Xbox Redfall (Arkane Studios)


Scene 1 | Scene 1

Scene 2 | Scene 2

Scene 3 | Scene 3

Scene 4 | Scene 4

Scene 5 | Scene 5

Scene 6 | Scene 6

Scene 7 | Scene 7

É incrível o quanto semelhantes são à lupa.

O máximo que noto é como que não há uma real perca de definição, mas mais um sharpening na quality mode, que outra coisa. Deixa todo o "cancelar um modo 60FPS" como completamente :n1qshok:. É raro ver tão pouca diferença em modos.

Nem vale a pena divagar em trade-offs, amanhã a DF dá os resultados.
Última edição:
Como continuar a gastar recursos só porque sim...

Nah,tem dlc para entregar tem mais é que trabalhar o jogo. E mesmo depois do dlc sair,se coisas como o always online não tiver sido desactivado por essa altura.

Dito isso espero que a malta da Arkane Texas esteja a fazer o suposto o Dishonored 3 que estava naqueles papéis da MS que fizeram upload erradamente no processo da Activision. Daquela lista aquele é o que mais acredito.
Se existissem estes modos no início não tinha havido metade do backslash.
Sendo FP ainda bem que não caíram no erro de não haver paridade entre S e X.
Qq dia jogo isto em co-op com um amigo, íamos jogar no início mas os 30fps e criticas afastaram - nos dessa ideia
Se existissem estes modos no início não tinha havido metade do backslash.
Sendo FP ainda bem que não caíram no erro de não haver paridade entre S e X.
Qq dia jogo isto em co-op com um amigo, íamos jogar no início mas os 30fps e criticas afastaram - nos dessa ideia

Eh,não. Algumas críticas tinham desaparecido,mas o jogo ainda tinha múltiplos outros problemas comparando com o que eles queriam que a gente o comparasse(Far Cry,Borderlands).
E polimento no geral.
Eh,não. Algumas críticas tinham desaparecido,mas o jogo ainda tinha múltiplos outros problemas comparando com o que eles queriam que a gente o comparasse(Far Cry,Borderlands).
E polimento no geral.
Sim, não tinha feito do jogo bom, no entanto o não ter os 60 FPS fez com que houvesse um predisposição maior para a crítica.
Tudo no jogo estava mau, acho que o não ter 60 fps era o menor dos problemas.

Era um dos casos que não devia ter saído do papel
Não é como Dizes.

Eu acabei e tinha/tem partes muito porreiras. Nada arrependido, mas passei quase sempre no PC devido às frames.

Mas o lançamento devia ser agora neste update.
Agora vamos perceber o que vão fazer a partir daqui, faltam lançar 2 personagens.
E já foi dito que jogo é para continuar a ser suportado, vamos ver como vão criar conteúdos para trazer a malta.
Não é como Dizes.

Eu acabei e tinha/tem partes muito porreiras. Nada arrependido, mas passei quase sempre no PC devido às frames.

Mas o lançamento devia ser agora neste update.
Agora vamos perceber o que vão fazer a partir daqui, faltam lançar 2 personagens.
E já foi dito que jogo é para continuar a ser suportado, vamos ver como vão criar conteúdos para trazer a malta.

Claro que não, um relógio estragado também está certo duas vezes por dia.

Concordamos em discordar, para mim deve ter sido das piores coisas que já joguei, problemas nas texturas , AI inexistente, personagens que desaparecem. Takedown stealth era um murro nas costas.

Aliás se bem me lembro mesmo a avaliação se passou os 50% no Open critic foi muito.

Podes ter gostado, aliás eu também por vezes gosto de coisas esquisitas, mas não invalida que no final seja uma grande bosta.

A melhorar agora é tarde, já deu é deixar morrer e não remexer em memórias reprimidas.
São opiniões de cada um.
A minha é que o jogo devia ser enterrado no deserto como o jogo ET da atari.
Partam para outra e não percam mais tempo com isto.
O jogo quando saiu não haver modo 60fps foi completamente esquecido dado tudo o resto que faltava para um jogo AAA. A dar um rework decente vai demorar mais 4 anos... Ora para isso façam um novo jogo.
Meninos da The Coalition foram chamados Unreal Engine é com eles.
Malta da Rare também.
A Digital Foundry teve uma semana preenchida com a chegada da expansão do Cyberpunk, e outras análises já alinhavadas com lançamentos (datas previstas c/ antecedência) e os pod/videocasts semanais.
Quero acreditar que passou mais de uma semana sem análise ao Update (fervorosamente exigido) devido a isto, e porque estão a prever fazer algo "in depth". Porque senão, vou encher o XTwitter deles todos de DMs a reclamar.

A Digital Foundry teve uma semana preenchida com a chegada da expansão do Cyberpunk, e outras análises já alinhavadas com lançamentos (datas previstas c/ antecedência) e os pod/videocasts semanais.
Quero acreditar que passou mais de uma semana sem análise ao Update (fervorosamente exigido) devido a isto, e porque estão a prever fazer algo "in depth". Porque senão, vou encher o XTwitter deles todos de DMs a reclamar.

No ultimo podcast dedicaram 15 minutos ao update do jogo e indicaram que o Oliver está a fazer uma analise ao update que sairá em breve.

O Alex também disse que no PC em situação Cpu Bound a performance do jogo subiu cerca de 50%, e que o mesmo deve ter acontecido na consola.

Última edição:

Both Series consoles receive quality and performance modea, targeting 30fps and 60fps respectively. Curiously, frame-rate apart, there's very little difference between the two options on Series X. All basic visual settings are more or less a match, including performance-sapping settings like shadow resolution, foliage density, and draw distance. They look remarkably similar at a glance.
hey also look very similar even when you zoom in closely, because both modes resolve a good-looking 4K image. You do see a bit more image breakup in the performance mode, but there's a clear, high detail 4K image in both that maximizes the pixel grid of an ultra HD display. The key here is upsampling: the performance mode renders at 1080p, with some form of upsampling taking it to an effective 3840x2160 resolution, while the quality mode continues to render at a full 4K, but both project a convincing enough 4K image. When we bring in the PC version and compare it to the Series X performance mode, the aliasing patterns at similar internal resolutions using FSR 2 closely resemble the Series X code, so I suspect that FSR 2 is the upsampling solution of choice here.
On Xbox Series S, there are a range of cutbacks here relative to the Series X code, some carried over from version 1.0 and some tweaked since that release. The shadows now enjoy the new high-res close-range shadow cascade, for instance, and closely resemble the Series X in resolution at close range. However, the shadows transition to a lower-res cascade closer to the camera than Series X, and exhibit much worse pop-in at range, which sometimes looks a bit off-putting.

Foliage is thinned out too, though it's not hugely impactful. Meanwhile, volumetric lighting is of a lower resolution, while textures are visibly poorer than the Series X equivalents, with comically poor results on certain objects. One welcome - and unexpected - change is that the Series S version now enjoys screen-space reflections, just like Series X, which were absent from version 1.0 on Series S.
The two Series S modes are a near-perfect match for each other in terms of visual settings, just like on Series X. There's really nothing to separate them when we stack them up side-by-side. Resolution is about 972p in the game's quality mode, with the performance mode rendering at 720p, again likely using FSR 2 to take it to 1440p or thereabouts. The performance mode has more image breakup but is otherwise a match in terms of image quality, and both modes produce a credible 1440p-class image at a reasonable distance.
The performance modes actually manage to hit 60fps quite consistently. Most of the time, you're getting a flat 60fps readout, with no fluctuations at all. Traversal stutter does reappear, though in less pronounced form than on the launch release. Usually there's a short pocket containing some 33ms frames, and then the game returns to a flat frame-time line. I also noticed a couple of dips in combat during multiplayer play, though I suspect these may be CPU-related as well. It's not perfect, but clearly the game is much more friendly to the Xboxes' Zen 2 CPUs than it was at launch, and I think it's a satisfactory turnout on the whole.
Última edição:
Spider-who Tech... :tareon:

A versão a 60FPS é transformativa.

É talvez o melhor exemplo de FSR2.0 a operar em consola atm, a enganar à versão nativa. Lembra a apresnetação inicial "bullshot" do FSR a correr no Deathloop, em exemplos escolhidos a dedo.

Mantenho o jogo na wishlist para jogar em Co-Op.

Redfall Update 3 Now Live On Xbox & PC, Here Are The Full Patch Notes​

Surprise! It's time for Redfall Update 3 on Xbox and PC! Bethesda has today rolled out the latest update for the game across all platforms, introducing a bunch of improvements along with a new UV-powered Unrivaled Sniper Rifle.

Known as the "Basilisk", this weapon is said to "charge the first bullet in a full magazine with UV power that can petrify Vampires". You can get it a look at it in the image above, and it'll drop "anywhere Unrivaled items are eligible".

In addition, Bethesda says it is "continuing development" on the Redfall Hero Pass and will share more information on the game's "new heroes and other updates" at some point later next year.

Here are the full patch notes for Redfall Update 3 on Xbox and PC:

On this page: Redfall Update 3 Now Live On Xbox & PC, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
  1. 1.WEAPONS
  2. 2.AI/NPC
  5. 5.HEROES
  8. 8.AUDIO


  • Introducing the Basilisk, a new Unrivaled Sniper Rifle with a unique weapon trait: This weapon charges the first bullet in a full magazine with UV power that can petrify Vampires. Does not affect enemies recently Petrified or immune to Petrification.
    • Basilisk can drop anywhere Unrivaled items are eligible, with a higher chance to drop from Bellwether-themed containers in the open world and vampire nests.


  • Shrouds, Anglers, and Siphons are now gated from spawning in the open world until players reach a specific level, or complete certain missions.
  • Balanced enemy abilities and traits:
    • Siphon’s Blood Torrent ability takes longer to interrupt when breaking line of sight.
    • Increased Siphon’s resistances to fire.
    • Vampires deal more damage to Bribón and Devinder’s Quantum Kerfuffle decoy when attacking from close range.
    • Soulless enemies deal more damage when attacking players from close range.
    • Watchers react faster to players in line of sight, and spawn reinforcements in combat more often.
  • Human enemies are now able to climb awnings.
  • Improved quality of enemy pathing and human movement animations.


  • Jacob's Camouflage Field skill will no longer cancel ADS for non-Jacob players.
  • Devinder's Ultraviolent Light skill no longer shatters Special vampires, and instead inflicts a large amount of damage to them. Regular vampires will still shatter.
  • Layla’s Psychic Shockwave no longer triggers multiple times from vampire lunge attacks.
  • Deathmist Spewers now respond to the UV burst from Emergency Flash Bang Blood Remnants.
  • Co-op players no longer lose their crouching ability when exiting a nest.
  • Bound civilians no longer show as cultists when pinged.


  • Refined search areas for several missions.
  • Added more respawn points to minimize cases where players are blocked from respawning after death.
  • Fixed locations where Devinder’s Translocate device can be thrown out of world.
  • Improved NPC patrol paths
  • “Amelia's Eulogy” triggers correctly after reloading the game.
  • Resolved issues with hostile and friendly states in “One of Us”.
  • Improved Totality’s responsiveness during the Black Sun boss fight.


  • All damage-dealing Hero abilities will now shatter vulnerable Nest hearts.
  • Jacob’s Six String backpack cosmetic is now shown with other Backpack cosmetics.
  • Hero thumbs should no longer clip into assault rifles when equipped.


  • Improved visibility of player locations on the Map.
  • Added input curve visuals for Input Response settings.
  • Voice chat now has a separate volume control option in the Audio Settings Menu.


  • Added Single Press options for the following toggle-Hold interactions: ADS, Continuous Fire and all Menus.
  • Screen narration no longer repeats the narration for the "Close" prompt when navigating the System Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where all platforms read as ‘Xbox’ by the screen narrator.
  • Pop-up countdown is narrated properly during first time use of the Accessibility Menu.
  • Speech-to-text messages now appear in front of the blur of dialog menus in the Main Menu.
  • Message-of-the-Day carousel no longer receives focus priority after exiting out of pop-up windows.
  • Increased player flashlight's fade speed when reflecting off surfaces.
  • Reduced Rook lightning dash attack impact brightness.


  • Hero outfit foley has been updated and balanced to reduce loudness.
  • Resolved issues with audio skipping during psychic echo playbacks.
  • Resolved an issue where music would stop playing after a player was revived during a vampire god fight.


  • Traversing through Deathmist should no longer cause performance issues.
  • Resolved issue with contact shadows interfering with self-shadowing.
  • Resolved issue with some Game Settings not persisting between game launches.
  • Restored default windowed mode to ‘Windowed Fullscreen’.
  • The game client now saves window location between game launches.
  • Various performance fixes related to FPS drops and stuttering.
  • Addressed edge-case crash condition with late joining game clients.

Redfall Update 3 Now Live On Xbox & PC, Here Are The Full Patch Notes​

Surprise! It's time for Redfall Update 3 on Xbox and PC! Bethesda has today rolled out the latest update for the game across all platforms, introducing a bunch of improvements along with a new UV-powered Unrivaled Sniper Rifle.

Known as the "Basilisk", this weapon is said to "charge the first bullet in a full magazine with UV power that can petrify Vampires". You can get it a look at it in the image above, and it'll drop "anywhere Unrivaled items are eligible".

In addition, Bethesda says it is "continuing development" on the Redfall Hero Pass and will share more information on the game's "new heroes and other updates" at some point later next year.

Here are the full patch notes for Redfall Update 3 on Xbox and PC:

On this page: Redfall Update 3 Now Live On Xbox & PC, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
  1. 1.WEAPONS
  2. 2.AI/NPC
  5. 5.HEROES
  8. 8.AUDIO


  • Introducing the Basilisk, a new Unrivaled Sniper Rifle with a unique weapon trait: This weapon charges the first bullet in a full magazine with UV power that can petrify Vampires. Does not affect enemies recently Petrified or immune to Petrification.
    • Basilisk can drop anywhere Unrivaled items are eligible, with a higher chance to drop from Bellwether-themed containers in the open world and vampire nests.


  • Shrouds, Anglers, and Siphons are now gated from spawning in the open world until players reach a specific level, or complete certain missions.
  • Balanced enemy abilities and traits:
    • Siphon’s Blood Torrent ability takes longer to interrupt when breaking line of sight.
    • Increased Siphon’s resistances to fire.
    • Vampires deal more damage to Bribón and Devinder’s Quantum Kerfuffle decoy when attacking from close range.
    • Soulless enemies deal more damage when attacking players from close range.
    • Watchers react faster to players in line of sight, and spawn reinforcements in combat more often.
  • Human enemies are now able to climb awnings.
  • Improved quality of enemy pathing and human movement animations.


  • Jacob's Camouflage Field skill will no longer cancel ADS for non-Jacob players.
  • Devinder's Ultraviolent Light skill no longer shatters Special vampires, and instead inflicts a large amount of damage to them. Regular vampires will still shatter.
  • Layla’s Psychic Shockwave no longer triggers multiple times from vampire lunge attacks.
  • Deathmist Spewers now respond to the UV burst from Emergency Flash Bang Blood Remnants.
  • Co-op players no longer lose their crouching ability when exiting a nest.
  • Bound civilians no longer show as cultists when pinged.


  • Refined search areas for several missions.
  • Added more respawn points to minimize cases where players are blocked from respawning after death.
  • Fixed locations where Devinder’s Translocate device can be thrown out of world.
  • Improved NPC patrol paths
  • “Amelia's Eulogy” triggers correctly after reloading the game.
  • Resolved issues with hostile and friendly states in “One of Us”.
  • Improved Totality’s responsiveness during the Black Sun boss fight.


  • All damage-dealing Hero abilities will now shatter vulnerable Nest hearts.
  • Jacob’s Six String backpack cosmetic is now shown with other Backpack cosmetics.
  • Hero thumbs should no longer clip into assault rifles when equipped.


  • Improved visibility of player locations on the Map.
  • Added input curve visuals for Input Response settings.
  • Voice chat now has a separate volume control option in the Audio Settings Menu.


  • Added Single Press options for the following toggle-Hold interactions: ADS, Continuous Fire and all Menus.
  • Screen narration no longer repeats the narration for the "Close" prompt when navigating the System Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where all platforms read as ‘Xbox’ by the screen narrator.
  • Pop-up countdown is narrated properly during first time use of the Accessibility Menu.
  • Speech-to-text messages now appear in front of the blur of dialog menus in the Main Menu.
  • Message-of-the-Day carousel no longer receives focus priority after exiting out of pop-up windows.
  • Increased player flashlight's fade speed when reflecting off surfaces.
  • Reduced Rook lightning dash attack impact brightness.


  • Hero outfit foley has been updated and balanced to reduce loudness.
  • Resolved issues with audio skipping during psychic echo playbacks.
  • Resolved an issue where music would stop playing after a player was revived during a vampire god fight.


  • Traversing through Deathmist should no longer cause performance issues.
  • Resolved issue with contact shadows interfering with self-shadowing.
  • Resolved issue with some Game Settings not persisting between game launches.
  • Restored default windowed mode to ‘Windowed Fullscreen’.
  • The game client now saves window location between game launches.
  • Various performance fixes related to FPS drops and stuttering.
  • Addressed edge-case crash condition with late joining game clients.
Interessante ver que estao a fazer alterações à IA/NPC, pode ser que daqui por uns tempos esteja um jogo bonzinho. Pena não terem adiado para ser mais bem recebido, a 1ª impressão é a que fica e a grande maioria nao volta a experimentar o jogo mais tarde.