DS Last Window: The Secret of Cape West (Sequela do Hotel Dusk!)


Plasma Beam!
A informação saiu de uma reunião da Nintendo com retailers no Japão, e embora escassa é isto que transpareceu:

The retailer staffer posting about the game gives a rundown on the new features of the sequel, while talking about various interface improvements from the first game. In general the game is very similar to the original in terms of visual and audio style, and fans of the original will feel right at home. The game takes place a year after the original, and is set in 1980 in Los Angeles. The setting of the sequel is in the Cape West Apartments. The story in the sequel stands alone from the previous games, even though there might be connections that fans of the original can pick up on. Those who have not played the original will not feel particularly lost in this game.

The main character is still Kyle, and he's still a dick. It's all good though, because fans will probably not have it any other way. There are two major additions to the sequel he mentions. One is the ignore function. In the original game, progression is pretty much always made when you butt into other people's problems in conversations, etc. In the sequel, more attention will have to be paid when you decide whether you want to butt in or to ignore something, because there is a possibility of getting a game over if you butt into everything. At least, that's what I think he's saying.

As for the other major feature, there is a novel inside the game called "Last Window" as well. It is a companion piece to the game, and a chapter unlocks each time you clear a story chapter. The novel will touch in various sub-scenarios which flesh out the events of the game outside of Kyle's immediate adventure, and involves the overall setting in the game and the other characters. Apparently the contents of the novel (which I assume is actually being 'written' as you play the game) is influenced by your choices in the game itself, so there is replay value in trying to discover all the "variations" in the novel.

He also mentions that the game supports the rumble cart, and that it has 3 save slots.
Holy Crap ! :eek:

Não há mais informações como a data de lançamento? Qual a fonte da notícia?

Mal posso esperar, adorei o primeiro Hotel Dusk.
No Japão sai a 14 de Janeiro de 2010, foi um dos 2 jogos "anúnciados/actualizados" recentemente, o outro sendo o Dynamic Zan. Informações muito concretas ou imagens/vídeos novos não foram dados infelizmente, no que toca aos dois jogos.

Então os japoneses já estão a joga-lo entretanto.

E o resto do mundo? Não vão fazer como fazem a alguns títulos, quase meio ano de diferença entre o lançamento para as outras regiões pois não? :x
Para já não foi mencionado versão americana. Se não teve grande sucesso fora do Japão, é provável que sjea mais um a sofrer as consequências.

novas informações sobre o jogo:

- Game begins on Dec. 18, 1980
- Kyle wakes up inside his car, here’s his pager, calls the Red Crown company
- Company says he has been fired and has been evicted from his apartment
- Kyle finds a random letter from someone looking for something called the “Red Star”
- The Red Star is inside Cape West (apartment building) which will be demolished soon
- Kyle visits the apartment, realizes it may be connected to his father’s death
- Still in a 3D first-person view
- Converse with residents/interrogate them for clues
- You may get kicked out if you ask a lot of wrong questions
- Many puzzles
- Again, the Last Window novel goes along with the main story: unlock more pages as you progress, learn more about the characters

As duas páginas da revista famitsu.
Última edição:
Ai que eu ainda tenho que arranjar/jogar o primeiro ;_;

Que GRANDE noticia esta. Adoro este tipo de jogos, e mal os joguei ;_;
-> Story Trailer (antigo)

Uma bela leitura para quem quiser ver sobre o jogo sobre a história em particular e as diferenças desta sequela. Deixo uma pequena parte que achei bastante positiva:

Most of the mechanics of Hotel Dusk were carried over to Last Window: Midnight Promise. The game is more or less split between: walking around, solving a multitude of puzzles using the touch screen, finding evidence, and interrogating characters with a visual-style interface for dialogue. However, Cing added many small details that just made the game a better experience. The sound of Kyle’s footsteps change as he walks over hardwood, then carpet, then down the empty cement basement.

Almost every person’s gestures are, as usual, extremely well-animated, but now it’s almost like you can sense a person’s personality from the way he or she smiles. There is also a new choice you can choose whenever you are given the chance to interrupt someone. Instead of being given no choice but to cut in, you can ignore what he or she is saying, prompting him/her to continue. This may seem like a trivial aspect, but at times this will be the only way to deal with your conversation partner and to avoid a game over.


The art in the sequel has improved greatly since the first game. The gestures are fuller, and the watercolors used in the background creates a unique feel. Indeed, the best place where the art shines is during the opening, where you have a full minute or so of animation, colored purely in watercolors (or what looks like it, at least). You can see a montage of it, more or less, in this trailer.

Artigo Completo
Infelizmente não estava mesmo nada à espera! É triste ver que hoje em dia pouco adianta fazer titulos inovadores e de qualidade... :(

Espero que isto não afecte o desenvolvimento final do jogo e sua localização.
O jogo foi confirmado pela Nintendo em território Europeu no dia 17 de Setembro! O título oficial do jogo é - Last Window: The Secret of Cape West