PC Diablo 3 em desenvolvimento? (arquivo)

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It looks like the Diablo III rumor mill has started up once again with a seemingly innocent post on the jobs section of the Blizzard web site. A few days ago they posted a job for an art director and various leads to join "the team behind Diablo I and II" for "an unannounced PC project." I have been getting some inquires since then if Blizzard is indeed working on Diablo III and when is it going to come out?

Well, before I answer let me mention a few things. First, I don't want to get any of my friends at Blizzard in trouble, so from instead of mentioning "Diablo III" let's call this theoretical game "Beelzebub 3" and instead of "Blizzard" let's call them "Snowstorm". Second, my information is quality stuff, but it is a little old, so take that with a gain of salt. Third, err, well, there is no third, so let's get into what I know!

Let's the obvious out of way, "Snowstorm" is indeed working on "Beelzebub 3". Not only are they working on it, but they have been working on this game for no less than the past four years. In fact, "Snowstorm North" nearly completed the game several years ago, but what they developed just "wasn't fun" and been quietly reworked. This was actually one of the key reasons why Snowstorm North was closed and everyone was relocated to Irvine-based Snowstorm, so that the bigwigs in Irvine could better track and follow the development of Beelzebub 3.

As for what to expect in to see in Beelzebub 3, believe it or not but those rumors that were floating around a few months ago about the game were fairly accurate (by the way, I have no idea who started these rumors or where they came from). According to the rumors:

"Diablo 3 takes place in heaven. Hell is trying to take it over and it is AWESOME looking … Imagine the brightness of heaven being taken over by the darkness of hell … Imagine WoW but in a Diablo world in amount of size and playability … Also, guild housing is available in this game for those of you who know about it."

This information was pretty dead-on. It is true that Beelzebub 3 will be done in true 3D and it did indeed look freaking awesome. It is also true that Beelzebub 3 features a story between the conflicts of Heaven and Hell and contains a very cool feature where every single item in the game can change between a "light" version and a "dark" version. However this was also one of the problems with the original version of the game. Other than the ability for any item to visually change from light to dark it didn't affect the actual stats of the item or change the gameplay in any way. So the game has gone through a total rework to inject some "fun" into the gameplay and to make it feel like the Beelzebubs of old.

The core gameplay Beelzebub 3 will play pretty much like Beelzebub 1 and 2, but the game world will be much larger and provide a much deeper experience -- many more items, more levels when you go through the game for first time, more skills, more of everything. In addition, the multiplayer aspect will be greatly enhanced from the past installments and don't be surprised to see more than a couple of WoW-based concepts to leak over into the Beelzebub 3 universe ... such as two opposing factions (Alliance and Horde = Heaven and Hell), enhanced guild functionality, and maybe even mounts?!

As for when Beelzebub 3 will released, that one is easy to answer ... when it's done. Snowstorm is in no rush to finish this game and will release it only after they feel it's perfect. And after the fiasco of StarCraft: Ghost -- which has been announced for years and is currently going through its second round of redesign and reprogramming -- Snowstorm is in no rush to announce Beelzebub 3. Don't except an announcement until the game is near completion.

But there is some good news; that "leak" on the Snowstorm jobs page was no accident. If they are starting to leak information about Beelzebub 3 then they are starting to get closer to a final release. Of course for Snowstorm something "getting close" can mean two years from now.

Hopefully that will hold everyone over for the short term. Hopefully Beelzebub 3 will be announced at the next E3, I'll try to find out more before then and give everyone the dirt as I get it.

Lindo! Já fiquei aqui a espumar da boca! :D

Sempre achei que havia algo de estranho quando acabaram com a Blizzard North, os responsáveis por fazer o Diablo 1 e 2 (apesar de parte da equipa ter saído logo depois do Diablo 1). O Bill Ropper e os restantes sairam e formaram a Flag.

Isto a ser verdade, vai acabar com a minha vida social (pela terceira vez! :D).

Realmente o Starcraft Ghost tem sido uma desilusão, anunciado e nunca mais saiu, tem sido consecutivamente adiado e tem tudo para ser um grande jogo.

Venha ele (que entretanto me vou divertindo com o WOW e o WC3! :D).
True 3D :s

Espero que estes tipos nao ponham isto deixem a vista em "bird like" :s
Nao sei se aquilo ia ficar la grande coisa em 3rd person :s , diablo é suposto ser um jogo de movimentos rapidos, quase frenetico, coisa que o 3rd person view nao pode oferecer.
Orochimaru, não concordo. O estilo de jogo pode ser o mesmo, mas em 3D. Com o poder das gráficas de hoje em dia é muito possível teres quase o mesmo estilo dos gráficos do 2 mas bem melhores, isto é, mais bonitos e totalmente 3D. Se der para escolher o mesmo tipo de vista, não estou a ver o problema. Quando sairem uns screens, logo se verá.

Eu disse que pela onda da Blizzard, o mais certo era o jogo só sair daqui a 2 anos, o autor do último texto tem a mesma opinião.
eu n queria era q fosse mmorpg e a pagantes como o wow... queria a velha formula do diablo2, talvez com mais players por jogo (uns 16 por ex)

ah, e quero q de pa customizar o boneco!! sexo, altura, fucinheira, tudo!! :D
Optimo jogo o D2 o D3 deve ser brutal!

Quanto ao 3D deve ser do genero do Titan quest, bem feito o 3D n estraga o jogo :)

eu as vezes da-me uma corrente de ar e tb lhe pego durante uns dias :D

eh triste como hoje em dia c tt poderio grafico n conseguem fazer um jogo c a pinta e a pica q da o d2... :(
Com esta conversa toda já fiquei com vontade voltar de jogar Diablo2, é só deixar acabar os exames para regressar ao click click click. :)
Diabloii.net disse:
Diablo3.es & de

More domain name fun. Ricard sends word that on 24th March Blizzard registered the diablo3.es (Spain) domain. They recently also aquired the diablo3.de domain from a third party. Before announcement of the title they'll want to gather up as many domains and that includes pre-owned ones as is the case with the German one. Whether the announcement is imminenet (E3 in May) or a little way off (Blizzcon in October) we're not sure but betting on either is safe.

You can check out the Spanish domain reg here, you'll need to type in the code printed above the form box to gain entry to show the page.

Parece que já se estão a mexer :x2:

ps: O link comigo nao funcionava com o ff :)
diablo III a ser produzido?

Blizzard didn’t make any allusions about a possible Diablo 3, but this didn’t stop rumors from circulating.

After Bill Roper’s resignation, it looked like there wouldn’t be any sequel to Diablo, even though Blizzard North had started to look for experienced designers.

But after Ropers’s announcement that his new studio will launch Hellgate: London, an employee of the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra posted on DiabloII.net information according to which the orchestra is currently working at the soundtrack for Diablo 3.

Actually, the information was received as an e-mail whose content was this: “I am musician in Czech Republic. I play not with one orchestra but with many depending on work. I have recently been to Bratislava in Slovak Republic for recording sessions with local Radio Symphony Orchestra, where we just recorded music for Diablo 3.”

The information might contain some truth, because the same orchestra recorded the music for the add-on of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Obviously Blizzard didn’t make any comments.
Eu só espero é que não matem a série diablo transformando-o num MMORPG (€€€€€). Para mim o diablo é essencialmente um jogo single player. Mesmo na bnet costumo jogar sozinho num jogo com password.
Exacto, essa noticia já é bastante antiga. Vi um artigo em que um ex-funcinário da Blizzard falava sobre o Diablo 3. Aparentemente o jogo já estava feito. Só que a "Blizzard-Mãe" não gostou do jogo, já que este era uma simples continuação do 2. A Blizzard gosta de inovar, de lançar algo que realmente faça a diferença. Daí a Blizzard-North desagregou-se e a maioria dos seus funcionários sairam para outras companhias (a Flag por exemplo).

Esse funcionário dizia que possivelmente a Blizzard iria reformular o jogo todo, mas que não sabia se o tinham começado ou para quando o desejavam lançar. A verdade é que têm surgido rumores fortes de um Starcraft2 por causa de umas declarações de um director da Blizzard.

Sabendo que a Blizzard nunca lança dois jogos com pouca diferença de tempo, ou vai sair o Diablo 3 ou o Starcraft 2, mas estou mais inclinado para este último até porque não oferece concorrência directa ao WoW.
O Diablo também ñ deveria oferecer concorrência directa ao WoW, a ñ ser que os MMORPG tenham pegado moda nos lados da Blizard, o que seria uma bela "cof cof"...
A semelhança é que são ambos RPG's.

Mas tb preferia um Starcraft 2 que um Diablo 3 :D Até pq o SC Ghost foi cancelado (já à muito), talvez tenhamos uma surpresa.

Fikem bem!
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