PSP News!

eLoader "Brown Ale" Released!

Break out the brewsk! Today marks the next chapter in the story of PSP Homebrew! Ditlew and our own forum moderator Fanjita have released the latest version of their groundbreaking homebrew launcher eLoader, which is code named “Brown Ale”. Brown Ale is the final (non-beta) version of eLoader v0.9.5, and all future releases will be named after beer styles - just to keep things fun.

The beta release of eLoader showed us that homebrew was possible on 2.60 firmware, but Brown Ale brings it to the next level and is now on par with the 2.0 Firmware EBOOT Loader. That means that 2.60 users can enjoy all the homebrew that 2.0 users have been playing for quite some time.

But they didn’t stop there. Aside from the increased compatibility and stability of Brown Ale, it also replaces the old 2.0 EBOOT Loader, and is an all-in-one program for launching homebrew on 2.0 firmware and above. Some new programs also work with the new eLoader such as the GBA emulator, but don’t be surprised if some programs that used to work don’t. WiFi is still not accessible using the GTA exploit on 2.01+ firmware so programs that make use of the PSP’s WiFi abilities will not work.

Another new addition to eLoader is the built in installer which will make it a snap to install to your PSP’s memory stick. Just plug your USB connection into your PSP, turn on USB Mode and then run the eLoader program. If you need more help with this program, be sure to visit our eLoader Forum. You can find a frequently updated list of compatible homebrew programs [here].
  • Integrated release, supporting both TIFF and GTA launch methods
  • Automatic installer for Windows users
  • Stable support for all v2.0+ firmwares - no more special voodoo required to improve reliability :lol:
  • More memory for applications
  • Lots of bug fixes
  • And the much requested support for PSP-GBA
Note: eLoader requires the ‘Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories’ UMD to be inserted in the PSP for 2.01 firmware and above to work

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