Wii [Wiiware] Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People (Telltale, Aventura Gráfica)


Plasma Beam!
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People (popularmente abreviado para SBCG4AP) é uma série de 5 episódios mensais de aventuras gráficas baseadas no universo do web-cartoon Homestar Runner a serem feitas pela Telltale para o serviço Wiiware da Wii. O primeiro episódio sairá em Junho 2008.

A primeira pista para a existência do jogo foi dada através de um video no youtube feito pelos criadores da personagem; no video faz-se uma paródia às instruções de voo com instruções de segurança para o Wiimote. Seguida de vários outros teasers e press release.


-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?fmt=18&v=3uSyK2RdlUY (acima referido)
-> http://homestarrunner.com/sbcg4ap.html (teaser flash do site)
-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULy-1us8p1U (teaser da Telltale)

Tópico(s) relacionado(s):

-> [Wii] Sam & Max: Season One
Review de toda a série no Wiiware:

It’s hard to flat out recommend this game to everyone. The point and click adventure is a niche genre and the humor in Homestar Runner is the same way. Luckily, the people who enjoy one of these things tend to enjoy the other, so if you’re into one, or both, I’m giving this game a big fat “buy it” stamp of approval.
Fonte: http://www.n-philes.com/news/4594/review-strong-bads-cool-game-for-attractive-people/

ugh, negligenciei esta série à grande. :(
Vendas duplicaram com a storage solution:

WiiWare Sales of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Double with New Wii Storage Solution
Telltale CEO: "This is a major step forward for episodic gaming."

Telltale has announced that WiiWare sales of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, the first monthly episodic series on a console, have more than doubled since Nintendo's new storage solution was unveiled at the Game Developer's Conference in March. The Strong Bad series began releasing episodically on WiiWare in August 2008.

"Nintendo's new solution really opens the door for players to add to their collection of downloadable games, which is critical for a series with multiple installments," says Telltale CEO Dan Connors. "This is a major step forward for episodic gaming. We're looking forward to even greater success on WiiWare with Strong Bad, as well as other projects."

Like a TV series, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People is best enjoyed when the full five episode "season" is played in its entirety. Nintendo's new option to play WiiWare games directly from high-density SD cards gives customers a convenient way to enjoy this full-season experience.

Starring Strong Bad, the self-proclaimed "coolest person ever," and the rest of the characters from the popular Homestarrunner.com website, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People is a series of comedy games that play like interactive cartoons. Each episode features a unique storyline penned by series creators Mike and Matt Chapman and the writers of Telltale's award-winning Sam & Max series. Arcade-style mini games, achievements, and the ability to email Wii™ friends from Strong Bad's laptop complete the experience.

The Strong Bad games can be downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel for 1,000 points each. For more information on Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People on WiiWare, visit http://www.telltalegames.com/strongbad/wiiware. The series is also available for PC from Telltale's website.

Vendas duplicaram com a storage solution:


Depois disto mais vontade me dá em dar uma cabeçada na Nintendo por terem demorado tanto tempo a perceber aquilo que muitos já antes tinham percebido. Felizmente essa falha já está corrigida, agora é só esperar por mais e melhores jogos que apertem a consola no bom sentido.
Talvez.. o mais incrivel é que essas duas personagens nem são as mais "tristes". No meio daquilo tudo o Strong Bad é o mais normal.

Ando a jogar isto e volta e meia estou-me a rir.. a *awesomeness* do dialogos do Strong Bad é brutal.