PlayStation Helldivers 2 (Arrowhead)

Espero que update resolva o reset dos loadouts e aquelas notificações no meio do ecran..

Btw dentro do jogo ja existe um stratagem 'Nuke', bem aquilo faz um BOOOOOM bastante grande :blubomte:
No início qualquer jogo requer aprendizagem. Mas este é relativamente acessível no que diz respeito a objetivos e mapas de teclas.

Tenho jogado com amigos e tem sido bastante divertido. Alguns bug's aqui e ali mas nada que estrague a experiência
A pistola deve ser fixe para levar contra os bichos, para fechar aquela bugs holes rapidamente. Tbm nao vou comprar o bp para ja, nao por falta de creditos, mas porque ainda nem o primeiro/segundo acabei, é preciso muitaaaa medalhas.
Essa pistola lança granadas explosivas em combinação com o granada de mão de stun, vai ser um mimo.

Eu já limpei os 2 primeiros Warbonds Premium, mas ainda me falta terminar o primeiro Warbond grátis/original do jogo.

O jogo também tem "dado" (para quem procura xD) bem mais créditos, onde já cheguei a apanhar 100 numa partida, tenho perto de 900, até dia 11 já terei passado os 1000 para comprar o novo Warbond. :)

Agora estou curioso sobre o que vai acontecer quando limpar-mos os últimos 3 planetas dos Automatons nesta M.O, era bom ver os Illuminate finalmente no jogo! :D
Última edição:
@TpTavares Sim, Warbonds são os battlepasses e não têm tempo limite.

What is a Warbond?
"We're trying to model a unique type of live service with the Warbonds. They're like getting a treasure chest full of toys," Sagar says. And he's right: the Warbonds are your ticket to fighting the Galactic War in style with lots of unlockable gear, but they reflect the changing tides of war on Super Earth as well. "It's been a century since the last game, and Super Earth is starting to get its military-industrial complex churning again. And to whom would it be better to offer gear than the Helldivers?"

The items available will each have unique features that can offer a variety of tactics for play. "You're going to see some really cool items in the game, each one giving you different ways to approach problems within missions. So, get ready to armor up, drop in, and erase some enemy scum."

How do they work?
Warbonds give you access to multiple pages of unlockable content that can be obtained in a couple of different ways. Apart from the first Warbond—
Helldivers Mobilize —which has been graciously gifted to you by Super Earth, you can unlock new Premium Warbonds using Super Credits. Super Credits can either be purchased from the in-game store or discovered in missions by exploring points of interest.

Once you own a Warbond, you spend your hard earned medals to unlock your desired toys. Medals are awarded by completing objectives, missions, and operations. Medals can also be found the old-fashioned way by exploring the battlefield.

Do you hate FOMO? We do! Sagar wants to be clear about the monetization in HELLDIVERS 2: "At Arrowhead, we're gamers too, and we want these Warbonds to feel modern, fun, and in line with the Arrowhead style. This is important to us: the Warbonds are NOT a pay-to-win, FOMO-driven system. Instead, the gear in the Warbonds just keeps accumulating. We will not retire earlier Warbonds as new ones are released - you can pick them up and complete them at any time!"