[Wii] Developer Support Thread

Mais "Family Mini-games" aposto o que quiserem :joker:, como se não soubéssemos de quem se trata. E o IGN tanto diz coisas certas como grandes postas de pescada, fico para ver...
"We know of at least two major EA and Konami IPs that Wii fans are going to flip over when they become official"
"And rest assured, Capcom will have some unexpected big guns of its own"

Estamos a falar da IGN, se fossem mais mini games estariam mas era a mandar vir. Pelo menos não diziam "flip over", penso eu.
Mesmo assim, fico com um pé atrás. Principalmente pelo comentário da Capcom.

E o IGN tanto diz coisas certas como grandes postas de pescada, fico para ver...

Isso também é verdade :-D
Última edição:
Mature games? On the Wii? From Take-Two? With over 15 million of the things in the United States, you better believe the publisher has dollar signs in its eyes. But what kind of "mature" content? While Take-Two CEO Ben Feder says that some of the company's "best content really isn't appropriate for the Wii" with some 3 million Carnival Games titles floating about, that "appropriateness" is up for debate. The 2K Sports brand, for example, is totally appropriate and Take-Two is "looking at the Wii as a potential platform."
"Even the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the PlayStation 3 or 360, we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform content across all our labels," Feder said during today's earnings call "because you can't ignore the install base. You just can't."
You know, Ben, Manhunt 2 probably falls under "less appropriate" for Nintendo's console, so what's changed? Oh, two million more Wiis last month, we bet.


What's that noise?...
It sounds like...
Hundreds of anti-Wii fanboys, waiting to pounce. And none of them will have anything original to say...

LOL @ comments

Gostei bastante de um comentário e não sei até que ponto é uma condicionante. É que o preconceito de consola para miudos pegou mesmo entre os fãs. Mesmo depois de jogos como No More Heroes Manhunt 2 ainda há este tipo de ideia.

Theres one teensy tiny problem with producing a mega smash M rated game on the Wii right now. Its not the horsepower. Its not the controls.
Its public perception.
Parents are buying this thing because, well, part of the reason is because they don't hear in the news about their kid, little timmy, being able to get his hands on any 'Grand Theft Autos' or somesuch.
Look at the retarded (mini)outcry when a third party gun peripheral was made way back, for chrissakes.
Im all for putting M rated games on the Wii, but I guarentee you any company looking at doing it is going to be news huge if their game gets successful. This aint your PS3/360 here, which are like wild west towns, or your PC, which is more akin to an anarchistic sex paradise island where anything and everything goes. This is the goddamn Wii. When parents buy it, they're expecting to be moving to cleantown USA.
Hell, they can track your gametime and everything on it.
Just try to imagine what would happen if Manhunt 2 were released today and it wasnt a pile of shit. What Fox News and Washinton Post and Daily Planet(?) stories would have been run about 'MURDER SIMULATOR ON THE WII?!?!? YOUR KIDS ARE PLAYING IT'.
The first very successful M rated game is going to be running a sharp sword.
Good luck to you, Madworld, btw. I hope you kick so much serious ass that you become that game. I cant wait to see the parental reaction if it becomes a hit.
Última edição:
Isso não tem cabimento, os jogos recebem um M rating, basta o pai ir às opções da wii colocar um pin e bloquear os jogos M-rated... mm que o filho arranje o jogo emprestado não o poderá jogar na wii em casa.
Director do Tekken 6 fala:

Tekken 6 director on Wii Tekken: 'very interesting'

In a new interview with GamePro, Tekken 6 director Katsuhiro Harada suggests that Wii owners demand a Tekken game of their own.

Wii owners can get a taste of the awesome, too...but only if they speak up!

In an exclusive interview the director of the HD-bound brawler Tekken 6 is open to the idea of a Wii version of the classic fighting series. Here's the key quote:

Do you have any desire to port Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection or Tekken 6 to the Wii at some point? Why or why not?

Katsuhiro Harada:
That would be very interesting. Like the X360 owners, if Wii owners are passionate and make it known they really want the series on their system, we would love to be able to answer that request.

Hearing about the huge number of X360 owners who are Tekken fans, especially in North America, definitely played a huge part in influencing us to bring the game to that system.

As for the Wii, the standard controller lacks the right number of buttons and the placement is awkward, so... I suppose the classic controller could handle it!
Fonte: http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/209708/tekken-6-director-on-wii-tekken-very-interesting/
tekken deve ser um dos jogos de combate que gosto menos... como tal a unica razão para mostrar "interesse" é para que a wii tenha mais jogos bons
Pfff... prefiro ver o "comentário" sobre um Virtua Fighter vs Tekken tornar-se realidade, sempre tinha o estilo VF para escolher :p

Não me levem a mal, o Tekken é uma boa saga e acredito que muitos gostem dele, simplesmente acho que o VF ou um Soul Calibur ser melhor na jogabilidade, parece mais rápida/directa e com estilo.
Para mim Tekken também não me diz nada, mas é sempre com bom agrado que vejo mais jogos no catalogo na Wii.
No meu caso preferia um verdadeiro Soul Calibur e não um como já temos na Wii
Para mim Tekken também não me diz nada, mas é sempre com bom agrado que vejo mais jogos no catalogo na Wii.
No meu caso preferia um verdadeiro Soul Calibur e não um como já temos na Wii


o soulcalibur legends e mesmo assim tao mau? eu gosteu bastante do 2 e do 3, e ja tive perto de comprar este, mas ouvi tao mal que desisti.
Se tivessem feito do Legends aquilo que o SC4 foi sem dúvida que comprava, é o melhor beat'em up com armas, nunca me entendi com o Tekken nem com o Virtua Fighter. :confused:
Bem, que aproveitem o investimento no motor e metam alguém com talento a tratar da direcção artística... bastava isso para o The Conduit ser muito mais atraente, portanto façam-no agora...
Todos os esperamos, mas esta noticia é que vinha mesmo a calhar, no outro dia estava a pensar que bem podiam pegar no Quantum3 e fazer mais jogos bonitos :D, com a adição da RetroStudios para fazer o que a HVS não consegue.
Do Podcast do IGN:

Hellish E3 Month:
-Activision and EA event this week. SEGA, Ubisoft stuff coming
-can't talk about the stuff they're seeing just yet. some may be let through, most probably not until E3.
-a lot to come, they're busting ass.

-exciting news? dude, it's E3. Red Steel 2 and all that good stuff. Tuesday NOA is gonna close doors show a game they didn't announce yet, though it could be nothing...
-Retro's Game? yeah, probably. Kid Icarus? dunno.
-Factor 5 in quiet mode. probably only got to prototype. we'll just have to wait and see.
-Pumped for E3? totally dude! currently NoA is downplaying it, so they can raise it up, apparently.

NOA a apresentar um jogo à porta fechada hoje? hmmm, a ver se há leaks.