Nintendo Sin & Punishment 2: Sucessor of the Skies (Treasure)

Que bela hands-on, de um old school fan:

"First off: online connectivity. Nintendo hasn't mentioned anything in printed materials, but I did have a chance to confirm with the on-floor game reps that online leaderboards will be supported for those looking to get top scores and post them against the best in the world."

"Speaking of high scores, the game's combo system is back and in full effect. As long as you don't get hit, killing enemies stats up the score, and contributes to a multiplier that in turn boosts every kill you pull off. As you'd expect, Treasure has littered the game with dozens and dozens of enemies at a time, often making use of "flocks" of flying targets that serve little more purpose than helpless combo-boosters."

"As for the controls, Sin & Punishment 2 was born for Wii IR blasting. ... You've got fire assigned to the B trigger, a quick tap will start melee combos instead of shooting, holding A preps a huge alternate attack (with Isa it's a huge blue sphere of energy great for taking down bosses, while Kachi's is a multi-target missile that makes multiplier raising a cinch), Z plus a direction dodges, C jumps (and hovers with a second tap mid-air), and you point to aim. Pretty simple."

"I can't wait to play more – or see if there are any punishingly difficult modes included outside of the main game – but with a Q1 2010 release date it may be a while before we see more on Nintendo's ode to the hardcore. "
Mais impressões :D

Hands-on do Destructoid:

E3 09: Hands-on with Sin & Punishment 2

As busy as I am here at E3, I am not complaining one bit. In fact, as I play one amazing game after another I can only feel grateful that I am even able to do something this cool to begin with.

Never was this more apparent then during my playthrough of Treasure's upcoming Wii sequel Sin & Punishment 2. [U]I don't know what it was, but there was something about playing this game that just put a huge smile on my face and made me realize that I love playing freakin' videogames.[/U]

To start things off, Sin & Punishment 2 for the Wii is completely made by Treasure. While some sequels are going the way of new publishers, you can find comfort in knowing that Sin & Punishment 2 is sticking with the company that made the original so gosh darn amazing.

And, man, does this game feel like what Treasure does best! Every second of the massive level I was able to play is full of nonstop action and ridiculous situations. And the bosses? Oh God, the bosses are incredible! Even the minibosses are out of control!

But I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with the basics.

Sin & Punishment 2 is controlled with the Wii remote and nunchuck combination. Like the original Nintendo 64 classic, the two characters you can choose from (a boy and a girl) automatically move through the level on-rails. By moving the analog stick, you can move your character around the screen, while the Wii remote handles all the out of control shooting action.

In the first Sin & Punishment, most of the game was spent running on the ground. In the sequel, however, both characters are constantly in the air, riding on hoverboards taken straight out of Back to the Future – Part 2. While flying around, the analog stick can move your character anywhere on the screen. In the sections where your character is running on the ground, however, the analog stick only moves you left and right. This can be remedied by double tapping the jump button (C) and pulling out the hoverboard to fly at any time. Obviously, though, this involves much more skill since the screen is constantly being filled with, what seems like, thousands of bullets at once (classic Treasure!).

The attacking in the game can be handled in three ways: By tapping the B trigger, your character can perform an awesome melee attack (perfect for deflecting the aforementioned projectiles); by holding down the B trigger, your character sends out a stream of normal bullets (thank you for allowing the button to be held down, Treasure); and, finally, the A button can be pressed to charge up your special attack. This special attack is different between each of the two characters (the only thing, outside of visuals, that distinguishes the two). The boy’s attack is a huge area-filling bomb and the girl’s is a barrage of missiles that can be locked onto multiple targets. As the Nintendo associate said to me while I was playing: "His attack is perfect for bosses; hers is perfect for screen-filling enemies." I couldn’t agree more, helpful Nintendo guy!

On-screen at all times is a target that can be aimed perfectly using the pointing capability of the Wii remote. And this is where the game shines. Gone are the super confusing and awkward controls of the original game. In Sin & Punishment 2, the controls are responsive and fluid, making aiming and shooting a million times easier than before. Seriously, running and flying around the game’s levels feels so perfect and makes the game so much fun to play. To me, it felt like a combination of Panzer Dragoon and pretty much every awesome action game Treasure has released: Gunstar Heroes, Mischief Makers, Dynamite Headdy. The list goes on and on!

During the main level I got to play, my character flew through a massive, beautiful city (that’s another thing: the game looks gorgeous – it kind of reminded me of the look of Vagrant Story in a weird way), fought an onslaught of enemies, and battled a few huge bosses. Each sequence was endlessly entertaining and, luckily, challenging as all get out. Even though the game controls much easier now, it doesn’t make the game too easy (whew!). Health packs may be plentiful on the difficulty level I was playing on, but I needed them … a lot. Like I mentioned earlier, the game doesn’t let up with how much it throws at you. I don’t want to ruin too much, but just wait until you fight some of these bosses. Not only do they look amazing, but they do a really good job of using every trick in the book to take you down.

A perfect example: At one point, when I was fighting a massive killer bird-like creature, I was running on the ground. Every time I used my double-tap C button maneuver to pull out my hoverboard and fly over the rolling objects it was attacking me with, the boss would shoot out a huge fireball, knocking me down and depleting a huge chunk of my health. Just when you think of an easy way to avoid the chaos on-screen, the game surprises you with a brand new way of making you feel terribly inadequate! So awesome.

All in all, I was very impressed by Sin & Punishment 2 and can’t wait to play more. It looks and feels exactly like the original, but is improved in virtually every way. If the final product maintains the nonstop action and creative design of the E3 demo, Sin & Punishment 2 is guaranteed to be one of the best, and most unique games on the Wii.

Bem, este gajo ficou, literalmente, maluco com a demo. Isto é o que se chama cheirar bem na cozinha :D (want)
Panzer Dragoon & Gunstar Heroes? Epá, é que já está double garantido!
Mais um grande título pelos vistos, e um jogo único e diferente do habitual, let it come! ;)
Panzer Dragoon & Gunstar Heroes? Epá, é que já está double garantido!
Mais um grande título pelos vistos, e um jogo único e diferente do habitual, let it come! ;)
A alusão a Panzer em particular, deixou-me com grande expectactiva.

Mas pensando bem faz sentido, como ele disse... este jogo tem muitas partes aéreas que o original não tinha. E isso só pode ser Panzer'ish.

Eu bem que já tinha sentido algo dessas linhas mas ainda não tinha juntado 1+1, talvez pelo setting futurista e por ter tanta variedade que não dá para puxar só um jogo como influencia.

E claro, de aparencias e influencias está o mundo dos jogos cheio, mas parece que este jogo está mesmo bem afinado a nivel de gameplay. :D

Noutra nota... isto deve ser o jogo do género da Treasure com maior orçamento de sempre, não? E parece que não estão a ser pressionados em termos de tempo... óptimo.
Eles ainda não indicaram datas, certo?

O mix de shooter "on-rails-and-chopter" com adventure só podia dar nessa referência :)

Realmente este jogo transpira action por todo o lado... mal posso esperar por bater os records todos do pessoal daqui :D
Eles ainda não indicaram datas, certo?

O mix de shooter "on-rails-and-chopter" com adventure só podia dar nessa referência :)

Realmente este jogo transpira action por todo o lado... mal posso esperar por bater os records todos do pessoal daqui :D

Q1 2010? Isto pelo menos em território americano.

edit - Developer Walkthrough Nome muito peculiar o boss :-D
Última edição:
Mais impressões:

E3 Impressions - Sin And Punishment 2

My memory is a little foggy these days, but prior to the launch of the Wii, we didn’t talk a whole lot about casual markets and new gamers. Instead there was the belief that Wii controls would allow gamers to experience familiar titles and content in a profound new way. And if that idea has lost traction along the way and against the profit found in new audiences, Sin and Punishment 2 is the most precious gift imaginable to those who have long supported the evolution of this industry before a new wave of potentially fickle consumers entered the scene.

It warmed my icy and jaded gamer heart to see a Treasure title on the floor of E3 this year - even if it was rather tucked away and off to the side of Nintendo’s booth like some obligatory step-child. But it was still there all the same. The playable stage expanded on the video shown last year. A stream of eager gamers were able to fly through city streets that were infested with bizarre creatures and soldiers determined to fill the screen with the bullet hell of yesterday. Turrets filled the screen with laser blasts if left unchallenged, and a mid-level bird boss would grow bored with the player if left too long. It’s a Treasure game, so hopefully you know the score.

And if you do, then maybe you’ll agree that the most joyous discovery was the way in which Wii controls truly did allow the familiar to be experienced in a new way. In fact, the game reacted so perfectly, that I asked Nintendo if they’d assisted in the work only to be told that the project was a pure Treasure labour of love. I simply can’t imagine playing the game any other way. The Wii-mote allows the player to quickly target the massive amount of enemies invading the screen with accuracy and a speed not possible with a standard controller - with an element of rail shooter reflex that will be familiar. But at the same time, the player is always in control of their position with the nunchuk, activating the jetpack and dodging the seemingly endless waves of attack. Certainly it was everything I’ve come to expect from a Treasure title. But the controls made the game feel fresh again, offering up the most compelling use of the Wii control scheme in changing how we can experience familiar gameplay since Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. That the game brings players back to the replay value of quick paced childhood titles that they could jump in and out of for years afterward would only seem to seal the deal.
Bem, vamos lá reavivar isto :






:arrow: Offscreen footage
Quando joguei o primeiro, à umas semanas, só pensava como vai ser brutal jogar com o wiimote a sequela.
Mais um para early 2010, oh lord :005:
Muito bom o jogo em acção! Frenético, rápido e variações!
Pena é quem estava a filmar, não sabia fazer Zoom ou tinha medo de se aproximar? ;)

Nota muito positiva para a música/som, importante neste tipo de jogos para sentir a adrenalina :)

Quando é que isto sai mesmo na Europa? Só compro da América edições especiais ou jogos que queira mesmo muito :P (ou que saía mais barato)
Hmph, estúpido essas "restrições". Mais um pouco e não se percebia o que se estava a passar no ecrã ;)

Que venham mais vídeos que este jogo já merece mais algum destaque! Principalmente após ter voltado a jogar o Gunstar Heroes e ver o trabalho da Treasure em acção.
Não conheço muito esta Saga, mas pelos vídeos de vi estou em Hype 4000xMil! Só a Treasure para me trazer boas alegrias ;D

Eles também não querem fazer um remake de Guardian Heroes? Ou Gunstar Heroes? Isso também seria orgásmico!
