Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Square-Enix)

Dragon Quest fora do Japão

Iwata: "With the release of Dragon Quest IX, there are two things I'd like to make reality. The first is to build a thriving Japanese game market together with Dragon Quest that rivals the West's. The second is to form a strong tag team to promote Dragon Quest overseas. At Nintendo, we were able to popularize the Brain Age series overseas, which was said to be unmarketable. I want to increase the number of people worldwide that understand the appeal of Dragon Quest, which represents all Japanese gaming culture...even if that only turns out to be a single person. I'm looking forward to working together with Mr. Horii and Square Enix."

Avalanche de Imagens:




















Fazer um bump a isto, como se sabe o jogo foi adiado para o Verão no Japão devido a um (ou vários) bugs graves, que se especulam ser a nivel de infraestrutura online:

Square Enix Reminds Us Of Dragon Quest IX Delay With Trailer

With five months to go until Dragon Quest IX comes out in Japan there is plenty of time for Square Enix to refuel the hype train. For starters, they just released a “new” Dragon Quest IX trailer on their YouTube channel with glorious looking gameplay footage.

By “new” I mean new for the public. This trailer with fire spell casting and King Slime squishing was originally shown at Jump Fiesta with one slight change. The release date has been updated to say July 11. How painful would it have been if Square Enix forgot to change the release date?


-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClwnWcuupD8
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/2009/02/24/square-enix-reminds-us-of-dragon-quest-ix-delay-with-trailer/
O raio do jogo tem mesmo bom aspecto!

Com este atraso no Japão há alguma hipotese do jogo sair no ocidente ainda este ano?
Não sei, mas dado que o adiamento é para limpar bugs/optimizar código e o jogo está feito a Square-Enix seria estupida se não aproveitasse para o começar a localizar atempadamente e tentar fazer um lançamento fora do Japão ainda este ano.

Mas... Se o vão fazer ou não... não sei. O Dragon Quest V saiu agora na América e Europa e o Dragon Quest VI ainda não tem data embora a Square-Enix América tenha dito em entrevista que já o está a localizar... Já este que tem data no Japão não tem data cá fora ou informação de que vai vir antes do Dragon Quest VI.... argh!

É esperar, se tiverem juizo sim.
Actriz idosa quer jogar Dragon Quest IX antes de morrer:

Elderly Actress Wants More Dragon Quest Before Death


We've been waiting for Dragon Quest IX for a long time. For most of us, we can wait a little longer for the game to come out, but, but not 75-year-old Japanese actress Keiko Awaji.

For her, it's a matter of life or death.

Japanese film actress Keiko Awaji wants to play new Dragon Quest and pronto. Awaji, who has appeared in over 160 movies since 1949 including Akira Kurosawa's police noir Stray Dog, said this about DQ, "I won't live forever. I'd like to play two more more games... I really want them to put out a new game once every two years."

Awaji is a big fan of role-playing games, including Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Mother (known in the West as Earthbound).
Fonte: http://kotaku.com/5167818/elderly-actress-wants-more-dragon-quest-before-death

Às vezes ponho-me a pensar se realmente vou estar "em condições" de jogar quando chegar a estas idades...

Era bom que sim, porque infelizmente a vida agora não me dá tempo nenhum para isto. Ando a coleccionar jogos às carradas, para ficarem ali na prateleira. Se ao menos eu ainda tiver uma boa saúde daqui a 50/60 anos, que é quando provavelmente estarei na reforma...


Hmm.. vi esta imagem:


Isto é real? O jogo vai ter dois cartuchos? É o primeiro da DS a ter mais do que um não é? 256mb não lhes chega? :P
Agora que ando a jogar DQ estas imagens até me arrepiam. Custa-me acreditar que foi uma franchise que "ignorei" durante tanto tempo. É fácil perceber o porquê de tanto sucesso no Japão...

Can't wait :D
Última edição:

Dragon Quest IX Fever About to Spread Across Asia
It's only a month until the RPG hits Japanese DS's.


Does this girl, a 21-year-old named Kanoko who hails from lovely Kanagawa prefecture, look like she knows a lot about video games...or about much of anything else, for that matter? You'd be surprised. When Famitsu caught her in the Harajuku district of Tokyo and reminded her that Dragon Quest IX is due out in a month in Japan, Kanoko gushed that she "was so addicted to DQ" that she "filled a notebook with strategy" with her mother and sister.

Kanoko is one of the estimated four to five million people in Japan that will likely buy DQ9 when it hits stores July 11. Like most Dragon Quests, it's had a rocky development road. Originally announced December 2006, its debut and choice of hardware (the Nintendo DS) were a source of major consternation for Japanese gamers, with 46% of them saying the portable platform was not "the right choice" for the series in an early-2007 Famitsu.com poll.

Of course, since then, the Nintendo DS has become by far the most popular console platform in Japan, and gamers seem largely over the shock. In a poll of 1000 soon-to-be DQIX buyers (the results of which are in this week's print version of Famitsu), 71.7% of respondents said they already owned at DS, and 21.8% said they were planning to buy a DS alongside the game when it hits stores, the remaining 6.5% presumably mooching off their friends or whatever.

Famitsu asked these thousand gamers all kinds of odd questions, the answers to which are equally interesting. 30.7% of pollees plan to play DQ9 for one or two hours a day after purchasing it. When asked what they'll name their character, 56.4% said they'd use their nickname or Internet handle; 17.3% would use a name from some movie or novel they like, and 17.2% plan to just type in their own name. 26.7% said they'd be playing the co-op multiplayer with their friends. 23.9% said they wouldn't use multiplayer, and 29.6% didn't realize the feature existed at all.

DQ is nothing without its extensive job system, of course. 22.1% wanted "Fighter" to be their job, followed by the two advanced classes Magic Fighter (16.5%) and Paladin (10.5%). When asked what part of DQIX they were looking forward to the most, 63.7% were excited by the story, 45.5% by the fact it's on a portable machine, 33.1% the music, 30.1% the battles, and 29.8% the characters.
Fonte: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3174718
Ao que parece o jogo já esta terminado.

Vídeo promocional (7 minutos) :D

Parece-me provável que se venha a tornar no DQ mais vendido de sempre no Japão.
O jogo está terminado à muiiiiiito tempo :p O jogo estava pronto para o lançamento a 28 de Março que a Square-Enix falhou, a razão para o adiamento foi a descoberta de ultima hora de um bug grave na infraestrutura online do jogo.

Esqueces-te que o mercado japonês está em crise profunda, vai vender muito bem, mas quanto a bater recordes tenho duvidas.