HD DVD / Blu-ray Hardware Update

Será que ainda há salvação pro HD-DVD com a entrade de estúdios porno ??

a Digital Playgrounds é HD-DVD, mas a Vivid é Blu-ray segundo pareçe.-.

mais uma guerra de formatos ao nivel porno!!! hihihih
HD-DVD camp claims goals achieved

CES 007 Plenty of titles, now more space

By Burt Carver: Wednesday 10 January 2007, 18:54
THE HD-DVD CONSORTIUM held a press conference to announce that they had met or exceeded all the targets they had set for 2006.

The organisation said it promised 150 titles and ended up releasing 250 approximately
. One of the stats that was bandied about was the rate of disc sales per player. The number was in the high twenties, but this figure is skewed as people purchase the dual-format discs without having a HD-DVD player.

One of the more interesting things to come out of the event was the introduction of a 51GB triple layer HD-DVD. This is achieved through increasing the data per layer to 17GB. This disc is expected to be ready for production in Q4 2007. It eliminates the size advantage held by Blu Ray, but one question which remained ominously unanswered is whether the existing installed base of players (and players sold to that point) will be able to read this new disc.

Sales of HD-DVD discs are forecast to exceed $600 million in 2007 which should make the hold-out studios stand up and take notice.

New HD-DVD partners include Bandai, Onkyo, LiteOn and Meridian, a high end manufacturer of home theatre equipment. µ
Parece que os meus poderes Mayáticos estavam a apontar na direcção certa:
One of the big problems they have with Blu-ray is its expense, followed by its market share. "Blu-ray has superior quality, yes," said a spokesperson for porn studio Bangbros, "but HD DVD is easier to produce, cheaper to produce and there are more HD DVD players in homes than there are Blu-ray players, for example in the Xbox 360."

Pink Visual heavily complained about the fact that Blu-ray discs cannot be replicated and a range of other studios, who did not want to be mentioned by name indicated that the cost of going with Blu-ray cancels the technology as a possible HD solution for this industry. "Only bigger studios can afford Blu-ray, and even then it's not economical," we were told.
Esta parte só pode ser para rir.
A xbox360 não traz drive HD DVD de origem e nem deve ter comparação o numero de vendas de PS3 com o numero de vendas de drives HD DVD para xbox360.

According to The Wall Street Journal.

About 695,000 consumers own either a Blu-ray or an HD-DVD player, according to Tom Adams of Adams Media Research in Carmel, Calif. But only about 25,000 have purchased stand-alone Blu-ray players. Another 400,000 consumers have Blu-ray because they bought a Sony PS3 game console. Meanwhile, about 120,000 or so have a stand-alone HD-DVD player while about 150,000 have an HD-DVD upgrade kit for their Xbox 360 game consoles, Mr. Adams says. He adds that those numbers are well in excess of the 300,000 DVD-player sales in 1997, when that technology rolled out.


Deve haver mais sites com a mesma notícia.

Claro que o Blu-ray vai á frente em hardware devido á PS3 mas o Add-on da Microsoft está a vender bem.
Esta parte só pode ser para rir.
A xbox360 não traz drive HD DVD de origem e nem deve ter comparação o numero de vendas de PS3 com o numero de vendas de drives HD DVD para xbox360.

O que ele deve querer dizer com isso é que o potencial é maior, já que existem muitas mais XBOX360 nas casas dos consumidores do que existem PS3.
O investimento que tem que ser feito por parte de uma pessoa que queira adoptar video em HD é muito menor com a XBOX360 caso já tenham esa consola, tendo em conta que há já muitas no mercado...

200$ do drive HD-DVD vs. 500$ de uma PS3 nova.


HD-DVD wins a major battle.

HD-DVD wins a major battle.
The war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD has yet to be won, though HD-DVD did win a battle for the porn industry :x2: has chosen HD-DVD. This multi-billion industry, even though not everyone publicly admits they fund it, already finished off Betamax in the VHS - Betamax war, it might just be the ultimate weapon again. However, since this specific industry spreads across the Internet like a plague it might not be the determining factor in this war. Many viewers prefer the anonymous nature of the internet which makes both HD-DVD and Blu-ray less interesting.
Apparently the reason behind this choice is rather simply, money. HD-DVD is cheaper and easier to produce, and according to the adult industry there are more HD-DVD players available at the moment.

In due time we shall know if this battle turned the tides. And on a more personal note, I shall download my pr0n until the future HD standard is final.

Esta parte só pode ser para rir.
A xbox360 não traz drive HD DVD de origem e nem deve ter comparação o numero de vendas de PS3 com o numero de vendas de drives HD DVD para xbox360.

As drives estão esgotadas em quase todos os países, a ms a semana passada teve de fazer outro acordo com outra empresa para produzir a drive devido a falta de stock
mais um abre olhos a pessoas aqui do forum que diziam q o porn ia para o disco azul

Na guerra de formatos de alta definição, a indústria pornográfica escolhe o HD DVD
Presentes em Las Vegas para participar no Consumer Electronics Show (CES), os produtores de filmes pornográficos demonstram bem qual é a sua preferência para o futuro formato de alta definição de vídeo – o HD DVD.

Quase todas as empresas do sector de entretenimento para adultos representadas este ano no CES levam filmes em suporte HD DVD, justificando a escolha como facto do Blu-ray ser um formato mais caro de duplicar e de ter um quota de mercado ainda muito reduzida quando comparada com a projecção que o HD DVD já vai conquistando nos lares dos consumidores. Recorde-se que o formato suportado pela Xbox 360, por exemplo, é o HD DVD.

Recorde-se que, há algumas décadas, a batalha entre os formatos vídeo VHS e Betamax foi ganha pelo primeiro suporte em grande parte devido à preferência demonstrada pela indústria pornográfica pelo VHS.