Google Talk


Power Member

Google Talk, Google's long-expected entry into the IM and VoIP market, has arrived. As predicted, Google Talk is a full-fledged IM client based on the open Jabber protocol with VoIP thrown in for good measure.

Here's a quick run-down of what Google Talk has to offer: Basic IM capabilities, high-quality and easy to use VoIP, complete integration with Gmail, and a simple, ads-free interface. Read on for our preliminary review and a glimpse into Google Talk's future.

The download is tiny (about 900k) and the install is so quick and easy you don't even realize it's finished yet. You sign in with your Gmail account and are immediately presented with your (momentarily empty) buddy list. There's an Add Friend button, a "Search all contacts" field which searches both your Google Talk and Gmail contacts, and a drop-down under your name that lets you set your available/unavailable status and messages. There's also an Inbox button which takes you to Gmail, plus Help and Settings.

Clicking on a friend in your buddy list will open an IM window for that person, and clicking on the phone icon to the right of their name will start a voice session. The buddy list allows you to rename contacts and tweak other settings, like whether Gmail-only contacts are shown. When you have multiple IM windows open, they show up in a neat sliding interface which you can dock to the buddy list, "roll up," or tear away. The whole affair is the picture of simplicity and intuitiveness we've come to expect of Google, and is downright attractive to boot.

According to our friends at Google, there's a lot in store for Google Talk. Google is keenly interested in keeping the protocol open, and in fact you can access Google Talk's servers with any Jabber-compatible client like Trillian, Gaim, Adium X, and iChat. (If you have one of these, I'm told you can connect using server and port 5222.) Google tells us that SIP support is coming soon and are in talks with Skype, AOL, and Yahoo! concerning interoperability.

Another big feature they're working on is "joint search," which would allow two or more Google Talk buddies using Google and surfing the web together. This would be a natural segue to the fabled Google Browser, but there is as yet no confirmation from Google.

Google also tells us that they don't yet have solid plans on making money with the service, but plan on using it to drive users to Gmail.
Última edição:
greven disse:
Hmmm... parece interessante, mas se não suportar o protocolo do msn... onde estão 99.99 % dos meus contactos não me interessa.


15. What new features are you working on?

We could tell you, but then you'd have to promise to not talk about it... Joking aside, Google Talk is still in beta, and we're working hard to add features and make improvements. We're just not quite ready yet to reveal the other cool things we've got planned. We can say this, though: we believe strongly in user choice and open standards, and we are committed to letting users access Google Talk using the client and platform of their choice, as well as to enabling our users to talk with users from other service providers.

We also want to keep making Google Talk better and we want your ideas and feedback to help make this happen! Talk to us using the Help link in the Google Talk interface. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and what you'd really like.

Retirado das FAQs:

Já alguém experimentou?
Por mim era menos uma coisa da microsoft que passava a usar:)
parece ser bastante interesante...ei de exprimentar isso logo mais a noite :)
e que tal o pessoal aqui do forum instalar isso e adicionarmo nos uns aos outros pa testar isso.
_zZz_ disse:
da para fazer chamadas tipo skype? li que tinha voip,mas nao vi em lado nenhum um tarifario...

deve ser como o iol-talky ou la que raio...é voip mas so de pc para pc.....

EDIT: Google Talk is in beta and requires a Gmail username and password.
Última edição:
O melhor é que pode ser usado por imensos programas de IM, nomeadamente por iChat e Adiium no meu caso. Era muito fixe se adicionassem um sistema multi service provider. Esperemos para ver.
mas em termos de VOIP como é afinal o tarifário? e agr acontece-me algo estranho: iniciei com a minha conta gmail e aparecem-me apenas alguns do meus contactos do MSN, sejam contas gmail ou n. e n aparecem os outros contactos. n dá pra fzr import? é necessários que os outros possuam tmb o google talk?

Por mim era menos uma coisa da microsoft que passava a usar
that's it!

2. Who and where can I call? How long can I talk for? Is it really free?

Once your friends download Google Talk, you can talk to them anytime they're online. They can be anywhere in the world, and you can talk for as long as you want.

Oh yes, and it's free.
Última edição:
Google acaba de lançar o seu IM / VoIP, apenas para utilizadores do GMail, chamado de Google Talk.


eia, veio parar longe, aos admins que fizeram a integração do post mas valia terem-no apagado. Por lapso meu sstava colocado desde manhã 9:00-10:00 na secção de Software e Sistemas Operativos.
Última edição:
Bem, eu e o user rodaco estivemos a testar o G-Talkz :-D
... e tá aprovado, é bue de leve, lol.
nao ha smiles, nem piscadelas, nem imagens de apresentação.

A qualidade de som é baril, eu consegui ouvi-lo, mas ele nao me ouviu a mim pq eu nao tenho micro.
Agr estamos a ver onde se modifica o nick.
Parece que é uma beka maravilhoso pra alterar o nick: temos q ir á pagina do gmail alterar o nome :confused: Mas vamos dar tempo ao tempo, afinal isto é uma versão beta, ainda... falta mt coisa. como uma versão em PT de PT (nao do brazil).
Última edição:
Mas afinal o que é que eu posso fazer com isto que no MSN não faço? :confused:
É que o MSN 7.5 pode estar muito amaricado, mas tem todas as mariquices que eu quero e preciso! Na versão 8 poderá ter ainda mais mariquices que eu goste, mas que é que o Google talk tem de interessante?