PC/Mac/Linux Dead Cells (Motion Twin)


Developer: Motion Twin
Publisher: Motion Twin
Release: 10 May, 2017

Roguelike, Rogue-lite, roguelike-like, rogueschmike! No matter what you call them, the world could always use another! As such, we'd like to present for your consideration, the illegitimate child of the roguelike and the metroidvania, the RogueVANIA. Anywho, enough with the sales pitch, let’s take a closer look.

By metroidVania, we’re really talking about a fixed, hand designed, interconnected world. The game takes place on an immense island that never changes. All of the biomes, bosses and the paths between them are present right from the start. Getting to them is another story...

However, in Dead Cells, death replaces the traditional backtracking mechanic of a metroidvania. At first, seemingly unreachable areas will be strewn across your path, but answers to these riddles will appear as you explore the island. Be it a key, a new acrobatic skill or a forgotten spell. Once uncovered, this knowledge will stay with you, allowing you to unlock new paths to your goal.Sick of the stinking sewers? Head over the ramparts and take a breath of fresh air! It’s your skill, playstyle and of course the loot you find that will determine your path.

Furthermore, as the term "RogueVania" might (not so) subtly imply, we were also quite heavily influenced by the recent wave of roguelites. When there are no checkpoints to save you from your screw-ups, the adrenaline kicks in. And when you lose, you lose big, so you’ve got to make it out alive. Instead of relying on the classic formula of memorising the level design and enemy placement, procedural generation allows us to reward your instincts, reflexes and ability to adapt to evolving situations.

Having said this, we’re conscious that the words “procedural generation” conjure up images of crappy levels and uninteresting gameplay in a lot of gamers’ minds. So we’ve chosen a hybrid solution, with each run being a mashup of carefully designed “chunks” of level. The idea is to give you the feeling of meticulously handcrafted world, while making sure you have a new experience every time.

Don’t expect it to be a walk in the park though. Pattern based monsters and demanding boss fights will teach you to choose your battles and build your strength. Every weapon has its own unique feel and rolling and dodging will become second nature, as you learn to manage the mobs of monsters that will overwhelm the unprepared. We’re going after that “tough, but fair” feeling.

Tired of the violence and death? Explore a bit, take a stroll, enjoy the view from the ramparts, find a secret room. Thomas and Gwen, our graphic artists, never miss an opportunity to impress with their pixelart and shape a world worth exploring. You might even learn a little more about the lore of the place, who knows?



“Dead Cells may be the most fun I've had in a game all year.”
9/10 – Polygon

“[...] The game smartly dissects what’s so exciting about Metroidvanias (exploring labyrinthine levels packed with variety, unlocking new abilities that re-contextualize areas you already passed through) and reassembles those things around a compulsive roguelike core.”

“[...] Dead Cells is worthy of its own invention. It’s not just a roguevania – it’s a damn good roguevania.”
Rock Paper Shotgun
Bem o jogo foi me oferecido hoje (:D), e já estive no vicio um pouco e adorei! Já tinha visto uns playthrough e estava-me moer por dentro não o conseguir jogar. O jogo ainda esta em EA mas esta a levar uns bons updates!
Já conto com 9 horas de jogo. Está bastante bom embora precise de limar algumas arestas, e na minha opinião está fácil demais para o tipo de jogo que é.
Cada vez estou a gostar mais do jogo :D

Btw novo update:


Hey everyone!

We're happy to announce that we've pushed our first major content update for Dead Cells on the Beta branch! Wait... What? Branches?

We're going to be releasing all of our updates into beta for at least a week before we release them into the wild. This means that if you want to play all the latest features you can, but that you'll also be exposed to all the newest bugs and crashes... Read on if you're game!

How do I get in?
To access the beta follow these instructions:
  • Go to your Steam game library
  • Right click on Dead Cells and click "properties"
  • Select the tab "Betas"
  • In the first dropdown box select "beta - "
  • Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading
  • Start playing.

If you play with your save files in the beta version, you will not be able to use them in the stable version, until we push the beta branch out to the public.

If you are worried about losing you save then head over here: "steam\userdata\<ID>\588650\remote" and copy the files somewhere safe.

You can have one save slot dedicated to the beta branch and one to the old branch simultaneously, but you must revert to the stable branch to be able to use it.

So what's new?
This update focuses mainly on fixing the things that you've asked for or that have been causing bugs. That means it's focused on gameplay and the feeling of weapons and items. We're calling it the elemental update for a reason...


The Elemental Update:
  • New mechanics related to elemental damage, particularly fire mean that you will now be burning enemies to death in a sort of grisly pyre of pixel art.
  • Oil based items now actually do what they're supposed to and there are new weapons that go hand in hand with them... Got the urge to burn something? Yes, we mean in the game!
  • New Items and affixes: New weapons, skills and passives attributes! Including many triggering elemental effects, oil grenades, electricity conducting water and more... We can’t wait to nerf it all for you!
Monsters & NPCs:
This update didn't see us finishing as many NPCs as we had hoped, but that's because we wanted to introduce some new enemies into the base regions. Having said that we did manage to add a few new characters...
  • New enemies: Please give a warm welcome to your two new neighbours. Especially this one, he is super shy and easily scared...


  • New NPCs: We've got new merchants in town. Also that guy with the scroll now does what he's supposed to. Plus there is some weird creature hanging out in the sewers...


  • Shop: New Deals of the Day! feature - You might now find items of unusually high quality sold by the merchants. It won’t come cheap though.

Combat & Extras:
The rest of the changes are mostly tweaks except for the work that we did on making shields more interesting to use and traps and turrets a little less cheesable.
  • Shield rework: Shields now allow for a more defensive playstyle. Your character is no longer locked after a successful parry and all shields provide a short force field when you take damage. Cherry on the cake, you can finally send back those annoying red bombs to their owners!
  • Skills rework: Turrets, meat grinders and most of the others deployable traps now require you to be around them in order to function correctly. This is to bring the cheese level down a little bit...

Achievements & Stats:
Ingame Stats and Steam achievements are now available! The first wave of steam achievement is IN and while everyone can see them you can only unlock them if you venture in to the wilds of the beta branch... We hope you’ll have fun figuring them out.

Also, you can now see some stats on your in-game performances if you go and talk to the odd little chap that hangs around in the start room... He'll tell you just how bad you are and have a great time doing it!


We've been receiving offers from people for help with translating the game into their own languages and in some cases we've taken them up on that. A big thank you to anyone who did help out!

To make the whole process easier we've added support for Steam Workshop mods related to translations! So if you want to help you can get involved!

We will do another post with detailed instructions on how to get involved, but if you can't wait you can follow these instructions here:

How to create a language mod

1. Configuration:

First create a new directory on your computer (e.g. C:\test\dc).

Then copy the file "settings.json" (which you can find in the Dead Cells lang directory) in to the newly
created directory and open it with any text editor.

This file contains the settings of your mod:
- category: "language"
- name: the name of the language (in that language)
- lang.code: the ISO-639-1 code of the language (e.g. fr, zh, en) with an optional country code (e.g. en-us, fr-ca, zh-cn)
- lang.src: the source language (available: en, fr)
- lang.chars: the font/chars to use for this language (currently available: latin, simplified chinese, greek, cyrillic)

2. Create your .po file

Dead Cells localization is based on Gettext.
You should use the free editor Poedit (https://poedit.net/) to manage your translations.

In Poedit, choose "Create new translation" and select the main-en.pot file in the lang directory of Dead Cells.
You can now save it as a new file named "main.po" in the directory you created in the first step.

3. Translate

There's nothing unusual about the translation process.
Variables are noted ::var:: You must keep exactly the same variables in the translated text, but the order may change.
For example "The big house has ::var:: windows." can be "There are ::var:: windows in the big house."

4. Test

You can test your mod locally. Open a command line, go to the Dead Cells directory then launch:
deadcells.exe --workshop-test <path>
Where <path> is the local path of your mod.
deadcells.exe --workshop-test c:/test/dc

5. Upload

Open a command line, go to the Dead Cells directory and run:
deadcells.exe --workshop
Follow the prompts.
Cada vez gosto mais do jogo, hoje pela primeira vez derrotei o boss da The Black Bridge e ainda cheguei ao Graveyard e morri lá porque não me lembrei daqueles gajos que criam o nevoeiro mas mesmo assim foi uma bela de uma run. Fica aqui a minha build que usei ate morrer.


Em termos de skill points tinha, 5,8 e 4.
Comprei o jogo ha 3 dias e vou com 12h naquilo. Vicio puro. Nao joguei um metroidvania tao bom desde rogue legacy e shovel knight.
Epá eu tenho vontade, mas como tenho a library gigante e muito para me entreter, posso esperar por uma boa promoção ;) Mas vou comprar, mais cedo ou mais tarde.
Comprei isto nas promoções. Ainda nem instalei.

Sou fã do velho Super Android da Super Nintendo e mais recentemente AMEI o Ori and the Blind Forest.

Tenho andado a dar uns toques no Hollow Knight mas não me está a prender...
Ontem instalei o jogo e joguei cerca de umas 2 3 horas, e não tem estado fácil de conseguir passar o 2 nível.. ( não costumo muito jogar este tipo de jogos, mas estou a adorar este)
Roadmap update and new alpha available for the brave few...


Heya friends,

Hope everything is going well for you! On our side, the first month of 2018 has been an opportunity to reflect on the past year and the crazy journey we began with you 8 months ago, when we launched Dead Cells into Early Access. It's definitely not the same game we started with, and we owe the community for many of the improvements we’ve implemented since then.

It's now time to lay out what's left to be done before coming out of Early Access. Of course, everything is subject to change, we're only humans in a world full of uncertainties, etc. etc. you know the usual disclaimers, but here is how the things are planned for now:

We're almost done with the development of the last level and the final boss of Dead Cells (before the release). We're reopening the Alpha Branch soon to let the most dedicated players take on the game breaking bugs and bring us the first batch of feedback we need to tweak these two majors additions. Then, the content will be made available on the Beta Branch, opening it to more players and letting us polish it until it’s up to our usual standard of completion.

From here the team will be breaking up into smaller tactical strike groups. We’re close to V1.0, but there are still stacks of things to do. Some of us will be working on the next “mini updates” that will be coming out between now and launch. Some of the devs will be completing the Mac and Linux versions of the game. Pretty much all of us will have a lot of QA work to do. Finally, there will still be some of us working on new content. Let’s take a look at the details.

After the 6th update goes live in March we’ll push 1 or two (depending on time) mini-updates that will contain some extra content that we’ve been working on; challenge room re-works, more tinkering with the Forge mechanic, UI and cosmetic changes, balancing, QA updates, bug fixes and all of that other good stuff that will help us move towards something that we can call “finished”.

This also when we will be looking to finally bring the game to the Linux and Mac communities, as promised. We hope you can forgive us for having to reschedule the release of these builds until much closer to the end of the early access, it was done to keep us from losing time maintaining multiple builds.

Some lucky beggars (next round is on you by the way) will be focused on finding clever ways of implementing the lore of Dead Cells for the 1.0 release. We're still experimenting in order to find the right process of telling the story without messing with the pacing of the game. This will probably take a while and is the last major missing piece of the puzzle.

But wait! It doesn’t end with 1.0. We think we’ve shown that we’re committed to doing Early Access right, but we’re also all about doing games right. So, as we approach the final release, we’ll have some of our guys hard at work thinking up our first free DLC content addition. And by content, we mean playable, explorable, fightable content. This will come soon after the V1.0 release of the game and did I mention that it’ll be free?

Here is a TLDR; version of the roadmap to make sure we're all on the same page. We’ll also mention some events we wish to attend, so you can come insult us or buy us a beer, or even both, depending on where you side on the whole "Dead Cells coming to console" deal.

February: Opening the Alpha branch (and then the Beta branch in the course of the month) to the player willing to test the 6th Update.

March: Release of the 6th Update. Team breaks up into tactical assault teams. Some take the plane for San Francisco where we will be attending the GDC.

Mid/Late April: Release of the first mini update. We will be in Boston for the Pax East and London for the Rezzed expo.

May/June: Linux and Mac builds available.

Q3/Q4 2018: Release out of Early Access.

2 to 4 months after the release: Content heavy Free DLC

Beyond: No idea, but if you got some, put it in the comments!

Finally, to address the concerns that porting the game to console will slow down the dev. We’ve always had a technical team here working behind the scenes on optimizing the game and making sure our tech works on all the different rigs out there. We’ve hired an extra technical developer, so he and another technical team member are responsible for making the console things work. This means that the gameplay guys, the team that has been building your levels/bosses, the same guys in charge of finishing the game, will be free to continue doing their thing without having to slow down for anything other than gameplay related issues (or life, one of them is expecting their first kid in March for example). Seeing the reactions… Well, it maaaaaay have been a good idea to mention that last week when announcing the console version, so apologies for the undue heart palpitations.

Now to finish up on a high note and draw attention to the great people out there who fill our days with cool drawings, funny memes and awesome comics.

Peace out,
The Motion Twin Team
Alguém a jogar isto? Estou completamente viciado!

Sai de EA dia 7.

Ontem em busca da spyder rune cheguei ao high peek castle e matei o the watcher e o assassin pela primeira vez nessa run

O the watcher esta muito fácil é só preciso paciencia e nem tinha arco ou crossbow, só a oiled sword e o blast de gelo.
Última edição: