[Wii] Mushroom Men (Red Fly Studio)

O meu português devia ter ido de férias quando fiz o post acima :zzz: Fiz uma edição de modo a ficar legível.

A banda sonora é do Les Claypool :O
Isso é uma grande razão para arranjar o jogo.

Nos vídeos anteriores já tinha adorado o som! Tinha sido uma das coisas que me chamou mais à atenção. Neste último então dá para ver que realmente há um esforço nesse sentido. Quando vi o Les Claypool seguido de um clip de Primus ao vivo então... :D

Este jogo tem tudo para nos trazer uma daquelas pérolas que muitas vezes passam despercebidas mas que tem tudo no ponto (remember Chibi Robo).
Mais imagens:









Mas porquê que metem sempre aranhas??? :tareon::blubomte:

Anyway, o protagonista tem carisma e os cenários são bastante coloridos, espero que não estraguem este jogo.
Última edição:
Impressões Game|Life:

Hands-On: Wii Mushroom Men Uses the Force


The last thing I expected to say while playing Mushroom Men was, "Wow, this is what Force Unleashed should have been like."

And yet, there I was at PAX, getting hands-on in Gamecock's booth, and lo and behold it does exactly what I thought the Wii version of the new Star Wars game should have. Among his other powers, your fungal main character has "Sporekinesis" -- he can levitate and move objects around using the Wiimote. Aim the pointer at something with spores growing on it, and you can pick it up and move it around the level with motion controls. If you want to throw it at the nearest enemy (or anywhere), just flick.

Besides the fact that Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars cleverly out-forces Star Wars, it's tough to get a read on whether or not this third-person action-platformer will turn out to be fun in the long-term. It certainly demoed well.

I don't play many games like Mushroom Men these days -- it's quite rare to find a cartoon-styled adventure game that borrows from Mario and Zelda but isn't a licensed kids' game. Developer Red Fly is clearly attempting to keep the disappearing genre alive, and it's tempting to want to fall in love with Mushroom Men based on that alone.

The combat is set up quite a bit like Twilight Princess; you use the Z button to lock on to an enemy and shake the Wiimote to attack. All over the place, you can find new parts with which to build weapons -- this is as easy as opening up the menu screen and clicking on any highlighted weapon once you find the junk that makes it up. For example, your first weapon is made out of a DS stylus, some gum, and a thimble.

But there's also a good deal of platforming; especially if you want to run all over the levels and collect the hidden bits and pieces that make up your weapons. The levels are quite polished -- there's plenty of parody products littering the levels, like "Jello Kitty" lunchboxes, and lots of other clever touches that make the levels much more than a random series of caves and dirt hills. You regenerate your energy by eating the spores that grow out of dead rats. It's a funny game, but that's more due to the visual gags than to the dialogue.

I enjoyed my time playing Mushroom Men, although as I said, it's tough to know whether that's because it's fundamentally entertaining or because I really want a new experience in this genre. If you feel the same way I do, keep an eye on this one as it nears its November release date.
Fonte: http://blog.wired.com/games/2008/09/hands-on-wii-mu.html

Acabei por sublinhar quase tudo, mas gostei do que li :)
Há aqui uns fãs de Les Claypool certo? ceeeerto...

Contest: Win a custom Mushroom Men bass guitar signed by Les Claypool and more!


Destructoid, Gamecock Media Group, and Red Fly Studio want to give you something mind-blowingly cool: a custom, one-of-a-kind Mushroom Men bass guitar autographed by the legendary Les Claypool. Yup, that's it up there, and you want it because it's gorgeous ... right?

Winning it isn't going to be easy, but it should be fun. It's arts and crafts time, folks -- we're asking you to create a Mushroom Men-related diorama! Entrants will take photographs of their work (not digitally altered, pleased!) and send the images to [email protected]. Destructoid staff will pick up to 10 finalists, and the community will vote on the winners!

* Grand prize: A Mushroom Men custom bass guitar, signed by Les Claypool; a copy of Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars (Wii); and a copy of Mushroom Men: Rise of Fungi (Nintendo DS); a set of Mushroom Men trading cards; a high-quality Mushroom Men poster signed by Les Claypool
* Second place: A high-quality Mushroom Men poster; choice of Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars (Wii) or Mushroom Men: Rise of the Fungi (Nintendo DS); a set of Mushroom Men trading cards
* Third place: A high-quality Mushroom Men poster

The contest ends October 3, at which point we'll stop accepting entries, so start cracking! Looking for inspiration? Check out mushroommen.com!

Good luck, and we're looking forward to seeing what your twisted brains come up with!

[Note: This contest is open to anyone in any place on the planet Earth, including Europe.]

Fonte: http://www.destructoid.com/contest-...signed-by-les-claypool-and-more--102556.phtml

Bom... a ideia é gira. :)
A ideia é gira, mas aquele baixo... :drooling:

Infelizmente não tenho muito jeito para estas coisas :( Mas hei... IEA... se for preciso ajuda... ;) Quase que meto as mãos no fogo que não te importavas nada de lhe meter as mãos em cima.
^ Nada mesmo, 4 cordas ainda por cima ^^ por acaso esta semana que vem vão haver enlatados, quando abrir uma lata de cogumelos sou capaz de pensar nisto :D