Novidades a nível de canais

Em que é que isso consiste?
  • Fases de qualificação como normalmente (com uns reshuffles, (mas quedas como habitual), mas isso não conta para os direitos)
  • 36 equipas numa liga, cada uma delas vai fazer 8 jogos (6 na Conference)
  • Na Champions e Europa, 4 potes de 9 equipas, cada uma vai jogar em casa e fora com 2 equipas de cada pote
  • Na Conference, 6 potes de 6 equipas, cada equipa vai jogar com uma equipa de cada pote alternado entre casa e fora
  • Uma semana exclusiva para a Champions (jornada 1), uma semana exclusiva para a Europa (jornada 1, uma semana depois da jornada 1 da Champions), uma semana exclusiva para a Conference (última jornada, uma semana depois da jornada 6 da Champions e Europa e também da jornada 5 da Conference)
  • Top 8 direto para os 8º, equipas do 9º até ao 24º em playoffs, vencedores juntam-se aos outros 8, 25 a 36 eliminados (não existe repescagem)
  • KO normais até as finais
Significa que a Sport TV deve garantir a transmissão dos jogos na Champions das 2 equipas portuguesas? Visto ter opção de escolha, parece-me lógico. Isto é espectacular para quem já tem SPTV! Assim evita-se ter que ter os 2 canais subscritos para ver a sua equipa a nível interno e externo.

Na Liga Europa, será no mesmo raciocínio?
Significa que a Sport TV deve garantir a transmissão dos jogos na Champions das 2 equipas portuguesas? Visto ter opção de escolha, parece-me lógico. Isto é espectacular para quem já tem SPTV! Assim evita-se ter que ter os 2 canais subscritos para ver a sua equipa a nível interno e externo.

Na Liga Europa, será no mesmo raciocínio?
  1. Assumindo que a equipa da fase 3 chegue à fase de Liga e que sejam em dias diferentes, sim. DAZN com o resto de jogos.
  2. Se for no mesmo dia, que remédio, um dos jogos fica na DAZN (2nd pick nacional) e a SPORTTV fica com 1st pick do outro dia e escolhe como se fosse um país que não tivesse direitos com a DAZN com o resto de jogos.
  3. Se só existir uma equipa nacional na fase de liga E for forçada a distribuir o jogo num canal em sinal aberto pelo Governo, o seu grande trunfo vai à vida e no outro dia fará a escolha que lhe for conveniente (ver número anterior), com a DAZN a faturar normalmente (já que não conta para as transmissões em aberto).
  4. Para as outras duas competições é o mesmo formato, só que com um jogo por competição. Se existirem duas ou mais equipas na fase de liga das competições, um jogo será na SPORTTV (1st pick) e o restante de jogos (incluindo a(s) outra(s) equipa(s) nacional (/nacionais)) será na DAZN.
  5. Finais na SPORTTV, of course
Para mim, nao me importa operador que vai passar jogos, mas sim qualidade da emissão. Em pleno 2023, para ver algum jogo em 4K tenho que recorrer aos canais estrangeiros ou streaming. Sendo canais premium, mau serviço
Esteve em 4K... atualmente, zerinho 4K na Supersort pelo que vejo e nem a Showmax os safa.

"App Selection
DStv South Africa
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DStv News
Behind the Screen
Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K
01 November 2022
DStv and SuperSport are proud to bring the FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K.

Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K
Apart from the existing High-Definition offering, DStv will broadcast an entire World Cup in 4K for the first time. The matches will be in ultra-high definition, and the 4K resolution lends itself to fast-action sport. Most 4K devices have around eight million pixels, which means that each moment of the matches will be displayed in brilliant detail.

Even without 4K, viewers will experience High-Definition viewing, with all the detail and high quality to go alongside one of the most anticipated World Cups of recent years.

Starting in Qatar on November 20, all 64 Cup matches will be broadcast on SuperSport with all matches enjoying expert build-ups and summaries, plus state-of-the-art graphics, and supplementary programming. SuperSport will also have crews on hand to capture breaking news, with particular focus on Africa’s five participants: Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, and Senegal.

A 4K test channel will be available from 1 November, and customers can tune into channel 216 to check if their systems are ready for World Cup in 4K. This test channel will not be broadcasting live content prior to the start of the World Cup.

Will 4K be available to all customers?

We’ll be broadcasting all 64 matches LIVE in 4K for our Premium, Compact Plus and Compact customers.

What do I need to enjoy the World Cup in 4K (I’m using a decoder)?

Premium, Compact Plus or Compact subscription
DStv Explora Ultra (connected to the TV with the supplied HDMI cable)
Compatible installation (If you share a dish or live in a complex with a shared system you may see an E48 when tuning to the 4K channels. In this instance, please contact your body corporate or a DStv Accredited Installer for further assistance. You can find your closest one here: link to
What do I need to stream the World Cup in 4K?

Premium, Compact Plus or Compact subscription
Minimum line speed of 15Mpbs (we recommend an uncapped connection)
If using a media/TV Box (like our DStv Streama), it also needs to be 4K capable
Please note: 4K streaming is not available when streaming via our app (on the Explora Ultra, mobile phones or tablets) or website (on laptops or desktops). Streaming is allowed on one device at a time per subscription and line speed & quality determine video quality.
Can I record 4K content?

Yes, if you have the correct set up and an Explora Ultra, you can record 4K content and play it back in 4K quality.

Will the highlights on Catch Up also be in 4K?

No, the highlights will be available in HD.

Can I switch OFF the 4K when streaming to manage data usage?

Yes, you can set video quality (to manage data usage) via settings in our app.

Is 4K supported across all devices when streaming?

No, 4K is not available when streaming via our app on our app (on the Explora Ultra, mobile phones or tablets) or website (on laptops or desktops)

Why do I see a “4K not supported” notification when tuning to the 4K channel on my Explora Ultra?

This indicates that either your TV or connection to your TV (the HDMI cable) does not support 4K. You can watch the channel, however the video quality will be in HD.

Why am I getting an E48 error on the 4K channels?

Your installation is not capable of receiving the 4K signal. This will mostly likely happen if you share a dish or live in a complex with a shared system. Please contact your body corporate or a DStv Accredited Installer for further assistance. You can find your closest one here (link to

You will however have access to the games on your package in HD on other SuperSport channels. Check TV Guide for schedules & channels."

Disponibilidade via streaming e eutelsat 68E.
Canal esporádico
"App Selection
DStv South Africa
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TV Guide
DStv News
Behind the Screen
Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K
01 November 2022
DStv and SuperSport are proud to bring the FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K.

Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2022 in 4K
Apart from the existing High-Definition offering, DStv will broadcast an entire World Cup in 4K for the first time. The matches will be in ultra-high definition, and the 4K resolution lends itself to fast-action sport. Most 4K devices have around eight million pixels, which means that each moment of the matches will be displayed in brilliant detail.

Even without 4K, viewers will experience High-Definition viewing, with all the detail and high quality to go alongside one of the most anticipated World Cups of recent years.

Starting in Qatar on November 20, all 64 Cup matches will be broadcast on SuperSport with all matches enjoying expert build-ups and summaries, plus state-of-the-art graphics, and supplementary programming. SuperSport will also have crews on hand to capture breaking news, with particular focus on Africa’s five participants: Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, and Senegal.

A 4K test channel will be available from 1 November, and customers can tune into channel 216 to check if their systems are ready for World Cup in 4K. This test channel will not be broadcasting live content prior to the start of the World Cup.

Will 4K be available to all customers?

We’ll be broadcasting all 64 matches LIVE in 4K for our Premium, Compact Plus and Compact customers.

What do I need to enjoy the World Cup in 4K (I’m using a decoder)?

Premium, Compact Plus or Compact subscription
DStv Explora Ultra (connected to the TV with the supplied HDMI cable)
Compatible installation (If you share a dish or live in a complex with a shared system you may see an E48 when tuning to the 4K channels. In this instance, please contact your body corporate or a DStv Accredited Installer for further assistance. You can find your closest one here: link to
What do I need to stream the World Cup in 4K?

Premium, Compact Plus or Compact subscription
Minimum line speed of 15Mpbs (we recommend an uncapped connection)
If using a media/TV Box (like our DStv Streama), it also needs to be 4K capable
Please note: 4K streaming is not available when streaming via our app (on the Explora Ultra, mobile phones or tablets) or website (on laptops or desktops). Streaming is allowed on one device at a time per subscription and line speed & quality determine video quality.
Can I record 4K content?

Yes, if you have the correct set up and an Explora Ultra, you can record 4K content and play it back in 4K quality.

Will the highlights on Catch Up also be in 4K?

No, the highlights will be available in HD.

Can I switch OFF the 4K when streaming to manage data usage?

Yes, you can set video quality (to manage data usage) via settings in our app.

Is 4K supported across all devices when streaming?

No, 4K is not available when streaming via our app on our app (on the Explora Ultra, mobile phones or tablets) or website (on laptops or desktops)

Why do I see a “4K not supported” notification when tuning to the 4K channel on my Explora Ultra?

This indicates that either your TV or connection to your TV (the HDMI cable) does not support 4K. You can watch the channel, however the video quality will be in HD.

Why am I getting an E48 error on the 4K channels?

Your installation is not capable of receiving the 4K signal. This will mostly likely happen if you share a dish or live in a complex with a shared system. Please contact your body corporate or a DStv Accredited Installer for further assistance. You can find your closest one here (link to

You will however have access to the games on your package in HD on other SuperSport channels. Check TV Guide for schedules & channels."

Disponibilidade via streaming e eutelsat 68E.
Canal esporádico
Portugal é um pais atrasado em 4K, nem se esforçam para ter.!
Operadoras tem 2 opções ter canais 1080p com alto bitrate ou fazer Compressão 4K acho que o ideal seria 1º opção mas em portugal é 1080p com baixo bitrate 😅