Slackware - Tópico Geral

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Será que já dá para instalar o driver ATI catalist 9.8?
Slackware Review

When Slackware 13 came a few months ago on the LXF magazine, I decided to throw it into Virtualbox to see how it has changed. One difference this time around is that I now have the dual core machine so I am running Slackware on that machine.
It booted up the same as Slackware 12.2. Like last time I hit enter. It also once again asked about my keyboard and I hit enter – just like last time. Once again, you had to log in as root and prepare the hard drive partitions. Apparently none of this had changed since Slackware 12.2. Then again, most of the time the installers for other distros don’t change. (Although they do take occasional leaps like Debian) Once again, the virtual hard drive was at /dev/hda. This time I gave myself 512 MB for swap. I type setup. It looked exactly the same as before.
In my review of Slackware 12.2 I remarked that those who said that Slackware was full of outdated software were wrong. Slackware often had the latest versions of programs available at the time of its feature freeze for the current version. This is also true with file systems as Slackware 13.0 gives the option of running ext4.
Restante artigo
Yes, it's that time again! After many months of development and
careful testing, we are proud to announce the release of Slackware
version 13.1!

We are sure you'll enjoy the many improvements. We've done our best
to bring the latest technology to Slackware while still maintaining the
stability and security that you have come to expect. Slackware is well
known for its simplicity and the fact that we try to bring software to
you in the condition that the authors intended.

Slackware 13.1 brings many updates and enhancements, among which
you'll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available
today: Xfce 4.6.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and
easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.4.3, a recent stable release
of the new 4.4.x series of the award-winning KDE desktop environment.
We continue to make use of HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) and udev,
which allow the system administrator to grant use of various hardware
devices according to users' group membership so that they will be able
to use items such as USB flash sticks, USB cameras that appear like USB
storage, portable hard drives, CD and DVD media, MP3 players, and more,
all without requiring sudo, the mount or umount command. Just plug and
play. Properly set up, Slackware's desktop should be suitable for any
level of Linux experience. New to the desktop framework are ConsoleKit
and PolicyKit. ConsoleKit handles "seats", things like dealing with
devices when switching from one user to another. PolicyKit is a system
for fine-grained access control, allowing a non-root user to run certain
tasks with elevated privilege, but more securely than if the entire task
were simply run as root.

Slackware uses the kernel bringing you advanced performance
features such as journaling filesystems, SCSI and ATA RAID volume
support, SATA support, Software RAID, LVM (the Logical Volume Manager),
and encrypted filesystems. Kernel support for X DRI (the Direct
Rendering Interface) brings high-speed hardware accelerated 3D graphics
to Linux.

Mirror nacional:
Última edição:

It's true! Slackware 13.37 has been released. Nearly a year in the making, you will appreciate the performance and stability that can only come with careful and rigorous testing. Slackware 13.37 uses the Linux kernel (hence our new $SLACKWARE_VERSION.$KERNEL_VERSION naming system used for this release ;-), and also ships with kernels for those who want to run the latest (and also includes configuration files for and 2.6.39-rc4). The long-awaited Firefox 4.0 web browser is included, the X Window System has been upgraded (and includes the open source nouveau driver for nVidia cards). The venerable Slackware installer has been improved as well, with support for installing to btrfs (for those who would like to try a new copy on write filesystem), a one-package-per-line display mode option, and alienBOB's big surprise: an easy to set up PXE install server that runs right off the DVD!

More details may by found in the official announcement and in the release notes. For a complete list of included packages, see the package list.

Please consider supporting the Slackware project by picking up a copy of the Slackware 13.37 release from the Slackware Store. The discs are off to replication, but we're accepting pre-orders for the official 6 CD set and the DVD. The CD set is the 32-bit x86 release, while the DVD is a dual-sided disc with the 32-bit x86 release on one side and the 64-bit x86_64 release on the other. And, we still have T-shirts (coming soon, a limited edition 13.37 release commemorative black T-shirt with the classic Slackware logo on the front, and a "leet" LILO bootscreen on the back) and other Slackware stuff there, so have a look around. Thanks to our subscribers and supporters for keeping Slackware going all these years.

Thanks are again due to the Slackware crew, the developers of, the community on, Slackware IRC channels, and everyone else who helped out with this release.

Have fun, and enjoy the new stable release!

Pat and the Slackware crew

Oh, in case our web server that's rather short of RAM goes down, try this link:

Mirror nacional :
Última edição:
Nunca foi utilizador de Slackware (a ultima versão que testei foi a 4.0), mas já li muito boas reviews for a 13.37. Espero que faça as delicias de todos os utilizadores, e que mantenha firme. Entre o linux comercial e o linux comunitário, o slackware é um dos melhores exemplos do ultimo.
oi , o melhor é usar o slackpkg para fazer updates oficiais e para os slackbuilds uso o sbopkg para automatizar o processo de download , extracão , compilação e instalação.
Obrigado pela resposta :)

Só uma coisa, para manter o slackware actualizado, apenas em termos de algumas apps (firefox, thunderbird, filezilla, etc) e desktop environment (kde, no caso), qual a melhor forma? É que, com o repo current, o KDE continua a ser o 4.5.5, quando já vai no 4.7.0 stable! No entanto, quero o Slackware rock solid, por isso, apenas quero updates de apps, desktop environment e segurança, nada de updates de kernel só porque saiu uma nova versão, entre outras coisas do estilo.

Acabei de instalar o slapt-get, adicionar o repositório de kde do alien e o do slacky, está agora a fazer upgrade, aparentemente faz o que pretendo, se bem que o Slacky tem montes de libs e coisinhas, que ainda terei que investigar melhor se quero actualizar.


Obrigado :)
o meu conselho é usar só o slackpkg para fazer updates aos pacotes oficiais do slackware e usares os slackbuilds para instalar programas que precises e que não estejam nos mirrors oficiais do slackware e por ultimo evitar embora seja de confiança , se usares os slackbuilds não deves usar o .
Obrigado pelo conselho :) Conselhos desse tipo são mesmo o que procuro!

Reparei foi numa coisa... fiz upgrade do KDE para a versão 4.7.0, seguindo os packages do Alien, no entanto, agora quando faço slackpkg upgrade-all, levo com tentativas de downgrade para a versão 4.5.5. Tenho o repositório current.

Algum conselho sobre isso?
That's right, the long wait is finally over and a new stable release of Slackware has arrived! Since our last stable release, a lot has changed in the Linux and FOSS world. The kernel has moved on to major version 3 (we're using the long term supported3.2.29 kernel for this release), has released X11R7.7, and Firefox has had a whopping *11* major releases to arrive at version 15.0.1! We've brought together the best of these and other modern components and worked our magic on them. You'll find new compilers (including the LLVM/clang compiler that's becoming a popular alternative to gcc), development tools, libraries, and applications throughout, all prepared with our careful and rigourous testing. If you've used Slackware before, you'll find the system feels like home. But we've also added new features such as NetworkManager for easy setup and management of wired and wireless networking (or, you can still use the traditional network setup if you prefer). And, we've updated the desktops and window managers to recent versions as well.

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