GTX 512 megas: no mercado antes da X1800XT ?

Nemesis11 penso que essa foto já tenha aparecido num forum anteriormente a existirem rumores da 7800 de 512mb...penso que se pensaria ser a ultra com clocks superiores... quanto á placa em si é monstruosa...até já existe bios para download inclusivé portanto não deverá demorar muito até a bixa estar cá fora:rolleyes:

edit - "Nvidia to launch 7800 GTX 512 on 7th of November"

"We know that GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB cards are again going to be available at launch, and it's very likely that they will also be cheaper than ATI's Radeon X1800 XT cards. NVIDIA will have a two to three weeks advantage over ATI."
Última edição:
BonJouR disse:
Errr memória abaixo do spec?

Pra compensar tem o core mais alto, mas mesmo assim ..

Mas isso é assim há muito tempo. A X1800 XT , por exemplo, vem com a mem a 1500 mhz e o rating é para 1600 mhz.

VoRtAn_MaDgE disse:
Nemesis11 penso que essa foto já tenha aparecido num forum anteriormente a existirem rumores da 7800 de 512mb...penso que se pensaria ser a ultra com clocks superiores... quanto á placa em si é monstruosa...até já existe bios para download inclusivé portanto não deverá demorar muito até a bixa estar cá fora:rolleyes:

O que apareceu anteriormente era a Quadro FX4500, que por acaso tem o mesmo cooling e as pessoas confundiram como sendo uma ultra.
Esta acho que não é rumor. O ultimo link é para fazer download da bios dela.
O cooling é monstruoso. Dual slot cooling, heatpipes, etc etc. Não sou fã.
Aqueles clocks também não devem ser os originais. A Xfx deve ter puxado um pouco mais.
Sakei o Nibitor 2.5 e a bios da GTX de 512... descompacto ambos. Mal se faz o load da bios recebemos logo um aviso do Nibitor a avisar que não reconhece a bios...mesmo assim ele faz o load da mesma e deparamo-nos com estas specs da xfx 7800gtx de 512mb...

De notar k a bios da xfx vem com o Core slowdown temperature desactivado por defeito ;)

Logo se tiver tempo a ver s axo a bios da minha gtx da xfx para comparar as latências das memórias da versão de 256 para a de 512 para ver se alteram, pois são chips da samsung diferentes!


Nibitor 2.5 -

A bios da xfx está no link do Inquirer k o Nemesis postou!
Última edição:
Nemesis11 disse:
Não sei se é facil fazer um fake da Bios. Quanto à foto, bastava meter o simbolo da Xfx numa Fx4500, mas existindo as duas coisas, parece-me +/- credivel.

Há pouco tempo apareceu nas listagens da Samsung as K4J52324QC-BJ11:

K4J52324QC-BJ11 900MHz 1.8Gbps/pin 2.0V± 0.1V 512Mbit

A bios parece ser real.

Quanto ás mem's farão facilmente os 1800 visto serem a rated speed dos chips de 1,1ns da samsung... axo k é mem pa igualar ou bater os 1000mhz (2x1ghz) vistos em bench pela x1800xt
Excelente noticia, a nVidia continua a fazer um optimo trabalho, há q reconhecê-lo... Mas também espero q haja concorrência á altura, senão quem perde somos todos nós :(
A nVidia não tem culpa que a ATi não esteja a conseguir acompanhar, mas quem esperou até aqui pela 1800XT espera mais um pouco, para ver o que é realmente capaz de fazer face a uma GTX de 256 ou até mesmo a uma de 512, a minha opinião é que não vai demorar muito para a ATi ter de lançar uma X1850XT ou algo do genero, isto se não se querem afundar mais no mercado HighEnd...
Raptor disse:
Esta placa é excelente (mim querer uma :D), mas é suposto concorrer contra o quê?

Algo existente no mercado?

X1800XL? (as unicas que vi até agora em stock)
Para isso basta as 7800GT! :)

Creio que irei ter primeiro uma 7800GTX de 512MB primeiro do que verei uma X1800XT à venda lá na loja.

Exacto, a estes preços por uma 7800 GT (e isto apenas 3 meses após o lançamento), é quase irrecusável:
BFG (com shipping incluído)

Alguém quer uma a 329.99 dólares ? (o preço recomendado há dois meses era de 399)

Em minha opinião esta placa é, de longe, a melhor compra preço/qualidade/longevidade neste momento.
in related news:

256MB PCIe 6600GT finally reappears

6800 Ultra killing SLI card lives

By Arron Rouse: quinta-feira 03 novembro 2005, 14:55

NVIDIA PR has either suffered a catastrophic breakdown or the firm is suffering from shame. Normally a 'new' product like the 256MB version of the PCIe 6600GT would lead to fanfares and an inbox full of press releases. But everything has been done in a very hush-hush way.
It might seem strange that nVidia has had to sneak the 256MB 6600GT out but it's one of the firm's darkest secrets. It can't have escaped the notice of many gaming and graphics fans that you could buy a 256MB AGP version of the chip but were completely out of luck if you tried to get a PCIe version. And the reason was bordering on scandalous.

When the 6600GT launched, the game that everyone wanted to run was Doom 3. It gave all the nVidia fanboys warm feelings because the game ran beautifully on their hardware and badly on ATI chips. But that's not the whole story.

It didn't take long for nVidia to realise that two 256MB 6600GTs in SLI could give the 6800 Ultra a run for its money in Doom 3. And two 256MB 6600GTs cost about 30% less at the time. The solution was simple: kill the 256MB version and only sell a 128MB version. That way the cards were hobbled and couldn't interfere with sales of the top end Ultra.

Now that the 6800 has been killed off there's no problem having a 256MB 6600GT back on the market. A pair in SLI shouldn't interfere too badly with sales of the recently announced 6800GS or with the upcoming 7600. µ

in Inq

Estou admirado, não fazia ideia que existiam versões AGP da 6600GT com 256 Megas.

Aliás, mesmo em PCIe, a única que eu conhecia que vinha com essa quantidade de memória era esta da Asus, de cooling passivo (!).

7600 series is coming.
Gibson disse:

Not exactly:

Actually, people seem to forget that NV30's cooler did nothing for internal case temps - that solution used to take ai out of the back, cycle it over the heatsink and then turn it around and push it back - all the heat that NV30 produced internally was still dumped into the case, it was just using "cooler" air from outside. ATI's cooler is drawing air from inside the case, at the back of the card and pushing out the back of the case; the Quadro cooler appear to be acting a little more like a traditional cooler in that it draws air in from towards the bottom of the case, although in this case half of that will be pushed out the back of he case.

Dave Baumann, administrador do

E é preciso recordar que os dustbuster's não possuíam sensores de temperatura, pelo que a fan rodava sempre a 100% em 3D, nos coolers actuais, mesmo em load, raramente passam dos 50~60%.
blastarr a quote que eu fiz provém da thread com as primeiras notícias sobre a r520. Após veres o dual slot cooler disseste isso.
Acho estranho não teres dito o mesmo agora. ;)

P.S. Esclareço desde ja' que sou fanATIc. Não tenho problemas nenhum em dizer isso ao contrário de muitos aqui. :)
Mas ser fanATIc e' uma coisa, e ser burro e' outra. Eu ia comprar a XT, mas vendo essas specs (e partindo do pressuposto que são verídicas) a nvidia passou a ter mais um cliente.

The turn-arround:

Closing Thoughts

Aside from the stuff that we reported on in Taiwan, there was a lot of under-the-table information that we didn’t really want to associate with any one vendor. Here are just a few tidbits, in no particular order.

Although GeForce 6800GS seemed like a sure thing for the near future, with the Q3/Q4 NVIDIA chip allocations, there might not be enough surplus chips to really justify re-releasing another 6800 part. We’ve seen the definition in the NVIDIA driver set, but manufacturers don’t seem eager enough to really embrace the new card anyway. The only chips not in allocation, GeForce 6200 and family, constitute the only market that ATI is really outselling NVIDIA on anyway.

There was lots of talk about R580 and RD580 between all the manufacturers. R580, ATI’s successor to R520 (X1800), seems far too distant in the future to really talk about, unfortunately. One vendor in particular had already stated plans to build a practical dual-R580 board, but without specs, we could not confirm this. ASUS is apparently the only vendor with a dual X1800 graphics card, but like their individually numbered dual-G70 cards, don’t expect this to be an item that you’ll be able to buy at Fry's anytime soon. RD580, on the other hand, was widely cited all over Taiwan. In fact, RD580 will already start sampling this month – officially giving RD480 one of the shortest life cycles in computer product history. However, RD580 does boast some awesome features including 36 native lanes. Two of those will still be used for the interconnect to the south bridge (maybe even an ATI Southbridge!), leaving two lanes for PCIe 1x slots. The other 32 lanes could be configured however the manufacturer desires, but almost all will jump on the opportunity to have dual x16 lanes for Crossfire. NVIDIA new MCP, MCP55, will have only 28 PCIe lanes.

VIA fell so far off the face of the map since our last trip to Taiwan that manufacturers seemed hesitant even to mention their name. K8T900, VIA’s dual PEG chipset, totes support for dual S3 “SLI”-like graphics. Unfortunately, without support from NVIDIA or ATI, dual S3 graphics probably aren’t going to get VIA any big contracts in the near future. Of course, dual core support wouldn’t hurt their cause either.

Another interesting tidbit from Taiwan was the sheer volume of DDR2-based graphics cards. Virtually every manufacturer has replaced their DDR1 based video cards with DDR2 solutions instead. As we mentioned earlier, DDR2 was actually cheap enough on the spot market to purchase over DDR1, so many vendors bought in bulk. The DDR2 surplus won’t last forever, but the supply will last vendors well into 2006.

Finally, don’t be surprised if two or three ATI-only video manufacturers start making a few cards for NVIDIA. Furthermore, don’t be surprised when a high end Tier 2 motherboard maker starts building ATI video cards. Competition drives this industry, and we're always glad to see more products enter the market.

Sapphire ou Powercolor com Geforce's ? :x2:
Última edição:
Citanul disse:
A Sapphire não faz já GeForces?

Que eu saiba não. Aliás, é o fabricante de todas as placas "Built by ATI" e fornece em OEM muitos outros fabricantes 3rd party, tal como fazem outros fabricantes (Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, ECS, Foxconn).
Que disparate, a Sapphire é a marca das placas das Fábricas da ATI.

Agora, a Powercolor voltar-se para a Nvidia... por um lado faz sentido, para dar uma chapada de luva branca à ATI que tem sido bastante injusta com ela ao permitir apenas que a Sapphire lançe modelos próprios, mas... a Powercolor é o maior fabricante independente de placas ATI (visto que a Sapphire pertence à ATI), e não creio que queiram dar cabo dessa parceria com a ATI.

Gecube poderá ser uma das marcas a passar a vender Nvidia.
Raptor disse:
Que disparate, a Sapphire é a marca das placas das Fábricas da ATI.

Agora, a Powercolor voltar-se para a Nvidia... por um lado faz sentido, para dar uma chapada de luva branca à ATI que tem sido bastante injusta com ela ao permitir apenas que a Sapphire lançe modelos próprios, mas... a Powercolor é o maior fabricante independente de placas ATI (visto que a Sapphire pertence à ATI), e não creio que queiram dar cabo dessa parceria com a ATI.

Gecube poderá ser uma das marcas a passar a vender Nvidia.

A ATI não tem fábricas próprias, tem sim um acordo de exclusividade com a empresa que criou o brand-name "Sapphire" em exclusivo para a ATI:

CDRinfo : Daniel, Can you briefly share some information with us about Sapphire's past and present?

D. Forster : Sapphire has a rich history in graphics being involved in the production of boards for many years. As far as the Sapphire brand name goes it was introduced when ATI changed their policy a couple of years ago and started using partners. Since then we have pushed hard to become the major ATI player and been very successful at that.

Ever since ATI announced its manufacturing & distribution relationships with ODMs and AiBs in June of 2001, SAPPHIRE has always been the key ATI Graphics Boards Supplier worldwide.
First sign of nVidia 7600 spotted
nVidia PCIe 6800 disappears

STRANGE THINGS are afoot in retail circles. The nVidia 6800 in its PCIe variety has all but disappeared. This leaves nVidia with a huge gap in its mid range wide open for the new 7600.

The reason this is strange is how little fuss has been made. The 6800 being quietly killed off doesn't make much sense with the current line-up. It leaves a well-catered low to mid end. There's the 6200 range starting at around $50 moving up to $70. Then there's the 6600 range taking over from about $70 to $180. Then there's a massive jump to the 7800GT starting at around $330.

A gap of $150 is a killer. It leaves that area of the market entirely to ATI which has plenty of products in that price range. So unless there's going to be a new, cheaper version of the 7800 about to hit the market, does this mean there is going to be a 7600 sooner than expected? Or is it late?

nVidia can't leave that gap open for long. The fact that it is there at all is a major surprise. It must mean that the 7600 or whatever was meant to fill that gap has been delayed because the channel just doesn't clear like that by itself. There are obviously no 6800s going in.

nVidia hadn't managed to comment by the time of going to press but you can expect something to happen soon. µ