Wii Manhunt 2


This is all dependent on the fun factor and responsiveness of the controls, but Manhunt 2 for the Wii could be a fantastic murder simulator for the M rated set. Following the announcement of Manhunt 2 by Rockstar on various consoles, GamePolitics took the obvious next step and asked Nintendo how they felt about having the ultra-violent game on their motion control system?

Speaking for Nintendo, Beth Llewelyn, senior director of corporate communications, said:
"Manhunt 2 is not developed or published by Nintendo. It is one of many titles released by third party publishers for our system that appeal to people of all ages and interests. Just as with movies, television, and books, different video games appeal to - and are appropriate for - different audiences.

Video game retailers and purchasers are strongly encouraged to follow the age-specific ESRB ratings when considering what software to sell or buy. If parents are concerned about kids having access to inappropriate Wii games, we encourage them to utilize the PIN-operated Parental Control features built into Wii."

The original Manhunt was about getting jollies from up-close and personal impaling. That mechanic will certainly be more satisfying and personal on the Wii. For the most part, we're just waiting for the mainstream media to get their hands on this story. It'll have all the cliches we've come to expect: Surface treatment of facts by the nightly news, kids under 17 saying they love to stab people playing the game and parents talking about how they have absolutely no control to stop their children.
Fonte: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/02/10/manhunt-2-on-wii-a-true-murder-simulator/; http://gamepolitics.com/2007/02/09/nintendo-exec-explains-manhunt-2-wii-version/

Gostei dos comentários oficiais da Nintendo.
GameSpy: Rockstar games has just announced Manhunt 2 for the Nintendo Wii. Are we going to see Wii remote strangulations?

Perrin Kaplan: Let me just say that I hope most consumers' minds don't go where yours just went!

GameSpy: Well, the first Manhunt was a very violent game. One of our editors still cries himself to sleep thinking about it. Do you anticipate any negative backlash?

Perrin Kaplan: I don't think so, but we have been going back and forth on it in terms of what it means to our audience. But it's not our game, it's Rockstar's game, and if the press decides to direct its anger somewhere, it should be towards them, as it's their content. It's also not the kind of game that most gamers are going to buy, it's for a very specific audience.
Fonte: http://wii.gamespy.com/articles/763/763544p4.html

Perrin Kaplan está sempre no mundo dela, mas de qualquer maneira acho que tinha feito melhor em ficar calada quanto a isto. Em vez de mandar a imprensa chatear a rockstar podia dar mais a cara; mais uma vez isto é a Perrin Kaplan impressões oficiais da NoA seriam as do Reggie Fills-Aime que pessoalmente pediu à Rockstar suporte à plataforma.
Jack Thompson Targets Manhunt 2
It seems as though JT is back on the case on behalf of concerned UK individuals...

Rockstar must have surely known that it wouldn't take too long after the announcement of Manhunt 2 before a certain Miami lawyer began sniffing around. After a campaign of negativity bordering on hatred towards Rockstar Games, an "alleged" post on a Manhunt forum from the man himself claims:

"Miami attorney and anti-violent video game activist Jack Thompson has been asked by individuals in the United Kingdom to help stop the distribution of Take-Two / Rockstar's hyperviolent video game Manhunt 2 in that country due out this summer. The game will feature stealth murder and torture. The last version allowed suffocation of victims with plastic bags.

The original Manhunt was responsible for the bludgeoning death of a British youth by his friend who obsessively played the game. The killer used a hammer just as in the game he played. Take-Two / Rockstar, anticipating the firestorm of criticism with the release of the murder simulator sequel, is lying to the public on both sides of the pond in stating this week that the game had nothing to do with the murder.

Take-Two is also stating that the sun does not rise in the east because Take-Two makes no money from its rising in the east. Take-Two has been repeatedly found in the U.S. by the federal government to be guilty of fraud, so what would one expect it to say.

Jack Thompson has agreed to this request from the U.K. Look for this effort to begin shortly given the summer of 2007 release date."

Of course, the original Manhunt was at the centre of a dispute in the UK, linked to the murder of Stefan Pakeerah, by his friend Warren LeBlanc in 2004. Despite calls from conservative media publications and the game being pulled from high street retailers, the police denied that any link existed and it eventually was discovered that the victim was the owner of the game.

Expect further details and controversy to appear shortly.
Fonte: http://www.totalvideogames.com/news/Jack_Thompson_Targets_Manhunt_2_11327_6441_0.htm
Este jogo não sei se será para adultos... É classificado como para maiores de 18, mas o publico alvo são mesmo os putos arruaceiros. Pelo menos a julgar pelo que vi do jogo. Gostei do gta, mas este não me atrai nem um pouco.

Perdoa o meu apurado sentido de ironia, mas n pude deixar passar :x2:

On Topic: Venha ele!
GamesRadar disse:
Later in the game, a member of The Project has both his plums and a pair of vertebrae removed with a pair of pliers

• The Director, gangs, CCTV cameras and death row dodger, James Earl Cash, from the first Manhunt won't play a part.

• Manhunt 2 's main character, scientist Dr Daniel Lamb, is locked in a private asylum by The Project - shady backers of a top secret drugs-based weapons program that Lamb was working on

• After breaking out of the asylum, Daniel Lamb goes on the run with psychotic inmate Leo Kasper, who is happy to coach Lamb on the brutal art of violence

• Like the first Manhunt, kills are executed in three deadly shades - Hasty, Violent and Gruesome

• Environmental kills have been introduced (push an enemy face first into a live fuse box, for example)

• Loud ambient noises can be exploited by Lamb to drown out his own crashing about

• When hiding in shadows, if an enemy comes close the player will sometimes have to copy a button combo in order to regulate Lamb's breathing and ensure that he remains undetected

• Lamb can climb and crawl - two moves that Manhunt's James Earl Cash couldn't do

• Guns can be used for stealth kills"

ManhuntUncut/OPM UK disse:
Here is some more information from the magazine

• Bag, glass shard, 'heavy handgun', nightstick and double barrel shotgun return. One bag execution has Daniel standing behind an orderly punching him in the face while the orderly is on his knees. There is also what appears to be a smaller hammer in one image, although I can’t confirm that.

• Biro, sledge hammer and spiked bat join the party.

• There is a brother level named 'the Honey Pot', a woman named Judy is here – the brother is a ‘front’ for recruiting for ‘The Project’.

• Environmental kills are noted by white x on the h.u.d. The radar returns.

• There are telephone and toilet environmental executions.

• There is now a weapons inventory which now pauses game. No idea if this means you can carry more than 1 item from each grouping.

• Free aim shooting – the magazine notes shooting as being easier due to free aim shooting, but this was also present in the original game. It is presumably enhanced.

• Rockstar North is doing the audio for the game, which means the return of Craig Conner and Allan Walker.

• Hinted at that the USB headset will return - Just my assumption, not confirmed!

• Level design and (most) game mechanics are very similar to the first game. No free roaming (GTA).

The magazine appears to have had the chance to play the first two levels from the game, the first acting as a tutorial. They say that Daniel had been working on a drugs-based weapons program (for ‘The Project’) six years prior to the events in the game and that he is a lot more complex than Cash was. The game picks up with Daniel in containment, and his first victim is a female doctor, which he kills by strangling her. An electrical storm soon hits and knocks out the power to the hospital, freeing the patients, as Daniel passes by the cells an inmate throws urine over him! And this is where the stealth mechanics of the game begin to come into play. Apparently if you aren’t quiet in your escape then a ‘larger’ inmate will throw faeces over you, sound lovely. Before long you meet Leo, the magazine goes onto explain that Daniel is so helpless in the beginning that he won’t fight back when attacked, it isn’t until his health drops so low and he has had enough of Leos taunting that he stands up for himself.

The magazine skips forward ‘several hours’, it doesn’t explain if this is through a cut-scene or if they are jumping ahead of levels in-between. But the level they describe is the brothel level ‘The Honey Pot’, the purpose of the level is to find Judy. Upon arriving at the brothel they are greeted by a pimp, who takes Daniels ID, this is when you are introduced to environmental kills. The level is described as having pimps, project members and people having sex everywhere. The sounds of people having sex allow for Daniel to manoeuvre his way around the brother easier due to them drowning out any sound he may be making.

The magazine states that the game is due for release ‘this spring’ rather than summer, this is likely a difference of opinion but isn’t spring usually around April or May?

Studio manager for Rockstar London, Mark Washbrook also participated in a interview in the magazine. When asked 'Any chance we'll see Piggsy again?' Mr. Washbrook responds with ' Ah, we'll see’.


• No title has satisfied the fiercely loyal Manhunt fan base since its release and there was no question that we could leave them hanging any longer!

• Although there's no denying that Manhunt contained violence and gore it would be missing the point if people thought these elements were what made Manhunt as great as it was.

I also want to add that the game looks great; it is easily the best looking Rockstar game graphically (with exception to Table Tennis – obviously). It retains the same art direction of the first title but looks a whole lot more polished than anything that has come before it. So far everything is looking outstanding in my opinion, Rockstar have attained everything that made the first game great all while expanding upon it and they appear to be making it for the people that want the game, rather than trying to change the opinions of others.
Fonte: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145470

Eles parecem estar mesmo a ir atrás da controvérsia.
Sinopse do jogo:

An experiment at a secret research facility has gone catastrophically wrong. Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper are the only surviving subjects. The Pickman Project will stop at nothing to hunt them down and stop the truth from getting out.

Demented screams echo around the dank asylum that has caged you for the last six years. You open your eyes. A white-coated body slumps to the floor through your shaking hands. A bloody syringe slips from your arm. Waves of confusion and paranoia crash over you. You have no idea who you are or how you got here.

The door to your cell is open. One choice. One chance. They took your life. Time to take it back.

Manhunt 2. Coming Summer 2007
Fonte: http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?cookie_test=1&product_id=230081
Já levantavam era um pouco mais o veu do jogo, particularmente screenshots, estou a ficar com alguma comichão com este jogo.
acho que vou tentar arranjar o manhunt 1 para perceber se vale a pena comprar este... ta usado na Game a 13 euros para PS2
Imagens do jogo:













Fonte: http://www.rockstargames.com/manhunt2/screens/

Não há informação de qual plataforma é, se bem que a Rockstar é famosa por não fazer grandes upgrades (por outro lado o Manhunt 2 da Wii está a ser feito "separadamente" pelo estudio dos The Warriors)

Mas e comentando as imagens que temos aqui... texturas lavadas e com demasiado dithering (também poderia ser da compressão), os tilings delas nem sempre são certos, e a modelagem é antiquada, faz falta skinning e não há detalhe poligonal real nas roupas, além das texturas lavadas. Mas enfim... GTA e Manhunt (e outros jogos Rockstar) nunca venderam pelos gráficos.
Já tinha postado essas imagens mas alguém as apagou, de qualquer maneira, como tinha dito neste tal post, espero que isso seja a versão PS2, esse grafismo parece vindo de uma PSP.
Já tinha postado essas imagens mas alguém as apagou, de qualquer maneira, como tinha dito neste tal post, espero que isso seja a versão PS2, esse grafismo parece vindo de uma PSP.
Ainda não as tinha visto :(

Mas sim, concordo, espero que não estejam a fazer este jogo igual para 3 plataformas só porque o mínimo denominador comum é a PSP.

Eu desconfio um bocado da rockstar, porque os ports de gta para pc sempre foram um bocado manhosos.

Controlos através de teclado super complexos... E se quisessemos ligar um gamepad e jogar como se fosse na ps2, o suporte é péssimo. Se se descuidam assim com esses controlos, até tenho medo de ver o que fazem ao wiimote. Pode ser que me surpreendam!

Que raio de mania de assumir que todos da Wii é para jogar com a gaita sensivel aos movimentos, tambem ha comando classico
The Warriors é um grande jogo... dos meus favoritos desta geração.

Quanto a GTA na Wii... o que me leva a duvidar é que a Rockstar deve estar a martelar o novo engine pa next-gen... com que engine faziam um GTA na Wii? Só se melhorarem muito o defeituoso engine usado nos jogos da PS2 :wvsore:

O 1º Manhunt era aborrecido IMO mas pode ser que melhorem o jogo :)

É sabido que a Nintendo fez de tudo para conseguir o GTA... mas sera que o conseguiu ou não?
A verdade é que pode estar muito bem a caminho a versão Wii, isto é mera especulação, mas se a Nintendo queria tanto o nome mais sonante dos video jogos, não seria de admirar que tivesse oferecido "incentivos". Incentivos esses podiam ser: -Incentivo monetario fixo, condições vantajosas no licenciamento, ajuda monetaria ao desenvolvimento do jogo, ajuda monetaria e/ou tecnica para desenvolvimento de um novo motor de jogo.

Se a Nintendo queria tanto o GTA não me admirava que na hora do lançamento tambem o tenha...
Que raio de mania de assumir que todos da Wii é para jogar com a gaita sensivel aos movimentos, tambem ha comando classico
Este vai usar, o que a julgar pelas maravilhas que dizem do Godfather... pode ser um selling point para o jogo (e uma fonte de controvérsia)
É sabido que a Nintendo fez de tudo para conseguir o GTA... mas sera que o conseguiu ou não?
A verdade é que pode estar muito bem a caminho a versão Wii, isto é mera especulação, mas se a Nintendo queria tanto o nome mais sonante dos video jogos, não seria de admirar que tivesse oferecido "incentivos". Incentivos esses podiam ser: -Incentivo monetario fixo, condições vantajosas no licenciamento, ajuda monetaria ao desenvolvimento do jogo, ajuda monetaria e/ou tecnica para desenvolvimento de um novo motor de jogo.

Se a Nintendo queria tanto o GTA não me admirava que na hora do lançamento tambem o tenha...
Há quem diga que conseguiu, há quem diga que a Rockstar está a testar o terreno e por aí fora. Só o vamos saber se alguma das duas abrir a boca.

GTA4 não acredito, embora já tenha ouvido pessoas a afirmarem-no com as letras todas, mas acho que esse, está completamente fora do mapa, eles estão a fazer algo cross platform para aquelas plataformas, não há forma (a não ser que tivessem uma equipa separada) de adaptar para os controlos e exportar a geometria e compilar as texturas para outros middlewares para a Wii (e optimizá-los), isso tudo e até ao final do ano... não acho humanamente possivel.

Já eu, só espero que a investirem invistam a sério, nada de ports da PS2/PSP (graficamente).
Última edição:
é um preview para a versão PS2 (imaginem se a xbox tivesse sido a consola mais popular na geração anterior... teriamos ports com grafico muito melhores na wii no momento)
parece bom.
Ah e vou ter de desenterrar o manhunt 1 para PS2 de um sitio qualquer em segunda mão. acho que vi na Game

o que gosto ainda mais é que o jack thompson legalmente já não pode dizer nada contra os jogos da Rockstar :D
Gosto da forma como enaltecem que a versão Wii é superior em tudo :)

"Consider for one moment that in Manhunt 2 you can, Wii remote and nunchuk in hands, use a pair of pliers to clamp onto an enemy's testicles and literally tear them from his body in a bloody display; and if that weren't enough, you'll take one of the poor victim's vertebrae along with his manhood. Or, if you'd prefer, you can use a saw blade and cut upward into a foe's groin and buttocks, motioning forward and backward with the Wii remote as you go. "Lawyer" Jack Thompson has found his holy grail. But believe it or not, there is much more to Manhunt 2 than mutilation and mayhem. This is a game that begins with the subject of psychosis."

Manhunt 2 in Wii could be described as Splatter Cell because it is quite obviously filled to the brim with gore, but as you use the nunchuk's analog stick to control Danny through the levels you will also be doing your share of sneaking, Sam Fisher style. You will hide in the shadows and creep up behind enemies and the game rewards you for your stealthy ambitions with greater levels of violence. For example, it is entirely possible to run directly up to an enemy and throw punches his way, or even use one of your many weapons to dispose of him in some bloody fashion. However, these face-to-face kills will rarely be as dramatic or as entertaining - whether you gauge entertainment by the satisfaction of using stealth or by the level of blood and chunks that result - as a sneak attack. There's a whole mechanic built around it, in fact, and this is one of the areas that the Wii version of the title is much improved over the PS2 one.

As Danny creeps toward and draws ever closer to an enemy, the anti-hero will raise his hand to let you know that you can go into an attack. You trigger executions by holding down the A button as you sneak closer and closer to your foe. There are three levels to every execution, as determined by how long you hold the A button down before you begin an attack. An on-screen execution graphic will change colors from white, which is described as hasty; to yellow, which is violent; and finally to red, which results in gruesome kills.

In the PS2 version of the game, you merely hit a button to trigger the whole animation, which is far less engaging. On Wii, you act out the execution with a series of gestures timed to on-screen cues. If you're cutting into a man's skull with a saw, which you sometimes do, you might have to make a forward/backward motion with the Wii remote, hit the B trigger to a visual cue, and then gesture quickly upward with both controllers to put the finishing touches on the attack. It's much more immersive both because motion-based controls are inherently so and also because you're stringing together these attacks in the Wii build, while they are canned animation sequences in the PS2 one.

Now multiply these disgusting special attacks by at least 30, as there are -- bare minimum -- that many more weapons to use in Manhunt 2, all with brand new and completely gross executions. There are knives, swords, saws, hammers, syringes, pens, sledgehammers, pickaxes, and more. You'll be stabbing people in the head, in their neck, slicing into their gut, up their chest, and so on. Jamming a pen into an unsuspecting hunter's neck and watching the brood spray is disturbing, but we'll admit it - this is a videogame and not reality, after all - kind of satisfying, too. Exclusive to the Wii version of Manhunt 2 are three new weapons, including the razor, mace and a broken bottle. There are all sorts of guns, from hand weapons to shotguns, which blow entire holes through the heads of enemies. On Wii, you simply hold the C button to go into aiming mode, where you'll have pixel-perfect accuracy with the Wii remote; then you tap B-trigger to fire. (You can cycle between different gun and melee weapons at any time by press down on the D-pad.) You can even cut off a person's head and wear it - yes, wear it - on your belt buckle; it dangles around as you run through the environments and you can hurl it at foes or toss it into hallways as a distraction device.

The Wii version of Manhunt 2 looks noticeably better than the PS2 version. Rockstar Toronto has used the extra horsepower that Nintendo's console delivers to "up the gore." This is done in a few key ways. For starters, character models in the Wii version will display realistic blood splatters, bruising, gunshot wounds, gashes, and head wounds. In addition, blood will actually spray the screen during combat and executions in the Wii iteration, just as it will accumulate on Danny as he explores the asylum. Considering how important the gore factor is to Manhunt 2, these are all welcomed additions. The title meanwhile looks very sharp on Wii, moves at a steady 30 frames per second, and runs in both 480p and 16:9 widescreen modes.

Manhunt 2 is set to hit Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP on July 10. Representatives for Rockstar told us that the company never once considered releasing the Wii version at a later date, as is sometimes the trend with multiplatform games. They added that they don't consider the Wii build a port of any kind, but rather an affair catered specifically for the Wii audience. Call us sick, but we couldn't be more excited because Nintendo's console will be home to the definitive version.

Os gráficos continuam nada de especial para o que o equipamento pode fazer (isto correria facilmente a 60 frames numa GC); Rockstar nunca foi famosa pelos graficos a usar a Renderware, ainda assim parece ter bastantes melhorias sob a versão PS2 e bom aspecto in motion o que já não é mau... O controlo parece francamente bom, como que um godfather com esteroides... Só não sei se esses esteroides são bons. Mas estou relativamente interessado no jogo.