Wii [Wiiware] Cave Story/Doukutsu Monogatari

Blog Updates: (do mais antigo para o mais recente)

Sorry for the extreme lack of updates. We’ve, well, been working on your game.
I’m still working now, but it’s about time we show another character. So, here he is–the new version of Malco, the friendly robot. Pixel did an awesome job on this one.
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2008/11/24/cave-story-art-comparison-malco/

With the second week of the new year almost over, we’re back to our schedule–including trying to update the blog. It’s technically Friday and that means it’s time for a new character. Since we were quiet over the holiday it’s time for a good one.

What you’re seeing above is pretty obvious, Amaya-san’s original and new take on Curly. I probably haven’t said it enough, but Amaya-san has done an amazing job. He’s consistently provided character artwork that seems to get better and better.
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2009/01/09/cave-story-art-comparison-curly/


Hey, I’m Tiffany, the programmer on Cave Story Wii. Things have been pretty busy for us as we get closer to release, but I wanted to say hello.

As you probably know, over the past few months we’ve been cracking away, trying to bring Cave Story over to the Wii platform. Thankfully to Pixel’s clean work, we’ve been able to do it without too many challenges. During the first few days of porting Cave Story I was able to see the hard work and love that went into making this game. Some of Pixel’s techniques, including the old school approach to sound generation, were really helpful in keeping the file sizes down (very helpful for WiiWare) and making this port a pretty straight forward one.

If you’ve read Tyrone’s post, you probably have figured out that the game is almost completely ported and getting close to done. There are still a few things left to do. One of the more obvious bugs from the initial port was a notable sound bug–you know “bleeding ears” and all–which I am currently working on. We promise to get it right! There were also several graphics bugs which have since been fixed. I am also working to get all of the Wii specifications in place, but that’s all secret stuff.
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2009/01/27/hello/

We’ve been a little lacking on the screen shots. So here’s a new one what. Do you like?
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2009/02/07/and-before-i-forget-mimiga-graveyard/

Tiffany here again and I come with a little bit of good news, or at least a couple of new things to tell you. Pixel and Ty have put together the weapons and the weapon icons for the HUD, everything dropped in nicely and, I think you’ll agree, it looks fantastic. Pixel never disappoints! The MIDI player is ready to go and the new music is on the way.

I am currently working hard to finish up the ORG player and then I will turn my focus to more DLC stuff. The whole team is hard at work to finish the game up and I think its safe to say that the excitement is really building now as we get closer to release!
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2009/02/14/mcnewsy-news/


Hello! I hope you missed us. Sorry for the break. There’s a reason we’ve been MIA for the last couple of weeks. No, we’re still not dead–we’re officially in crunch mode and trying our best to wrap up Cave Story! If all goes well, you’ll be playing Cave Story by the beginning of May or even end of April. Instead of a simple one-liner, we wanted to update everyone with a relatively complete item list of what we’ve been working on.

On my end, I’ve been working on finalizing the three versions of the manual. For North America, the Online Manual is required to be in English, Spanish and French. I’ve written the English version and I’m currently, slowly, translating it to spanish. Yann will be helping me with the French version. Aside from that I’ve been testing the game as much as possible and making sure we’re ready for localized versions of the game later this year.

Pixel and I have been discussing what we have in mind for DLC. We have a few new ideas that I think you’ll like. On the artwork side, I’ve been going through each file, one by one in the game making sure that the new artwork appears just way it should. We’ve pushed a pixel here or there on a few files. Oh yeah, we’ve also been translating some interviews for Pixel.

You haven’t seen updates free me because I’ve been busy typing away at code. On the programming front since the last update, I have fixed up the .org player and made some additional fixes to the graphics.
Also, I’ve spent some time working on the DLC support which Tyrone just mentioned, making sure that the game will be able to support all the new content that we have planned over the months following the initial release.

Some bug fixes have been made and additional music and artwork have also been added. My next port of call is to focus on more DLC stuff, bug fixes and Lotcheck. In case you’re not familiar with the term Lotcheck, it’s Nintendo’s internal submission process for developers and publishers. Basically it’s just checking that we are following all of Nintendo’s protocols, providing a good framework for the downloadable content and making sure that we ship a solid and bug free game.

Yann and Nicklas:
Hey, it’s Yann. Nicklas and I have been quite busy finalizing the new audio for Cave Story. First I made midi versions of the existing songs, with some modifications or new arrangements of them. All these song have been sent to Pixel for his approval; he gave us some feedback and we’ve since made the changes, as he requested.

Nicklas and I considered several ways to display the sound and finally build our own DLS bank with samples from digitally synthesized lo-fi sounds and also some old hardware sound modules. We wanted to keep them sounding a bit like chiptunes.

Then another part of the job consisting in making the sounds and the enveloppes fit with the tracks, and reorganizing the soundfont. I’m currently editing the midi files again to fix a lot of details inside the songs, making sure everything is set right, trying to improve what is lacking from Pixel’s versions, and also making some other stuff he asked for.

Oh by the way, we’re also building the speech synthesizer that will sing lyrics over each song while the playing the game!
Fonte: http://nicalis.com/blog/2009/03/08/cave-story-update-crunch-time/

I should also ask about that other anticipated Nicalis WiiWare game. Cave Story was recently delayed into 2010. What caused this latest setback?

Tyrone Rodriguez, Nicalis:
From the outset we decided to be pretty aggressive with the title and not just do a traditional port. As a big fan of Cave Story, I don't think it would have been the right way to go. A big part of what people perceive as the delays is my unyielding need to make sure we got everything right, but we also wanted to have an infrastructure that supports good add-on content in the future. Being our first title and being so aggressive with the feature set-- it's not just a simple port-- has caused some setbacks in schedule.

In November, you reported that it had been submitted to Nintendo. Were there specific bugs or issues that came up with that build? Or is that still the final build as of now?

Tyrone Rodriguez:
The submission process across all console manufacturers is pretty well-masked for a reason. We've been quite upfront about when we submit and what happens because there are a lot of fans who want to know what's going. The short answer is that, yes, we did have some issues that required to be addressed prior to shipping the game.

I only ask because it seems like Nintendo occasionally holds onto downloadable titles for release on its own schedule.

Tyrone Rodriguez:
I can't speak for other developers or publishers, but I know for Cave Story Nintendo has been 100 percent supportive and it isn't responsible for any of the delays.

Cave Story is one of the titles that Nintendo has promoted somewhat, mentioning it in press releases and promotional videos, and even showing it at E3. For most downloadable games, Nintendo's policy seems to be not to mention it at all until the release date. Did Nintendo approach you about pushing Cave Story early on?

Tyrone Rodriguez:
We approached them as developers wanting to bring Cave Story to the Wii, but it was Dan Adelman at NOA who really ran with the game. He's a big fan of the game and I don't mean on the business level--I mean he really enjoys the game. Dan is really a gamer, like you or me.

I remember Nicklas [Nygren, Knytt creator] and I showing him a prototype of Saira when it still had a little blue bird as a main character. He was blasting through some of the more-challenging areas in the demo. Nicklas was impressed.

Would you say you have the same kind of attention available to you from Nintendo for your other WiiWare releases -- La-Mulana and Nicklas's NightSky?

Tyrone Rodriguez:
I think of the three, being that Cave Story is the oldest, with La-Mulana right behind, that it's received the most attention as far as players. However, the interest in La-Mulana and NightSky has been great to see too. The official La-Mulana site gets a lot of fans commenting and communicating back and forth directly with [La-Mulana director]Mr. Naramura. Nicklas has a similar experience on his forums for NightSky and Saira.
Fonte: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/01/19/interview-nicaliss-tyrone-rodriguez-on-cave-story-la-mulana/

Tenho 1000 pontos guardados para este!
E por este andar vais ter que os guardar por muito mais tempo! Já se fala que a release do jogo esta para breve desde Agosto/Setembro... não entendo porque esta a demorar tanto.
E por este andar vais ter que os guardar por muito mais tempo! Já se fala que a release do jogo esta para breve desde Agosto/Setembro... não entendo porque esta a demorar tanto.
eles só submeteram o código final em dezembro e veio para trás com bugs.

Eles que os resolvam como deve de ser e têm os meus 1000 pontos ;)
Hmm.. estive agora a ver e em Agosto enviaram foi o manual.
No Nintendo everything eles deram entrevista em Outubro a dizer que só estavam a espera de aprovação da Nintendo.

Mas pode ter sido alguma má interpretação minha e em vez de já estar em aprovação era enviar em breve ou ainda a trabalhar para isso acontecer.