Multiplataforma Dungeons Of Hinterberg (Microbird Games / Curve Digital)


Power Member

A big tourism industry has sprung up around the village of Hinterberg and its magical dungeons full of monsters and Alpine mythical creatures. Dungeons of Hinterberg is an action-adventure RPG set around this new tourist hotspot in the idyllic Austrian Alps.
Armed with a sword and a tourist guide, explore the beautiful surroundings and uncover the challenges hidden within its dungeons! Master magic, solve puzzles, slay monsters and build relationships; all this and more await you in Hinterberg!

"Dungeons of Hinterberg" will be coming to Xbox (GAMEPASS) and Steam in 2024


Explore the Alps!
Snowboard down a glacier, zipline through the forest, climb a mountain, or have a coffee by the lake... There’s no shortage of places to discover while you’re out looking for your next dungeon!


Slay in Style!

Monsters lurk around every corner in Hinterberg, and your sword and magic skills are essential for keeping them at bay. Harness the wind, conjure a snowboard out of thin air, or freeze your enemies in a jelly block!


Solve Your Way Out!

Braving a dungeon requires more than just cutting-edge sports gear and a good sword arm: Hinterberg’s dungeons are full of puzzles that will surprise and challenge you. Use your head, your magic skills, and every trick in the book to solve them!


Meet the Locals!

Spend your nights forging friendships with the locals and other adventurers! Some of them will help you get stronger or teach you new tricks, others are just here for excitement and selfies… But good relationships don't just make your stay more memorable - they're the key to becoming a better slayer!

Dungeons of Hinterberg | Social Side (Video)​

'Dungeons Of Hinterberg' Is Shaping Up Beautifully Ahead Of 2024 Xbox Game Pass Launch​

Here's 15 minutes of new gameplay footage

We can't stop peeking into that big Xbox Game Pass 2024 guide at the moment and trying to remind ourselves about all of the exciting titles arriving on the service next year, and one of them is the action-RPG, Dungeons Of Hinterberg!

This was revealed back at the Xbox Games Showcase 2023 in the summer, and now we've got some extended gameplay to take a look at! Above, you can watch 15 minutes of raw footage complete with developer commentary.

The big takeaway for us is that the art style is immediately captivating, and the gameplay seems to feature plenty of exploration, sword and magic-fueled combat, intriguing puzzles, and traversal by means of a snowboard!

In terms of a release date, all we know is that Dungeons of Hinterberg will arrive day one on Xbox Game Pass at some point in 2024, so we'll have to sit tight for now! In the meantime, here are some more details and screenshots:

"Armed with a sword and a tourist guide, explore the beautiful alpine village of Hinterberg and uncover the magic hidden within its dungeons! Master magic, solve puzzles, slay monsters; all this and more await you in Hinterberg!"

'Dungeons Of Hinterberg' Is Shaping Up Beautifully Ahead Of 2024 Xbox Game Pass Launch 1'Dungeons Of Hinterberg' Is Shaping Up Beautifully Ahead Of 2024 Xbox Game Pass Launch 2
'Dungeons Of Hinterberg' Is Shaping Up Beautifully Ahead Of 2024 Xbox Game Pass Launch 3'Dungeons Of Hinterberg' Is Shaping Up Beautifully Ahead Of 2024 Xbox Game Pass Launch 4

Ainda não me convençe a 100%, mas a música ... :msmiley1:.

Dungeons of Hinterberg Captures True Vacation Vibes (With Added Monster Slaying)​

  • Joe Skrebels, Xbox Wire Editor-in-Chief

The classic vacation dilemma – do we go out, experience this new place, and find activities to do; or do we just sit down and relax? When I started playing the first 5 hours of Dungeons of Hinterberg, I wasn’t expecting a video game to so perfectly capture a feeling I’ve had on every real-life trip I’ve taken. And yet, through a clever melding of action-puzzling and Persona-like social statistics, that’s exactly what I found myself thinking in this game’s early stages.

Dungeons of Hinterberg has a curious, unique set-up – it’s set in our world, but for that fact that, three years ago, mysterious dungeons popped up around the globe, packed with folklore-inspired monsters, and offering magical powers to those that travel there. We take on the role of Luisa, a disillusioned lawyer who’s travelled to Hinterberg – a picturesque Austrian resort town that’s made a tourist industry out of its 25 new dungeons – for a vacation.


While it could be simple story set-up, that vacation forms the entire structure of the game. Each day in Hinterberg is split up into Morning (usually accompanied by a story sequence), Noon (where you can decide to explore the game’s 4 biomes and tackle dungeons – or simply relax for stat boosts), Evening (where you can meet other characters in the town for various benefits), and Night (where you can either head to bed, or add more to your stat boosts for the day, with a penalty for staying up late).

It makes for a cycle that constantly has you assessing and reassessing what’s best for Luisa, not to mention your own curiosity. The overall structure here has the feel of a Persona game – you only get limited numbers of actions per day, and there are many characters to meet and social stats to level up, which come with their own benefits.


You may just want to look around for a while – Hinterberg and its surroundings are beautiful, rendered in a thin-lined comic book style and bold colors, a literal picture-postcard look – but who you choose to meet around the town comes with meaningful consequences. Entire mechanical systems are gated behind their friendship, and it’s a constant compulsion to work out what you want next. Do I want to hang out with abrasive journalist Travis, who unlocks a photo mode, or embittered blacksmith Hannah, who can help me improve my equipment in new ways?

But the other half of Dungeons of Hinterberg holds an entirely different experience. The overworld hubs hide secrets to discover and monsters to take down, while the titular dungeons held within them are tightly wound action-puzzle experiences in and of themselves, bringing to mind the likes of Zelda, Tomb Raider, even occasionally Mario levels.


I won’t go into too much detail here for fear of spoilers – discovering the dungeons’ tricks is a huge part of the game’s charm – but you’ll quickly realize that each new test can be extremely varied. Some are combat gauntlets, others filled with mechanical puzzles, and some bring entire perspective shifts, briefly turning the game into a side-scroller or an isometric adventure. This variety is helped along by the game’s magic system – each biome offers new spells, but they can only be used in that biome, meaning you’re effectively relearning how to use your abilities in each new place, and allowing Microbird to create fresh experiences in each location. That each spell can be used for exploration and combat only adds to the pleasure.

Combat is snappy and action-oriented, offering you a variety of moves, unlockable abilities, and a precious dodge roll, and you’ll quickly help Luisa turn from a tourist into a bona fide slayer. Couple that with RPG-inspired gear systems, and a web of mechanics created and expanded in an order that you help choose, and you have a truly compulsive cocktail.


But holding it altogether is that lazy vacation vibe – this never feels like a stressful game, like you’re being pushed from story beat to story beat. Instead, I’ve been choosing to spend some days exploring, and others relaxing, knowing that I’m always building my stats in some way, free to explore this strange destination at my leisure. It’s a truly unusual feeling for an action game to get across – and one I’m sure I’ll be thinking about well beyond my stay.

Dungeons of Hinterberg arrives for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows PC, and Cloud on July 18. Play it day one with Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.