PC/Mac/Linux Postal 2

mais uma entrevista


Freshmint: Hi, first off can you introduce yourself to our readers, your position etc.

VINCE:Hi my name is Vince Desi, I'm one of the co-founders of Running With Scissors.

MIKE:My name is Mike Riedel, I'm the other co-founder and I handle the development side of this insanity.

Freshmint: After viewing the first screenshots, Postal2 seems to depict a "bloodbath", is there an underlying story to Postal2?

VINCE: Sure there is, although we don't care much about stories, we care more about gameplay. In POSTAL 2 you play a main character known as the Postal Dude. The game is based on a week in his life, beginning on Monday. The Postal Dude lives in a town called Paradise Arizona. He works at Running With Scissors, he's your mid 30's white trash all american hero, he has a bitch for a wife and has a dog named Champ. His life sucks and he has to deal with it, thats where the player comes in - you can play agressively or passively, we let you decide. POSTAL 2 is only as violent as you are.

MIKE: There's a story and there are lots of cinematics to move it along, but the focus is really on the gameplay. The blood and gore are secondary.

Freshmint: Is there any chance that Postal2 will be available to purchase from retail outlets?

VINCE: I hope so, there are some countries where we may have a problem, but then it will be available over the net fom our website

Freshmint: Tell our readers about some of the weapons selected for Postal2 and which is your favourite weapon and why?

VINCE: We have an interesting mix of weapons. Because we love fire so much we give you several options - matches, gasoline, napalm, and molotov cocktails.

My favorite is the Cat Silencer. We let you put a cat on the end of some guns and then you can shoot the cat off, it's real funny!

MIKE: There are others like the shovel that are real satisfying to use, you can chop heads off with it.

Freshmint: Postal2 is modelled on the Unreal2 engine, how much does a complete games engine actually cost?

VINCE: Too much.

MIKE: Too fucking much.

Freshmint: Are you connected to CliffyB. and does he also design maps for Postal2?

VINCE: No, he works for Epic. Our maps are all built by certifiable maniacs and sex junkies.

Freshmint: Does Postal2 also include the Karma Engine and how does it effect the upper area of the female game figures?

VINCE: Yes, we use several technologies including Karma, Unreal and our own Nathan system. We have over 100 unique charcaters, some of the babes have real big boobs. You have to make tradeoffs when your making a game and we decided that liquid physics were very important thats where our Nathan system comes in. We let you pour gasoline down rooftops and alleyways, we let you piss everywhere and on anyone, and we have vomitting, and of course we have blood running.

MIKE: The karma system is mainly used for it's "ragdoll" feature, which let's us make people die and react to explosions in a very realistic-looking way.

Freshmint: Are there any taboos which you never include in such a game? If yes, please specify.

VINCE: We don't use sex for sex. If you really want sex you should do porn and not play games.

MIKE: I have no idea what he just said. We don't have kids in the game either.

Freshmint: Could one make serious revenue with a game like Postal2? and what is your source of income at present?

VINCE: Absolutely, especially if the stores and governments leave us alone. Gamers want this game. We sell ourselves everyway we can.

MIKE: Money would be good, but we really do this shit because we love it. If we wanted to make money we'd all be in a different business.

Freshmint: What other games do you guys play and where do you get your inspiration?

VINCE: For inspiration I rely on colors, my favorite colors are pink and green.

MIKE: Everyone in development likes different games but the common theme is they're all hardcore gamers. The inspiration comes from all the shit that happens in real life.

Freshmint: Why have you chosen the Unreal2 instead of the "SOF2" engine?

MIKE: We've got huge outdoor areas filled with tons of buildings, and you can go inside every one of them. There are often more than 100 NPC's in our levels, all using very sophisticated AI. These are all things that the unreal engine does really well. We looked at other engines, but this was the clear choice.

Freshmint: Have you played Unreal Tournament 2003 and if so, did you like the 'splattereffects'?

MIKE: It's a great game but it's focused on multiplayer which is an entirely different direction than our game.

Freshmint: Is the Running with Scissors Team still being sued by the American Postal Service due to the name and do they have a chance of suceeding?

VINCE: Yes, we may have a settlement soon.

Freshmint: I have heard that you can decapitate people in Postal2, what does the Postal2 dude do with these heads?

VINCE: Yeah, peoples heads really fly in POSTAL 2, one thing you can do is to make a pile of them and then set them all on fire hahahah! Or you can play hockey with them hahahahah!

MIKE: Remember YOU ARE the postal dude, so what you do with the heads is entirely up to you! We build the world and YOU decide what happens. One of the cool things about this game is that there are so many things you CAN do, you just have to try them. We don't tell you everything in the instructions. You have to experiment to discover a lot of the coolest parts of the game.

Freshmint: Who does the voice over for the Postal2 dude?

VINCE: Some sick ***** we know here in Tucson.

Freshmint: Have you ever broken the law and if so how?

VINCE: Have you ever ***** someone you knew you shouldn't, come on you can't expect me to admit to some shit.

Freshmint: In one sentence what is the best thing about Postal2?

VINCE: The Gameplay is awesome because the AI is so strong

MIKE: It's a playground for psychopaths.

Freshmint: Do you own a cat (and is he still with us?) and where did you get the idea to use him as a silencer in Postal2?

MIKE: Ummmm... some sick ***** came up with that one. I'm sure he likes real cats though.

VINCE: It was actually Mike and he hates cats.

Freshmint: Can we expect Postal2 in 2003?

VINCE: Get ready cause this bad motherfucker is right around the corner, MARCH baby!

MIKE: It's getting so close you can smell it.

Freshmint: Are there various Damage Zones with the Player Models and how do they effect the overall game?

MIKE: We didn't get into very precise body-part damage -- that's something SOF did well and not something we cared to focus on. However, some of the weapons do work better or have different effects depending on where you aim. Shotgun blasts to the head are interesting.

Freshmint: I work at Vivendi as a games tester and now and again find amusing bugs in Games. What in your opinion was the funniest found in Postal2?

MIKE: We constantly see the wildest shit happening in the game, except usually they aren't really bugs, they're just the AI doing stuff we didn't expect!
Sometimes you'll see a guy running down the street, screaming, and a few seconds later you'll see a cop chasing him, and then a few seconds after that you'll see a dog chasing the cop! Or you'll see people bump into each other on the street and get so pissed that one of them will pull out a gun and start shooting. And for some reason the cops seem to arrest blacks more than whites.

Freshmint:. Are your girlfriend/Family aware of the new game you produced and if so what are there views on it?

VINCE: My mom just passed away, but she loved POSTAL, my fiance doesn't really play games except in bed and thats cool with me.

MIKE: My kids and the rest of my family know all about it, they see it as what it is -- harmless fun.

Freshmint: How big is the Running with Scissors Team and where are they based?

VINCE: We're 9 guys, we have some folks that have helped us out on special stuff. We're in Tucson Arizona.

Freshmint: Are you trying to convey a hidden message to the players of Postal2 (if so what is that message?) or is it just pure entertainment?

VINCE: Pure entertainment. We honestly feel that violence belongs in games and not on the streets. There are no hidden messages, just have fun!

MIKE: If there's a message in the game it's that you shouldn't take this stuff too seriously. There are a lot of hypocrits out there who use the issue of violence in games for their own personal gain.

Freshmint: The UT-2003.com Team would like to thank you for this Interview and perhaps you would like to say a few words to our community?

VINCE: THANKS, groups like us couldnt survive without the support from you folks, THANKS and remember play POSTAL at home and not in real life!
fonte: ut-2003.com
De facto o jogo parece estar a ficar BASTANTE interessante. Gostei bastante da maneira como eles explicaram que o "mundo" do jogo reage às nossas acções ou seja se nós não formos violentos provavelmente a violência não virá ter connosco...

Anyway não vou comentar a violência do jogo antes de o jogar :D

Short people got no reason to live.

Sternly-worded protests of the Postmaster General notwithstanding, the phrase "going postal" isn't really connected to the U.S. Postal Service - at least, not anymore. While it does derive its black humor origins from some newsworthy but extreme actions of certain stressed-out USPS employees in the 1980s, almost everybody knows its common meaning today: the sudden dispensing, by any person or persons, of high-caliber (and widely-indiscriminate) justice.
It's the perfect (if uneasy) subject for a computer game, all the moreso if suffused with the sort of over-the-top humor that belies the game's level of otherwise-psychotic violence. Hey, we've all had one of those Falling Down days, right? Enter Postal 2.

A little background, if you're in need. The 1997 top-down action/strategy killfest Postal drew various grades of cheers or acidic jeers, but it sure didn't go unnoticed. Since '97, the head honcho of developer Running With Scissors, Vince Desi, has crossed swords with reluctant retailers, edgy editors, miffed media and even the occasional pissed-off (and sleepy) politician. Postal was topically-touchy, thematically-skimpy, mechanically-ordinary...and almost shamefully fun.

Well, the times have a-changed, and game engines have a-changed with them. Postal 2 will be a strictly first-person romp through a typical week in the combat boots of the Postal Dude as he "goes postal" on the fully-populated, free-roaming, fictional town of Paradise, Arizona. Or doesn't. How much spent brass you leave on the ground at the end of the week is really up to you, actually. It's quite possible (though not bloody likely, or recommended) to make your way through the Postal Dude's week without firing a single offensive shot. The problem (as we discovered firsthand while recently visiting the Running With Scissors folks) is that all Arizonans seem to be rather heavily armed.

In Postal 2, the "Postal Dude" has settled down, sort of. He lives in a trailer (of course) in and he even has a job (at Running With Scissors!). Postal Dude's primary "missions" consist of such intrigue-packed tasks as picking up and cashing his paycheck, buying a quart of milk at the "Lucky Ganesh" (a mini-mart reminiscent of Apu's Kwik-E-Mart), or attending a book signing at the local mall for the signature of - or chance to shoot - diminutive guest star and pop-culture-gone-awry icon Gary Coleman! All of it's presented courtesy of the Unreal engine, providing some of the most convincing outdoor environments we've thus far seen in a first-person game.

No, you didn't read it wrong, and we didn't phrase it in some odd or clever way: Gary Coleman plays himself in the game, through voice-work, meticulous facial modeling and motion-capture...and you can shoot him. Repeatedly, if necessary. Actually, it will be necessary, because Mr. Coleman is a surprisingly hard target (for a short person wearing a cream-colored suit), and he isn't going to take kindly to any interruption of his book-signing, even if it is only in a virtual world. He may be a small guy, but he makes up for it by packing lots of firepower. You probably don't believe us, so we've even provided proof. Whachoo talkin' 'bout NOW, Willis?

Want more proof? Click here...if you dare. Note: Not for the weak of heart (or kidney)!

The original Postal was awash in exaggerated, chaotic violence, like some hellish/hilarious cartoon parody of the Six 'o Clock News, and Postal 2 surely aims to do its digital daddy proud in that regard. Even a hardened game industry veteran would come away from a five-minute demo knowing that Postal 2 has the most outrageous content the computer gaming world has seen to date, absolutely, bar none. Forget Kingpin and Soldier of Fortune; as nasty as they were, they were both, in their own ways, very close to ugly reality. Not so with Postal 2, which comes off less like Littleton and more like South Park.

Let's just get it out of the way now: Somebody, somewhere, is absolutely going to get offended by Postal 2. There may or may not be an Iraq in three months, but there will still be some cheesed-off Postal 2 protester. Almost every subgroup with an agenda imaginable is here in the game's 150+ non-player-character permutations...and if you want to, you can kill every last one of them, often in some inventive, sickoid laugh-out-loud way. Men, women, civilians, cops, whites, blacks, gays, straights, dogs, cats - you name it, you can kill it. Especially cats - take particular note of the improvised 'silencer,' which is a cat with the player's weapon of choice jammed up its hoo-hoo. Watch what happens on the 9th shot...to paraphrase Andrew Vachss, everybody pays.

Especially entertaining targets are videogame protester nut-jobs (who suddenly storm the in-game RWS offices with an arsenal of automatic weapons), at least three distinct types of Taliban, overweight gibbering game geeks, and even the recognizable employees of Running With Scissors themselves, easily spotted by their black, distinctive-logo T-shirts. What's more, company president Desi himself appears as a viable target - with loud tacky clothing for easy identification. Got a complaint about the game? Now's your chance! Boo-ya! Fugheddabouddit!

Paradise, Arizona is a fully-realized township with lots of variety, details and sub-locales for the curious to explore. These include the Paradise police station (where the player can actually wind up imprisoned, necessitating a fairly involved escape), a bank (choose your own actions), an establishment that is clearly a gay dance club (with a great name, which we won't spoil), an incendiary weapons factory, the aforementioned shopping mall, a train depot with lots of platform-style ledges and a host of others. Available armament at this stage includes handguns, shotguns, stun-guns, sniper rifles, grenades, gasoline, shovels, an absurd seeker-weapon, and a few others you'll just need to work out for yourself

All the while, the Postal Dude cracks wise to himself Duke Nukem style, in a deep, composed voice ("So THAT'S how that feels!" he muses, when the player gets shot). If you decide to play the pacifist for as long as you can stand it, you'll bear witness to various firefights and furballs breaking out spontaneously amongst the Paradise citizenry. Play your non-violent cards right, and it's possible to scour the aftermath of a street bloodbath like some urban vulture, scooping up weapons, cash and other goodies while never having taken a life yourself.

Postal 2's slightly goofy body physics smack loudly of the rag-doll mechanics found in the recent Minority Report, particularly when foes are booted around with the player's Kick command (a last-ditch but satisfying attack when ammo for all other weapons is temporarily depleted). Bodies tumble wildly through the air - with or without heads, depending upon your previous actions - and in fact can be 'juggled' up there for rather a long period with well-timed explosions or shotgun blasts. It's a bit hideous, but you can do it if you really want to.

And that's the point. The option to play the game in a nonviolent mode seems to have been placed as a mocking dare to any who would poo-poo the game's violent, cartoony subject matter. The game is, ultimately, only as violent as you are - but oh dear, it's awfully tempting to dispense with the violence. The catch is that you, as the Postal Dude, aren't the only one who can suddenly 'go postal,' and when the residents of Paradise start to violently freak out around you, brandishing all manner of weaponry, you are left with a range of options. You can run, you can carefully pick your targets, you can go berserk, or you can even resort to special devious methods of your own. It is truly an evil thing to give away too many points of a game before it has come out, but suffice it to say that one's approach to Paradise's haywire civics is open to a little personal interpretation. If the bit about cats grossed you out, just wait until you discover the finer tactical applications of pastries. And I don't mean this.

With a game engine this beautiful, smooth and, well, bloody, a gamer's fancy turns to thoughts of multiplayer. Bummer that it is, Postal 2 will have no multiplayer upon initial release. There are definitely plans for a multiplayer release in the works, but Running With Scissors made the decision to get the finished single-player game out to awaiting fans as soon as possible, for good or ill. Despite numerous publishing and distribution troubles (due largely to the game's on-the-edge subject matter), a healthy online fan base has already pre-ordered copies of Postal 2 (which, surprisingly, will be carried in Electronics Boutique stores), and both upgraded and Japanese versions of the original game have helped bolster the money situation at Running With Scissors, preparatory to the launch of its much-awaited sequel.

It's something of a bummer that Postal 2 will only support single-player (initially, at least), but its smooth engine, outrageous weaponry and out-of-bounds humor promise an entertaining single-player rampage...unless you don't play it as a rampage. And you get to shoot Gary Coleman! What more could you ask for, a marching band?

Um...actually, you can have that, too...
fonte: gamerevolution.com

epa o possessed tinha um video do jogo...o motor gráfico estava muito mau, mas talvez o possam melhorar.

ps: este tipo de jogos já enjoa...andar a matar ppl sem pensar já deu o que tinha a dar.:puke:
Motor gráfico mau? Epá se não me engano isto é o motor do Unreal 2003!!

Quanto ao mindless killing é verdade que é pouco original mas apesar de muitos jogos já o terem feito a IMPLEMENTAÇÃO nunca foi tão boa como a do 1º Postal que é para mim um dos jogos mais divertidos de sempre.

Hoje em dia o pessoal gosta é de 100 botões para carregar e uma história hyper complexa... nem sempre isso é necessário. :rolleyes:
Korben e o motor do Unreal mas pelos videos e pics que vi aquilo está mesmo mau. E duvido que melhore alguma coisa ate ao lançamento.
Mas se for tão fun como o 1º Postal a má qualidade grafica passa ao lado.
Li algures numa revista de jogos que na Holanda querem banir este jogo por existir uma suposta discriminação dos homossexuais (parece que existem missões que consistem em matar homossexuais).
Só mesmo na Holanda.
Originally posted by Evangelion-01
Li algures numa revista de jogos que na Holanda querem banir este jogo por existir uma suposta discriminação dos homossexuais (parece que existem missões que consistem em matar homossexuais).
Só mesmo na Holanda.

Epá se houver missões especificamente para isso é um bocado mau sim mas tb não são eles que se esforçam tanto para mostrar que são diferentes? Estou a falar das "bichas" e afins que se vêm a 100 metros de distância. Tenho amigos homosexuais e podes conhecê-los muito bem e nem perceber... isso sim é normal agora andar na rua aos berros "ai filha, ai querida todos pintados etc etc... please!".

Quem quiser assistir a estas belas figuras vá aos Armazéns do chiado pela hora de jantar às 6ªs e Sábados à noite... :-D

Anyway só comento o jogo quando jogar a versão final.
Epá se houver missões especificamente para isso é um bocado mau sim mas tb não são eles que se esforçam tanto para mostrar que são diferentes? Estou a falar das "bichas" e afins que se vêm a 100 metros de distância. Tenho amigos homosexuais e podes conhecê-los muito bem e nem perceber... isso sim é normal agora andar na rua aos berros "ai filha, ai querida todos pintados etc etc... please!".

Concordo contigo, mas a editora afirma que as mortes dos homossexuais são apenas consequências das missões e não objectivo do jogo. Vamos esperar para ver.
Mais do que a violência (que sem dúvida lá está) gostava de saber como é o jogo comparado com o 1º e principalmente se é divertido :)

Sempre se podem cumprir as missões sem disparar o gatilho? :D
Oh yeah, Postal 2 is finally here! I got this game yesterday, that's why I have only been able to play only a couple of minutes. Anyway, this game definitely rocks! :) The postal dude is a terrific guy with a great sense of humor. You can kick, shoot, even piss on people :)) I'm not disappointed! Some facts : the graphics do look pretty good (especially if you turn details on), both voice acting and sound effects are excellent, AI is pretty smart (the police act like real cops), about 10-15 seconds to load sections :( /Athlon XP 2200+, 512MB RAM, 128MB VRAM/, some crashes. Overall, Postal 2 has a wicked sense of humor, and tons of personality :P

Já há primeiras impressões...

essa pic rulla. é por isso que gosto das editora mais pequenas...era de todo impossivel ver isto num jogo da ea ou coisa do género...

quanto ao jogo, alguem já jogou? tou bastante curiosos :D
So o recebi ontem e so tive tempo pa jogar uns 10 minutos!
Pelo k vi parece ser fixe! os graficos tao bons, a jogabilidade tb é boa(basicamente as teclas de 1 fps, tirando as teclas para piss, suicidio, e dizer "get down", "get the ***** down"...

A AI tb parece boa, as missoes nao sei pk ainda nem sequer passei a 1!