Google Compute desassocia-se do F@H


Estava a ler o Folding-community quando me deparei com a seguinte thread:

Like the thread title says, has Google decided to not participate in the project any more?
I found the following statement on the Google Compute web page:

Thank you for your interest in Google Compute. The latest versions of the Google Toolbar do not support the Google Compute feature. If you would like to support the Folding@home project, please download the official Folding@home client.

I think it's a sad day for the project if Google is pulling out of the project, myself.
E é realmente o que aparece no fundo da página.

A resposta a esta thread:
Google compute supported FAH when it was at an early stage -- when FAH had ~10,000 active CPUs. At that time, a boost of 20,000 machines was very significant. Now, things are different. The FAH client is considerably more mature than it was 5 years ago and the project has a large number of active CPUs. The number of new clients joining Google compute was very low (most people opted for the FAH client instead) and so it didn't make sense to continue it. Indeed, the fraction of FAH clients through Google compute is relatively small. Also, the Google compute clients have certain hard limits (eg can only run the Tinker core and limited naming and team options). Due to all of these reasons, Google support has been minimal over the last few years and this is the natural conclusion of this.

While support from a company like Google is always good, the current formulation of Google compute doesn't quite make sense. We are considering alternate plans and proposals which might make more sense.

Finally, I should stress that this effects new toolbar clients. The old toolbar still works (to my understanding). Thus, there will be no new Google clients; however, there were very few new Google clients anyway. It's great that they have directed people to the FAH site and hopefully they will choose to run our client.

Vijay Pande diz ainda mais à frente que não haverão novas versões da google Compute, mas que as antigas versões continuarão a trabalhar.

Bem se é como dizem que apenas corria o core Tinker e que tinha algumas limitações de configuração, bem como a adesão ser minima, pode ser que a manter o redireccionamento para os clientes de Stanford possa ter um impacto positivo em termos de rendimento.

A ver vamos

Cumps :kfold: