360, por não ser "nem nunca ir ser" prioritária; mas com estas equipas prioritárias principais todas ocupadas, eu pergunto-me é como eles vão dar suporte prioritário (em quantidade) à Wii... Única equipa grande interna MIA que vejo? a equipa do FFXII. Que a ter sido dissolvida deve ter sido muito recentemente, a julgar pelo facto de o Zodiac Job System ter saído em agosto deste ano. (mas a ser desenvolvida pode ter começado a ser dissolvida antes disso); e claro, podem fazer shift resources das equipas da PS3, de forma a abrandar a progressão desses projectos e criar grupos de trabalho para mais coisas.

Agora... acho bem que o façam; mas para acreditar nisso... tenho de ver um verdadeiro market shift, nas prioridades aparentes da Square-enix (não obstante de termos o suporte deles); a questão de "vai ser o publico a decidir qual plataforma suportamos"; eles já decidiram; podem é ser obrigados a recuar; mas se continuarmos a concorrer contra o FFXIII com spin-offs... Acho que está tudo dito. (claro que neste caso a x360 nem tem FF's, tirando o FFXI online; que é o core franchise da Square-Enix mas tem outros jogos; com ambição)

EDIT: Capcom: Bionic Comando na Wii, possível:

Wii version of Bionic Commando a possibility
Producer says if gamers want it, Capcom will look into it.

Speaking to VideoGamer.com in an interview found elsewhere on the site, Capcom's Ben Judd said that a Wii version of the sequel to the 1988 NES original would largely depend on how much Bionic Commando's fans want it.

When asked if a Wii version could ever come to the Wii, Judd said: "It will largely depend on what the fans want for the future of Bionic Commando."

"If the interest is there, of course we want as many people as possible to appreciate this great franchise."[/U]

Some Wii-owners have expressed their disappointment that the game isn't currently being developed for Nintendo's motion-sensing controller, with a feeling that the Spiderman-esque swing mechanic would be well suited to the Wii Remote.

If you're one of them, now you know what to do - make enough noise and it looks like Capcom will listen and get it done.

Judd had quite a lot of interesting things to say about Bionic Commando, including likening the game to Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto no less.
Fonte: http://www.videogamer.com/news/10-01-2008-7228.html

bring it on ^_^
Official: Factor 5 Back on Wii

Company president confirms that it's making at least one non-Virtual Console project for Nintendo's new system.

The maker of the hit GameCube series Rogue Squadron is back. In a phone conversation with IGN Wii this morning, company president Julian Eggebrecht confirmed that the studio is underway with at least one all-new Wii project -- and it's not a Virtual Console game. Beyond that confirmation, Eggebrecht was mum, but he did note that the new title would not simply re-use old Rogue Squadron tech; whatever it is, significantly updated or even completely new tech has been developed to help accommodate it. Factor 5's previous title, Lair, released for PlayStation 3 to mixed reviews. However, it is worth noting that the developer is intimately familiar with the GameCube hardware, whose technology extends to Wii. Not only did Factor 5 work with Nintendo to develop GameCube's audio solution, but it pushed the console harder on a graphics level than just about every other studio, Nintendo included. Bearing that in mind, fans can rest assured that whatever the company's new Wii game is, it's a safe bet that it'll look good and push the hardware.
At one time, Factor 5 was pegged to develop a sequel to Pilot Wings for the then-codenamed Revolution. Nintendo even went so far as to list the San Rafael-based studio as a "partner" in its official E3 presentation. Since that time, though, the company has been busy with the PS3-exclusive Lair and thus, work on any Pilot Wings sequel is thought to have been halted or cancelled altogether. Incidentally, IGN believes Factor 5's Wii title is an altogether different beast.
We'll have much more on the project as information becomes available. For now, though, Nintendo fans who loved the Rogue Squadron games should be happy to know that one of GameCube's best contributors is now lending its support to Wii.

Director de God of War II interessado na Wii

God of War II Director Cory Barlog recently answered a proposal for Wii development in his blog, stating that "though I was less than impressed with my Wii, as well as a lot fo the games I have played, I would love to make a game on this system. I think there is a lot to be done with it. Plus...it’s like a BILLION times cheaper to make a Wii game versus a 360 or PS3 game...which is good".


Mais um para adicionar aos interessados:x2:
Aproveito aqui para saber se alguém sabe alguma coisa do Ninja Gaiden para a Wii. Li no IGN que vai saír, mas poucas notícias há...
Um Ninja Gaiden Wii nunca foi confirmado; maximo que o Itagaki disse é que já andavam a fazer testes com o hardware (eles nunca trabalharam na arquitectura), que é capaz de mais tarde dar um jogo/jogos, como deu para a DS.

Mas antes do Ninja Gaiden DS sair, a equipa não tem recursos para outro projecto com "prioridade".
EA - More MySims to come, casual sports titles as well, Nerf blaster controller shown

MySims franchise
- over 3 million units shipped (Wii/DS)
- Two more MySims titles heading to Wii/DS in fiscal 2009
- MySims Kingdom hits Wii/DS between beginning of Oct. - end of Dec.
- MySims Party hits Wii/DS between January - March 2009
EA Sports
- new casual sports title hitting in fiscal year 2009 (platforms not discussed)
- 4 new ‘core’ sports titles hitting by end of fiscal year 2011
Nerf Blaster Controller for Wii shown
'Crystal Tools': Final Fantasy Engine Renamed, Supports Wii

'Crystal Tools' is the new name of Square Enix's company-wide 3-D game development engine, and it'll support Wii.

At Game Developers Conference, Taku Murata, GM of Square Enix's research and development division, announced the new name and more details on the multiplatform development tools, originally called "White Engine."

Although "White Engine" was originally announced in 2006 as a PlayStation 3 game creation platform, it has since become multiplatform, including Xbox 360 and PC capabilities.
"Crystal Tools," Murata said, will also be used in the development of Square Enix's upcoming next-gen MMORPG.

Some of the "Crystal Tools" features will work on the Wii, Murata said, although "it's a secret." Well, it's certainly not a secret anymore.

Murata showed the assembled audience, comprised mostly of programmers, some screenshots of the tools. He showed a character model viewer and a cut-scene editor. The latter allows designers to craft real-time cinematic scenes using tools very much like Final Cut Pro or other movie editors.

Murata finished by showing a trailer of Final Fantasy XIII. Unfortunately for everyone expecting a giant info blowout or a real-time demonstration of the power of Crystal Tools, it was the same BLIZZRAD! pre-rendered footage from E3 2006.
Entrevista com Firebrand, Developers do Toca Race Driver:

Ralph Fulton of Codemasters said that Race Driver could come to Wii if there was a dedicated external team available to take on the project. With your current Wii tools, would you be willing and have the resources to undertake such a project?

Firebrand Games:
Yes we would and have the resources to do that (as long as it’s not released in 2008!) Our Wii engine will soon be demoed and its showing all the promise of our DS engine. We decided to delay finalising our Wii tech because, One: we were so busy, which is nice, and Two: because when we release our first Wii title, we want it to have the same impact as Race Driver.
Fonte: http://www.cubed3.com/news/9938
Entrevista com Firebrand, Developers do Toca Race Driver:

when we release our first Wii title, we want it to have the same impact as Race Driver.

Pode ser só uma desculpa, mas é deste tipo de comentários que eu espero ler quando falam de jogos para a Wii (suponho que race driver tenha sido bom, certo?).
Chega de ir atrás do lucro rápido (carnivals e outros k tal) e façam algo em condições, leve o tempo que levar...
Sempre gostei da série Race Driver, e se for tão bom como o 3, bem... é muito bom para a Wii, visto que nem sequer temos nada parecido anunciado, quanto mais no mercado.
Tech Director da 2K Boston: (developer do bioshock)

Talking to Gamasutra as part of a wide-ranging interview, 2K Boston tech director Chris Kline says there's no reason why the Wii can't have a complex game like BioShock -- provided newer audiences can be properly introduced to that brand of content.

Console audiences are diversifying, and when it comes to complex content on accessible consoles like Wii, he says, "I think there is an appetite out there; it's just a matter of finding the right way to bring it to them."

Accessibility needn't limit complexity. "With something like the Wii, You just pick it up, and it's natural," he says.

"I don't think there's anything preventing the game complexity of BioShock from being on the Wii".
Fonte: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=19759
3 as-yet-unannounced Marvelous games!

In an exclusive interview with The RPGO, Xseed Games PR agent Jimmy Soga revealed that Xseed and Marvelous Entertainment USA will be co-publishing 3 as-yet-unannounced games in North America. One of the games, a Wii title, will be announced before the end of September, while the others, for DS and Wii, will be announced at TGS in October.

While we couldn't get Jimmy to reveal the names of the titles, there are still a number of obvious answers that are worth considering. Both Arc Rise Fantasia and Oboro Muramasa Youtouden will be on display at the Tokyo Games Show October 9 through October 12, so it's plausable that one of those will be announced for North America before the end of September, and the other later at TGS. As far as the DS title goes, Steal Princess seems to nicely fit Xseed's M.O.

However, this is all pure speculation. Nothing has yet been confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt, and anything could happen between then and now.

Our full interview with Xseed Games will be published within the next few days, so keep checking back with us. The interview mostly centers around Little King's Story, but other topics are discussed, including Shiren 3 and Xseed's co-publishing agreement with Marvelous Entertainment.

in http://www.therpgo.com/articles/exclusive-xseed-to-co-publish-3-more-games-with-marvelous-091708

Por mim, da Marvelous até podiam ser 20 :)
Para quem interessar (a mim não, eu boicoto todos os jogos destes gajos):
Unless he was cryptically teasing the appearance of a special-edition Wii branded with the author's face, we think Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently suggested that the company's Tom Clancy franchise would be gracing the Wii. "Tom Clancy will appear at one point," Guillemot told GameDaily in an interview. "We need to make sure they [look good]."

An integral part of making them look good, of course, lies in Ubisoft's engine technology, which first needs to be adapted for Nintendo's odd-one-out hardware. "We have engines that were created for the next-generation consoles," explained the Ubi boss. "We had to re-engineer a certain number of engines to be sure we could use the quality of the machine. Even without the [high-end] graphics, the experience can still be very interesting."

And there you have it. Tom Clancy's Very Interesting Experience Without The Graphics confirmed for release in, uh, "the future."
Koei sobre a relação com a Nintendo:

It’s been said for a long time that the Japanese market is shrinking, but Nintendo has challenged that perception. Is it important to innovate like that in order to expand the market again — and do you think Japanese companies will just wait for Nintendo every time?

Kenji Matsubara:
I think it’s very important to stimulate and challenge to expand the market. Thanks to Nintendo’s success, we’d like to follow Nintendo’s market. As we know, Nintendo expanded the game fan into seniors and also females with the DS and the Wii. But still, especially for the Wii, only Nintendo titles can make a profit from this market.

In the Japanese market, or globally, you think?

In Japan, especially. I think in North America and Europe, there’s something different about the similar situation. Nintendo titles like Brain Age and such are dominant in Nintendo consoles.

But for the DS, Nintendo first opened the market, but two or three years later, third-party titles can be profitable in many genres. So for Wii, it’s the same thing. We announced Samurai Warriors 3 is going to the Wii platform — that’s what we discussed with Nintendo for a long time. Nintendo would like to have titles for our game users.

Right, because that’s not their strength right now, or they need help with that right now.

That’s why they asked us to provide Koei’s action titles. That’s why we decided to number the title Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii platform. That’s a challenge for both sides — Nintendo’s challenge, and our challenge.

We understand that if we provide new-generation console machines, Samurai Warriors can be popular in Japan, so we know that. But instead, we chose Nintendo’s platform. I understand Nintendo’s challenge. That’s why we agreed with Nintendo.

Nintendo’s way is to expand the game platform and extend to these people to come into the traditional game way, and the core game way. But I understand that there are many, many casual game players, so we’d like to provide our titles to this fan. But this is not to say this is not Samurai Warriors… It’s a Japanese history adventure game, quite different from the traditional Koei style.
Fonte: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=21080
Wii owners can look forward to some exciting announcements from third-parties like Electronic Arts, Konami and Ubisoft. We know of at least two major EA and Konami IPs that Wii fans are going to flip over when they become official and Ubisoft has titles like Red Steel 2 in the works, not to mention previously unknown efforts like TMNT, which are sure to satisfy the hardcore. And rest assured, Capcom will have some unexpected big guns of its own. Trust us when we write that Wii owners will not be disappointed.

in http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/936/936938p7.html

Hmm... treta da IGN ou algo credível? Quais serão os "IP's" que nos farão "flip over"?
Mais "Family Mini-games" aposto o que quiserem :joker:, como se não soubéssemos de quem se trata. E o IGN tanto diz coisas certas como grandes postas de pescada, fico para ver...