DS Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 (Atlus)



IRVINE, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 7, 2011 - ATLUS today revealed plans to publish Shin Megami Tensei®: Devil Survivor 2 for Nintendo DS, the sequel to the award-winning, fan favorite RPG/SRPG hybrid, in North America next year. What would people do if they could see others' deaths before they come to pass? As devastation and ruin begin to spread, the player will have to use a mysterious website with the power to predict casualties in order to save lives, save themselves, and ultimately, save the city.

Building on the original game's acclaimed foundation of accessible turn-based combat with elements of grid-based strategy, Devil Survivor 2 delivers everything fans loved about the first game: an intense narrative with multiple endings based on player actions, the beautiful visuals and sounds the Shin Megami Tensei series is renowned for, the addicting challenge of collecting, customizing, auctioning, and fusing every last demon in the game, and much more. Moreover, a system akin to the Social Links found in Persona 3 and 4 allows players to invest time in developing bonds with their party members to unlock special rewards. Those relationships become all the more precious since every party member in the game is vulnerable to permanent death based on critical player choices over the course of the game. Every decision could easily be a matter of life and death.

"Devil Survivor 2 continues the successful marriage of RPG and strategy RPG gameplay elements introduced in the acclaimed original title," stated Aram Jabbari, Manager of PR and Sales at ATLUS. "With an all new story and cast, an expanded roster of demons to manage, vastly expanded party interaction, an all new soundtrack from composer Kenji Ito (SaGa series), plus a host of refinements and improvements over its predecessor, Devil Survivor 2 doesn't simply deliver more of the same-it delivers more and better, exactly what we believe a good sequel should."

SMT: Devil Survivor 2 for Nintendo DS is currently scheduled to release in 2012. For more info, visit the official website at http://www.atlus.com/devilsurvivor2.


When a new website that shows the manner of people's deaths in advance makes the rounds amongst Japanese high schoolers, a trio of students is shocked to witness their own deaths in a terrible subway accident just minutes away. They narrowly escape the carnage, only to find themselves in a worse situation-facing otherworldly demons. Desperate to survive, they fend off the demons and flee, but the destruction at the station is only the beginning...

Key Features:

  • What if You Could See People's Deaths Before They Happened?-The spread of a mysterious website that offers a preview of people's deaths, and the great calamity that suddenly strikes Japan-mere coincidence, or part of something larger? A band of high school students must use the website to avert their own deaths, as well as others', amidst the amidst the unprecedented nationwide chaos.
  • Recruit Your Party, Build Bonds-Adding tons of dimension to traditional party mechanics, players recruit new members to their team and then invest time into developing relationships with them. The closer the connection, the more effective they'll be in battle. Every party member is mortal and susceptible to death, however, making it essential that every decision be weighed carefully lest they be lost to the user forever.
  • Collect, Customize, Barter and Fuse Every Last Demon!-Endlessly addicting, the task of discovering and enlisting new demons to aid you in battle is a staple of the Shin Megami Tensei universe. With nearly twice as many demons to find and unlock as in the original game, there's no shortage of work to be done in assembling and managing an army of demons for battle.








Existe alguma confirmação sobre o lançamento deste jogo na europa, pelo que pesquisei não encontrei nada a confirmar ou desmentir.
Hoje a Ghostlight confirmou a versão Europeia do Devil Survivor 2 (Nintendo DS) como do Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS).

I'm delighted to be able to announce that Ghostlight will be releasing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked on 3DS and Devil Survivor II on DS throughout the PAL region. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked will be our first release on the current generation of handhelds and has been by far the most requested title we've ever had.

More details can be found in the attached press release and on the respective Atlus dedicated sites:



Sem data de lançamento ainda.
Finalmente, já tinha perdido a esperança de ver estes jogos em território europeu, acabei por importar a versão Americana. Este é, na minha opinião dos melhores jogos da DS, espero que tenha sucesso por cá e que futuras releases da saga venham também para a europa, até porque a saírem será na 3DS e como é region lock, não há mesmo possibilidade de jogar.

Quanto ao jogo é uma excelente evolução do 1º, praticamente todas as falhas que tinha apontado ao 1º, foram corrigidas nesta versão (compendium, e vários saves) e ainda conseguiram colocar um fate system, que funciona como os social links da saga Persona, só a história é que acho mais fraca que a do 1º, a dificuldade foi também reduzida, continua desafiante, mas permite bem mais erros que o 1º. O NG+ foi também melhorado, existe agora um sistema de "achivements", que dá pontos e permite comprar "bónus" para uma nova playtrough, como manter alguns dos demónios que temos, retirar a limitação de nível nas fusões, e a possibilidade de lutar contra boss's opcionais, alguns apenas possíveis de derrotar ao fim de algumas playtroughs. No entanto ainda existem alguns pontos a melhorar, a IA de alguns inimigos é algo parva, movimentam-se bastante bem no terreno, mas quando entram em combate por vezes parece que atacam de forma aleatória e no NG+ deveria existir uma opção para os inimigos terem um nível mais elevado e não começarem do zero, isto tornaria os 1º's dias menos "secantes". De resto é um excelente jogo, o sistema de fusão é extremamente viciante, perdi horas a fundir demónios, o sistema de batalha é fantástico, a forma como mistura elementos de estratégia com rpg está muito bem conseguida, as batalhas são desafiantes mas estão longe de parecerem impossíveis, se perdermos continuamente é porque estamos a usar a estratégia errada e encontrar uma boa estratégia para superar um desafio é extremamente gratificante e com a diversidade de inimigos existentes e condições de vitória não dá para usar sempre a mesma estratégia, pelo que as batalhas nunca se tornam chatas. A longevidade é também excelente, no 1º joguei cerca de 90h, para ver todos os finais, neste já devo levar perto de 70 e ainda vou a meio da 2ª playtrough, pelo que ainda tenho muito jogo pela frente. Quem gosta da saga SMT ou JRPG's ou SRPG's não pode deixar de jogar isto.
^Boa análise astrisko :)

Entretanto já fiz o meu contributo e reservei o pacote duplo: Devil Survivor 2 & Overclocked Double Pack

Espero que chegue às 1800 pré-reservas mas, estou com um mau pressentimento :(
Devil Survivor 2 atingiu o número de pré-encomendas e por isso, vai ser lançado na Europa.

Hi everyone. I’ve got some fantastic news for you….#clears throat#... it seems that after a herculean push over the last week, I am delighted to say that Devil Survivor 2 has reached its pre-order target! A massive (and I do mean MASSIVE) thank you to everyone who ordered the game or posted about it and helped us spread the word. I knew we could count on you! :)

I think you’re all aware by now, but we genuinely couldn’t have done this without your incredible support - you have all truly been the difference in making sure that Devil Survivor 2 receives its well deserved European release.