MMO ArchLord

Já transferi a minha conta, e criei um char novo no novo servidor para jogar com um amigo, agora há a 3a classe das moonelfs, e vai haver a 4ª racça com as calsses: Orbiter, Slayer e Summoner... dizem também que o update ira retirar o lag do jogo, podendo usar-se as teclas W,A,S,D como no servidor coreano

De resto ta tudo igual :P

Que acham? Já alguém experimentou este novo?
Se alguém estiver interessado em dar um certo refresh em relação ao Archlord, experimentem o SUN Online. Está mesmo muito parecido em muitas questões. Classes com o mesmo nome, mesmo sistema de quests, etc.
O jogo passou para a Webzen:

Na altura da transição creio que até foi possível transferir chars da Codemasters para a Webzen.

Isso significa que quem não transferiu o Character acabou de o perder?

Quer dizer que para voltar a jogar temos de começar tudo do 0, e um char de nivel 44 é jogado fora de um momento po outro sem sequer notificarem os jogadores de tal transição com um email sequer?

Que falta de profissionalismo, se já não der para transferir o char....para mim morreu o jogo e os restantes da codemasters....fsdp.>(
Tenho ideia de receber mail na altura a avisar. Mas eu também só estava em lvl 23 e já me tinha saturado do jogo.

Agora não sei se ainda é possível. É pesquisar nos forums do jogo e assim...
Webzen Archlord Chaotic Frontier Episode 4
Forest of Scream Lvl (31-40)

Land of Ice Lvl (41-47)

Dungeaon 1F Lvl (48-55)

Dungeaon 2F Lvl (56-60)

Forest of Pain Lvl (61-6

Tower of Despair Lvl (69-70 )

Chaotic Frontier Unique Features


There are regions from level 31 to 70 included in the Chaotic
Frontier available to all players. Each Chaotic Frontier region
requires a valid passport to teleport in. You can obtain the
passport by hunting down monsters and use just like the
other ordinary passports, although the entire passports for Chaotic
Frontier would be possessed.


Various types of Chaotic Frontier Passports

Forest of Scream passport , Land of Ice Passport, Dungeaon 1F Passport
Dungeaon 2F Passport, Forest of Pain Passport, Tower of Despair Passport.

Ex) With one Forest of Pain Passport :

You can teleport to Forest of Pain in the Chaotic Frontier You cannot use it when in
combat or on a siege battlefield .


Level Adjustment

The Chaotic Frontier includes 6 different levels of regions.
Your character's level will be automatically adjusted
depending on which field of Chaotic Frontier you walk into.
If your character's level is lower than the region's level is higher than
the region's level you may enter that place . The charecter's level well be set to the
region's level as soon as you enter the realm. Not only you level but also
your ability will be adjusted as well. Please refer to the following tabble for more information.

If you enter the realm where if lower than your level , you may not achieve the experience as
well as your equipped items function would not work. ( Don't worry. It will come back when
you are out of the realm.)
Then you might wonder why the high level players are willing to
enter the low level realms of Chaotic Frontier. It is because the
monsters in Chotic Frontier realms drop the exclusive set-item as well as the Unique Accesory items.

Entering the realm where is lower than your level

**You cannot enter the realm if the realm level is higher than your level

You Character's LVL 85 >>>> ENTER IN THE Forest of Pain = You Character's LVL 68

-You cannot achieve experience.
-You ability be set to the level 68's ability.
-Any equipped items that exeed the realm's level will be disabled.

Chaotic Frontier Monsters


Forest of Screal ( Level 31 - 40 )

Monster Name:

-Winged Latch Deck Lvl 31
-Hook Jester Lvl 33
-Volcano Wold Form Lvl 35
-Master Wood Lvl 36
-Battle Beast Soldier Lvl 37
-Battle Beast Chaser Lvl 39
-Battle Beast Commander Lvl 40



Land of Ice ( Level 41 - 47 )

Monster Name:

-Feathered Wing Soldier Lvl 41
-Whitesnow Capter Lvl 43
-Icebery Bear Lvl 45
-Ice Death Scorpion Lvl 46
-Frost Horned Deathmute Lvl 47



Dungeon 1F ( Level 48 - 55 )

Monster Name:

-Balloondog Clover Lvl 48
-Balloondog Diamond Lvl 49
-Balloondog Spade Lvl 51
-Spear Master Green Lvl 52
-Spear Master Grey Lvl 53
-Spear Master Yellow Lvl 55



Dungeon 2F ( Level 56 - 60 )

Monster Name:

-Gristorm Rex Puncher Lvl 56
-Gristorm Rex Star Lvl 57
-Gristorm Rex Crusher Lvl 58
-Hungerman Walker Lvl 59
-Minotaur Axe Lvl 60



Forest of Pain ( Level 61 - 68 )

Monster Name:

-Serpent Witch Lvl 61
-Chainsword Dancer Lvl 62
-Reptilian Soldier Lvl 63
-Sabre Marylith Lvl 65
-Rattleviper Lvl 66
-Sky Avenger Soldier Lvl 67
-Tigerorus Lvl 68



Tower of Despair ( Level 69 - 70 )

Monster Name:

-Succubus Humble Lvl 69
-Squad Captain Lvl 70


Collectible Armor Sets And Unique Accessories :

At CHaotic Frontier, the exclusive collectible armor sets and
unique accessory items are lying in wait for the adventurous
warriors. These armor sets cannot be told they are more
powerful than the Elemental sets' , however they are much
easier to achieve. Also, each class will have two fifferent sets
of Chaotic Frontier Armory, which contain same abilities but
diffent sicket numbers, I socket with purple color sets and 2 sockets with red color sets.

Chaotic Frontier realm armor sets do not have helm parts.
Chaotic Frontier realm armor sets do not have any level requirements.
Also, there will be additional abilities that you can have it you wear full-set of the armory.


Human Knight: Aaron ( Color RED )
Human Knight: Excan ( Color PURPLE )

Human Archer: Robindole ( Color RED )
Human Archer: Mars ( Color PURPLE )

Human Mage: Serreno ( Color RED )
Human Mage: Ewan ( Color PURPLE )

Orc Berserker: Nuendo ( Color RED )
Orc Berserker: Kildemor ( Color PURPLE )

Orc Hunter: Gorgan ( Color RED )
Orc Hunter: Shakran ( Color PURPLE )

Orc Sorcerer: Lytillo ( Color RED )
Orc Sorcerer: Zwan ( Color PURPLE )

Moonelf Swashbbuckler: Jerman ( Color RED )
Moonelf Swashbbuckler: Camian ( Color PURPLE )

Moonelf Ranger: Gonos ( Color RED )
Moonelf Ranger: Remulos ( Color PURPLE )

Moonelf Elementalist: Bibulan ( Color RED )
Moonelf Elementalist: Siasien ( Color PURPLE )
















More Info:
Gostaria de saber se alguem conhece alguma guild tuga ou com gente tuga no archlord?

e ja agora gostava de saber qual é o server onde maior parte joga, ja que eu estou no Europe - Brumhart

Char: Sciontuga
Class: Scion - Summoner
Lvl: 14
Server: Brumhart
nao sei, eu so comecei a jogar ontem, mas curtia ter alguem com quem jogar que estar aqui a jogar sem ninguem nao mete la muita pica... é que nao conheco ninguem que jogue este jogo
Gostaria de saber se alguem conhece alguma guild tuga ou com gente tuga no archlord?

e ja agora gostava de saber qual é o server onde maior parte joga, ja que eu estou no Europe - Brumhart

Char: Sciontuga
Class: Scion - Summoner
Lvl: 14
Server: Brumhart

Já existe um post externso sobre o Archlord apesar de ja se encontrar inativo a bastante tempo.
Pode ser que no link anterior exista alguma referência de sites/foruns das guilds que continuem ativos.
Boas Revenant, já não jogo a 1-2 anos apesar de ainda ter subido alguns personagens a lvl 30-55 depois da mudança da codemasters para a Webzen.

Agora tenho parado pelo thread do LOTRO aqui ao lado :)