Wii Resident Evil 4 (Capcom)

Yep, eu nunca tinha jogado aos anteriores, e colei completamente ao 4! Para o entender melhor da historia, que chegue ao fim e depois jogue com uma menina, é brutal :)
o preço tem que ser 30 €, porra ja chega de deitar tanto abaixo a nintendo. já agora qual é a melhor loja(mais barata e de confiança) on-line para comprar jogos para wii? pode ser estrangeira.
Alguém me sabe dizer, em média, em quantas horas uma pessoa que nunca jogou o RE4 o passa.
Porque eu nunca o joguei e estou interessado em acompanhar a historia da saga resident evil. :D
Alguém me sabe dizer, em média, em quantas horas uma pessoa que nunca jogou o RE4 o passa.
Porque eu nunca o joguei e estou interessado em acompanhar a historia da saga resident evil. :D
Umas 17 horas e 30, foi o tempo que demorei no primeiro playthrough.

Há quem demore mais, e quem demore menos, claro. Mas das pessoas que tenho conhecimento todas andaram à volta desta média, ou para cima disso.
I_Eat_All, enquanto a minha pergunta não sabes de nada?
Preço desculpa :( não a tinha visto.

Lojas mais baratas e de confiança... Eu para a Wii tenho usado ChoicesUK (que antes tinha cupões de 10% de desconto para todos os produtos, que entretanto deixou de ter) e a gameplay.co.uk

O RE4 Wii ainda não saiu no entanto e a Capcom não deve ter divulgado o PVP para a Europa (é sempre preciso confirmação) pelo que o pricing afixado é o de tabela, não te aconselho a fazer pré-order já. Na América e Japão está com pricing confirmado no range dos $30 pelo que é de esperar que cá façam o mesmo.
ok brigado... mais uma perguntinha o preço é so converter £ pra €, e juntar os portes?? que neste caso são de quanto?
Última edição:
ok brigado... mais uma perguntinha o preço é so converter £ pra €, e juntar os portes?? que neste caso são de quanto?
No choicesUk costumam ser 3 libras por jogo, mas se comprares mais que um são sempre 3 libras, já a incitar que compres mais.

Na gameplay.co.uk são 1,96 libras de portes por cada jogo.
Entrevista com o Sven (director de planeamento estratégico e pesquisa da Capcom América):
Gamasutra: Resident Evil seems very Wii-focused right now.

Christian Svensson:
It is in the near term. Resident Evil 4 has been very well received and has gotten good feedback from retail, in response to our pricing strategy [of $29.99 in North America].

GS: Some people said that it was under-served by being on the GameCube, in terms of the market that it could reach. Do you think that that's going to finally be realized now?

I think that anytime you can sell another copy to another new user, it expands the brand. A lot of people knock the decision to put it on GameCube, but at the same time, Resident Evil 4 was the number-one selling title for the GameCube in 2005, which is hard for a third-party. So it's hard to say that that was really a bad decision. It's gone on to sell very, very well on PS2.

On PC, when it gets released by Ubisoft a little later this month, I'm sure it will do well. It's already out in Europe and Asia, and a new patch fixes a lot of the criticisms that people had. I'm glad that it's coming at a time when it's a bit more polished than it was initially for some of the other territory releases. And I think the Wii version is going to be the best version of the four.


GS: Do you know anything yet about downloadable original content on the Wii?

We know a lot about that. There are some file size limitations that don't dovetail well with what we've currently got on PS3 and Xbox 360. I would love to put the content that we have on the Wii, and I think it's a great audience for the type of content, especially for Street Fighter and Puzzle Fighter. We're still thinking about ways that we can get that content to them, perhaps not downloaded, but perhaps with a consolidated retail SKU. We're still just tossing around ideas in our head.

GS: But downloadable original content is possible? It's been hinted that it's possible, but it's still not coming yet.

It's possible. I think you'll have to talk more to Nintendo about that. It's not a technical limitation thing, though. We're certainly going to be able to deliver. It's really more of them getting their process in place for approvals and their pipeline in place.

I know they have loads of people who want to make content, but I think it's a matter of some people turning on the spigot. We've been asked about bringing our stuff over. It's going to happen. Once that spigot is opened and the floodgates are unleashed, I'm sure you'll see loads of it.
Fonte: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=13987

Scans da NOM UK:

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Última edição:
Famitsu dá 38/40 (10/10/9/9) ao jogo:

Famitsu Reviews RE4 Wii
High marks from Japan

May 21, 2007 - While most of us can still only dream of a chance to play the Wii version of Resident Evil 4, the editors of Famitsu DS+Wii were apparently spending some quality time with the real thing long ago. The Nintendo-oriented monthly sister publication of Weekly Famitsu offered opinions on the game in its July issue, which just hit Japanese news stands today.

Judging by the scores, the Wii could have a critical hit. Two editors awarded the game a perfect 10 out of 10. The other two were still impressed enough to award a score of 9.

The reviewers noted that while the content is almost the same as the GameCube original, the direct Wiimote-based controls offer a plus, making the game feel like something fresh and different. One reviewer said that the game offers the feeling of being closer to the action as well as upping the tension.

Multiple reviewers agreed on two points, that the new controls are simple and easy to get into, and that even those who played the original will be able to enjoy themselves.

We'll be sure and spend some quality time with the title for ourselves when the RE4 Wii Edition hits Japan on the 31st and America on June 19th. Be sure and check back for our review closer to the US version's release.
Fonte: http://wii.ign.com/articles/790/790232p1.html

Dois scores perfeitos em 4 opiniões... parece que temos bomba.
Quem se atreve a comprar isto para o jogo? lol

